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Thread: Experiment begins(ascorbic acid)
07-07-2005, 12:33 PM #161
ohh by the way I have dropped my testosterone dosage down to 250mg/week for the last 2,5 weeks.
07-09-2005, 08:11 AM #162Junior Member
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So whats the final verdict here? I have a bottle of 1,000mg pills of Vit. C laying around the house to take when I get a cold, should I be taking these pre and post workout for enhanced recovery and other benefits?
07-09-2005, 08:15 AM #163
I can say one thing. Mega dosages of vitamin c wont hurt and will improve your health. If it has performance enhancing effects when taken oral I dont know yet. I feel "refreshed" in my body but its just a feeling. I have gained some strenght but not much above what I was expecting to gain without it.
It does enhance collagen synthesis so that might be the reason I have had NO knee pain at all during these weeks(my knees are usualy ****ed upp beyond belife).
It increases insulin sensitivity so it will aid a bit in fat loss and glycogen replenishment just like r-ala.
07-09-2005, 08:33 AM #164
btw did legs today and my hack squat strenght had jumped 45 ibs since last time. But that is probably because I am now doing rockbottom reps in it. I used to hacksquat a shitload of weight to paralel but 2 weeks ago I started doing them rock bottom with like half the weight I used to use. So I will probably gain in this rate for a while because of the changeupp.
But these last 2 times I have done hack squats have been the ONLY times in 1 year!! that I have done hack squats without knee pain. That I can not explain. The weight decrease isnt the explenation since I used to feel pain during light warmups.
07-09-2005, 10:12 AM #165Junior Member
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So what are amount are you talking about with megadoses? And how should I take it throughout the day?
07-09-2005, 10:14 AM #166
determine your bowel tollerance. Start with 10 grams and increase by 1 gram each day. When you get dihareea you have found your bowel tollerance. Drop dosage by 1-2 grams and keep it at that level.
Spread it out as evenly as possible.
MAKE SURE the vitamin c you have is either ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate. No other kind of ascorbate should be used at these dosages.
07-13-2005, 05:05 AM #167
yesterdays workout rocked. had increased 4 reps with the same wieght in incline smith bench, gained several reps in seated military press to and gained over 10 ibs in reverse smith bench. Used 10ibs more in rack chins for the same ammount of reps.
Morning weight today is 88kg so Im still dropping weight. About half a kilo a week it seems like(about 1 pound/week). Would like to speed it upp to 1kg a week so I can reach my 84kg goal quickly.
07-16-2005, 07:51 AM #168
I used 5kg(11ibs) heavier dumbells for the same reps in flat db bench today.
Had gained 22 ibs in a lat pulldown machine
was 22ibs stronger in cabel uppright rows
Im gaining very good now Within 2 weeks I will be as strong as I was when I was 14kg(30ibs) heavier and on alot of a-bombs.
07-16-2005, 07:51 AM #169
the best thing of it all is that I am only on 250mg test/week!!!
07-19-2005, 02:13 PM #170
I have lost another kg. Morning weight today was 87kg. Im gonna weight myself on friday morning to to se that it wasnt a fluke since thursday morning is my regular weight in days.
Did biceps, forearms, legs, calves today. Have gained 45ibs in the legpress for the same reps. 10ibs more in scottcurl but did 4 less reps. Used 22ibs more in straight legged deadlift for the same ammount of reps.
07-20-2005, 07:30 AM #171Junior Member
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How long are you going to run this experiment? I'm always curious to know how a person's body reacts after supplementing something for a while
07-20-2005, 07:56 AM #172
Not sure how long to run it. Honestly Im probably gonna run 15g/day for the rest of my life. I might drop it down to 5g/day the periods Im not working out as intensly.
07-20-2005, 08:00 AM #173
but for the sake of the experiment I will probably do low dosage for a few weeks. Dont know when though.
07-20-2005, 09:03 AM #174Junior Member
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The times that you have done low dosages---have you felt differently at all? Like less energetic or anything?
07-20-2005, 09:16 AM #175
becaue I almost ran out of vitamin c I went down to 5grams/day for a while. Now when Im back to 15-20grams day I noticed more energy again.
When I began this experiemtn going from almost no vitamin c to 20grams/Day I got a tremendous energy boost. Realy noticable. Got to much energy even, couldnt sit still
07-20-2005, 09:56 AM #176Junior Member
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Thats why I wonder how your body would react after constantly feeding it with so much Vit C for such a long time---what made you start this experiment?
07-20-2005, 09:59 AM #177
I read alot about vitamin c and realise our daily needs are around 10grams/Day. Not the need for survival but the need for optimal body functions. We are just made to have those ammounts of vitamin c in our bodies.
Linus Pauling(the guy who started researching vitamin c properly) took 20 grams/day his entire life for instance.
If I drop dosage I wont suffer any consquenses I will just go back to the lower level of energy I always used to have. But dosages should be tappered down since the body gets used to getting rid of viamin c in a fast rate when megadosing.
07-20-2005, 10:06 AM #178Junior Member
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Can you go into a little more detail about how optimal body functions require 10g's a day---I am really interested in your experiment
07-20-2005, 10:16 AM #179
Well the first argument is that ALL animals except man, monkeys, a rodent(cant remember wich one maby guinnea pig) and bats produce alot of vitamin c. If we had the production of a pig for instance we would produce 10+grams/day of vitamin c. We however lost the ability a couple of million years ago. its a 6 enzyme step process to make glucose into ascorbic acid and we lack the last enzyme. However our body functions havent changed the need for it.
The second argument is that if we do the numbers on the diet we evolved on we got 5grams or so of vitamin c each day. Only because the vitamin was abudant in our food could be survive even though we lost the enzyme needed to produce. The same has been noticed in the other animals that lost the enzyme. It became a evolutionary advantage somehow we could go on without the production.
Heart disease like in men doesnt occur in animals that have vitamin c production. Linus Pauling and a few others have a hypothesis that we all suffer from permanent scurvy. Not the kind that kills you instantly. but one that kills slowely. You could read the cholesterol control link in my signature for more info on that.
Unfortunaly very little research is done in this field. Linus Pauling got a ruined reputation when he began to spread the word on vitamin c. The medical comunity totaly froze him out even though he is a twice unshared nobel price winner. Now with the advancements of orthomolecular medicin everything he claimed is beeing proven. But big med companies dont want to se that happen. Vitamin c could easily replace many many medicines. There are several doctors treating a variety of conditions with viamin c.
One you can find at I know the site looks like a conspiracty theory nutcase site but the doc behind it is well respected. Another good site is
I suggest you pic up the book "vitamin c and the comon cold" by Linus Pauling. Its dirt old but awsome, another good book is vitamin c, curing the incurable by Dr Levy. A third is Ascorbate(cant remember author) that can be bougt as a e book for 7 bucks.
07-20-2005, 10:18 AM #180
also for instance when a pig is sic its daily production can incrase to over 20 grams/day. Its also been proven time and again that a dosage of 10-15grams/day in human almost makes us immune to the comon cold and the flu. A massive dosage of upp to 100 grams day can imidietly cure it. In cases like polio it can be cured by giving several hundrad grams a day for several days. This was discovered alreadt back in the 50s before the polio vaccine. Yet to this day polio is considered uncurable even though the cure was even published in mags back in the 50's. The doc that did that is named Kleener do a search for his name to.
07-20-2005, 10:20 AM #181
as you notice this is my favorite subject to write on I have a passion for vitamin c.
Here is a good article that Dr Kleener wrote. Not about our need as much as about disease curation.
07-20-2005, 10:22 AM #182
kleeners paper on curing polio
07-20-2005, 10:23 AM #183Junior Member
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how old is Linus Pauling? I am gonna try with 5grams a day starting tomorrow and see if theres a difference-not just because of the fitness aspects of it but it seems like taking these amounts is really good for your well being and health--does it matter I'm in my 20's
07-20-2005, 10:26 AM #184
linus pauling has passed away a few years ago. I think he became 93 and was activly giving lectures to the end. A great man and great scientist.
Your age wont matter. I am only 21 btw.
make sure the vitamin c you take is either pure ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate. Other kinds of vitamin c like zink ascorbate, manganese ascorbate ect might have sides because of the mineral the ascorabte is attached to.
07-20-2005, 10:32 AM #185Junior Member
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The Vit. C I have is 1,000mg per serving and in the ingredients it just says ascorbic acid--I am at work right now so I am not 100% but about 99% sure thats what it says--so I am going to start with 5 servings of that---that seem ok? You seem way older than 21 btw
07-20-2005, 10:36 AM #186
yeah if its ascorbic acid then its cool If you are gonna continue with vitamin c I would suggest you find a cheap powder since its alot more economical. Pure ascorbic acid powder tastes like utter shit though and is acidic.
07-20-2005, 01:59 PM #187Junior Member
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quick question---how should I supplement the Vit. C pre and post workout?
07-20-2005, 02:03 PM #188
I think 3 grams before workout is a good thing to limit all catabolic effects of the workouts itself(I base the number on the ammount they gave to marathon runners to lower cortisol levels). Then a equal ammount post workout I guess is good along with some betacaroten and maby some vitamin e. In your case if you dont want to take more on workout days then take 3 grams before and 2 grams after.
Also on days you do cardio take 3 grams before cardio. Like half and hour before.
07-21-2005, 08:16 AM #189Junior Member
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I checked my Vit. C bottle and its ascorbic acid and added Rose buds---are the rose buds ok to have?
07-21-2005, 08:20 AM #190
Im not even sure what rose buds are. Im dont think its a issue though not with only 5grams a day so go ahead.
07-21-2005, 08:24 AM #191Junior Member
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I took 3g's preworkout yesterday and killed my workout---Doubt the Vit.C played that much of a part--but I did feel really energetic and strong---mostly likely its due to my diet--but I will keep ya updated
07-21-2005, 08:27 AM #192
yeah let us know I think noticable effects come with higher dosages but maby you will feel 5 grams.
07-26-2005, 01:02 PM #193Junior Member
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Been feeling weird lately---stomach gets nautious---mouth is really dry--especially lips---I have been drinking extra water--which seems to make my lips even drier---I think it is the Vitamin C---because I haven't taken anything else---I haven't taken more than 5g's a day either---anything like this ever happen to you? Is taking 3g's at once too much?
07-27-2005, 04:26 AM #194
never noticed anything like that and never herd of that side effect either.
Stomach gets stressed when you approach bowel tolerance(10-20grams for most), dihareea and stuff. I often take 10grams at once without any problem.
Ditch the vitamin c and check if it goes away. If it does then maby the rose thing in it is the cause because it cant be the vitamin c.
If you have such a low bowel tolerance then something is wrong with how your body handle vitamin c.
07-27-2005, 09:05 AM #195Junior Member
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what do you think about ODing on Vitamin C and that it can hurt the kidneys and even cause kidney stones?
07-27-2005, 09:11 AM #196
its pure and utter bullshit. There is no eviden what so ever that its even possible to od on vitamin c. NONE and I dare anyone to find me one studie showing any serious side effect from massive vitamin c dosage(except stomach discomfort and mineral loss). Merc manual states no toxic dosage known, every nutrition and vitamin book I have ever read states that vitamin c is one of the safest substances known without serious side effects even at massie dosages(300g/Day through iv for days and weeks in cancer and polio patients).
Sorry if I sound a bit pissed lol this is just a myth I want to se die once and for all.
About kidney stones. That issue has more or less been settled. The ascorbic acid makes the urine so acidic that the oxalate(i think this was the name)the aa produces cant form crystals and stones. Its more or less impossible.
The whole thing started since higher levels of oxalate is found when taking massive ascorbic acid dosage. But they never took into account the process behind oxalate creating kidney stones. So if you dont have a family history of kidney stones its not a issue at all.
07-27-2005, 09:13 AM #197
the one danger is when mega dosing mineral ascorbates where the ascorabte is attached to a mineral that is dangerous in big dosages. Thats why I say to always use sodium ascorbate.
Also those with sensitive stomach can get a worsened ulcer if they do pure ascorbic acid instead of mineral ascorbate because of its acidity.
07-27-2005, 09:37 AM #198Junior Member
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any recommendations where I can get cheap sodium ascorbate? Also what is the difference in buying regualr Vit. C and Ester C?
07-27-2005, 09:46 AM #199
ester c is a mineral ascorbate but witch one Im not sure. Other then that there is no difference except pricetag sells pharmacutical quality ascorbic acid not sure of the price thought but I think it was a pretty fair price since its very high quality. Works good if your tummy can take it(mosts can, my cant because I have a history of ulcers).
here I just found 3ibs of sodium ascorbate for 32 bucks thats insanely cheap I think Im gonna order from them myself next time even with the added shipping cost to sweden
here is a good guide to the different kinds of vitamin c by the number 1 vitamin c expert right now.
07-28-2005, 07:45 AM #200
bodyweight 86 kg(just below 190ibs) Dropped another kg. Keeping up the weightloss of 1kg(2,2ibs)week. Feels great. Starting to se veins on my legs, some striations on the sweep. To bad my stomach doesnt lean out as fast as my quads
Anyway Im 2kg away from my goal weight but if I keep droping weight at this rate I might aswell push myself down to 80-82kg(176-180).
Still only running 250mg test/week, 50mcg t-3/day and that is in the super supplement department.
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