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Thread: need help

  1. #1
    vlad_xp is offline Banned
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    need help

    I am 18 years old.
    All my life I had problems with Body Fat.
    I am like 25-27% (Scale told 26 but i'm being realistic.)
    This fat is killing me ...
    Because I broke up with my GF lately , I'm freakin' ***ressed and I don't eat.
    At All... Basicly the last 4 days i've been benching and doing crunches for like 2 hours. and after eatch "training session" ive been drinking a protein shake and 5mg of Creaine.
    I know that recreational drugs are a big NO NO here but i take speed pills to be able to go to work and fasten my Lipolysis. I hate this.
    And I am not willing to stop untill I lose all of this fat.
    Can you guys tell me in how mutch time approx I will lose my fat?
    BEcause of the magic pills I cant eat my stomack is BACK ORDER. NO FOOD.
    I drink tons of water. And I take complete vitamins to stay alive.
    Any suggestions? Comments?
    If you give out comments , please dont give only negative crap because after being on these forums for a while i know i am doing something against the laws of nature.

  2. #2
    vlad_xp is offline Banned
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    comments? suggestions?

  3. #3
    Braunstein's Avatar
    Braunstein is offline Banned
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    I’m right with you. About 18 months ago I was 270lbs, 45%BF. I’m currently 190, 17%BF(still cutting). I don’t know what you’re calling speed pills, but it doesn’t sound good. There are three things you need to get into order before supplementing. First off, you need a solid cutting diet, specifically for your stats. In addition to the diet, which is the largest factor in gaining/losing body fat, you need to begin a morning cardio routine 3-7 times a week. Also you need to hit the gym or do some form of calisthenics 3-4 times a week. Stopping eating will only slow your metabolism and burn lean muscle, eventually halting any fat loss whatsoever, you MUST eat, you just need to eat the right things at the right times in the right amount.

    I need your current height and weight.

    In short, get the following in order:

    1. DIET! I’ll give you a link at the bottom with a few good diet plans, but you will need to adjust it to your stats or it won’t work. 80% of the battle in losing body fat is having a good diet and sticking to it.

    2. CARDIO! At least 3 times a week preferably on the day you don’t lift. I don’t mean running either. You will need to buy a heart rate monitor and set it to your stats. You want to keep your heart rate at 70-75% of your max during the morning as your body will utilize fat stores as the source of energy with no glycogen present.

    3. EXERCISE! 3-4 times a week. If you haven’t been weight training I’d suggest you start doing some calisthenics. Pushups, lunges, body squats, crunches etc… Train for at least 30 minutes and get a solid pump going and attempt to fatigue the muscles. Get a solid PWO shake/meal.

    If you get these 3 things together you will see a change. Stick with it for 12 weeks and you might start seeing some abs. Forget the speed man, if you get this other stuff in order then perhaps you could supplement with an ECA stack, but don’t bother until you have all this in order.. There’s plenty of fish in the sea.

    I just pumped this idea off the top of my head, so if something is wrong here please correct me.

    Sample diets by BD (Lean bulking + cutting) Look at the “ready to cut” section. Again, it will need to be tailored to your stats, but this is a good guideline. Best of luck bro.

  4. #4
    vlad_xp is offline Banned
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    I really appreciate this reply man..
    Cheered me up alil.
    Speed is a drug : a fun drug.
    YOu take it in Raves and Nightclubs to be able to dance all night.
    When you take it you heart is pumping mutch faster and you CAN't think about food while on it.
    It's ALOT of caffeine. Or other stuff that I dont know..
    People taking it loose fat. And i did it because I was ***ressed (this things cheers you up alot) you become open minded, you reallly wanna talk alot and move move move. Do things... Like if you like drawing, you can draw all night long non stop. Students use these to study during the night.

    Any other comments , suggestions?

    Quote Originally Posted by Braunstein
    I’m right with you. About 18 months ago I was 270lbs, 45%BF. I’m currently 190, 17%BF(still cutting). I don’t know what you’re calling speed pills, but it doesn’t sound good. There are three things you need to get into order before supplementing. First off, you need a solid cutting diet, specifically for your stats. In addition to the diet, which is the largest factor in gaining/losing body fat, you need to begin a morning cardio routine 3-7 times a week. Also you need to hit the gym or do some form of calisthenics 3-4 times a week. Stopping eating will only slow your metabolism and burn lean muscle, eventually halting any fat loss whatsoever, you MUST eat, you just need to eat the right things at the right times in the right amount.

    I need your current height and weight.

    In short, get the following in order:

    1. DIET! I’ll give you a link at the bottom with a few good diet plans, but you will need to adjust it to your stats or it won’t work. 80% of the battle in losing body fat is having a good diet and sticking to it.

    2. CARDIO! At least 3 times a week preferably on the day you don’t lift. I don’t mean running either. You will need to buy a heart rate monitor and set it to your stats. You want to keep your heart rate at 70-75% of your max during the morning as your body will utilize fat stores as the source of energy with no glycogen present.

    3. EXERCISE! 3-4 times a week. If you haven’t been weight training I’d suggest you start doing some calisthenics. Pushups, lunges, body squats, crunches etc… Train for at least 30 minutes and get a solid pump going and attempt to fatigue the muscles. Get a solid PWO shake/meal.

    If you get these 3 things together you will see a change. Stick with it for 12 weeks and you might start seeing some abs. Forget the speed man, if you get this other stuff in order then perhaps you could supplement with an ECA stack, but don’t bother until you have all this in order.. There’s plenty of fish in the sea.

    I just pumped this idea off the top of my head, so if something is wrong here please correct me.

    Sample diets by BD (Lean bulking + cutting) Look at the “ready to cut” section. Again, it will need to be tailored to your stats, but this is a good guideline. Best of luck bro.

  5. #5
    Sliceruk is offline New Member
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    I am exactly like you bro I except my BF% is even higher than yours - its terrible now - I have been working out on cardio every morning at 6am at the gym. and 3 evenings a week as well. Slowly but surely it is going - I have completely cut out carbs from my diet.

  6. #6
    vlad_xp is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sliceruk
    I am exactly like you bro I except my BF% is even higher than yours - its terrible now - I have been working out on cardio every morning at 6am at the gym. and 3 evenings a week as well. Slowly but surely it is going - I have completely cut out carbs from my diet.
    Thats good...
    But i cut all of my food from my dayly routine. All I eat is vitamins and a protein shake after I lift and another one before i sleep. Yeah I also take like 5-7 gr of creatine avery day so I can help my body keep ATLEAST something in terms of muscle.

    Any one knows what can happen ?

  7. #7
    Sliceruk is offline New Member
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    NW UK - Lancashire
    Hey dude,

    As it is probably very clear i dont know a lot about this kinda stuff - but I am not having any protein shakes as not yet trying to build up the muscles only shed the fat for now. my BF% is something ridiculous like 34%.

  8. #8
    the big lebowski is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2007
    look up ECA stack, its not healthy but im sure its safer than whatever is in those speed pills ur taking and prob cheaper too

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