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  1. #1
    mazika's Avatar
    mazika is offline Associate Member
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    all about the fat loss.

    I am working hard to burn off fat, it is going but not as fast as I think it should be going. Well I am not FAT i am about 173cm tall and 65-67kg. My workout plan is as follows:

    Every day:
    4-5 kilometer run as fast as I can without killing myself about 20minutes on the 4.2kilometer mark for my body

    Situps, fingers locked behind head: 3x30
    Situps, cross arm: 3x30
    Flutter kicks: 3x110
    Half Situps: 3x30
    Cruncher situps: 3x35
    atomic situps: 3x25
    good morning darlings: 3x110
    neck rotations: 3x50
    neck lifts: 3x100
    odd days:

    Tricep Pushups: 3x25
    Regular Pushups: 3x25
    Wide Pushups: 3x25
    Dive Bombers: 3x10
    even days:

    pull-ups hands facing close grip: 7,6,5,4,3,2,1
    pull-ups hands facing regular grip:7,6,5,4,3,2,1
    pull-ups hands facing wide grip:7,6,5,4,3,2,1
    pull-ups hands away close grip:7,6,5,4,3,2,1
    pull-ups hands away regular grip:7,6,5,4,3,2,1
    pull-ups hands away wide grip:7,6,5,4,3,2,1


    every day,

    lunges: 20
    squats: 200+50
    calf workout 50


    When I get up 7a.m. : 1 bowl of 'musli' : raw oats, 0.1%milk, mixed with raisens and nuts for taste

    work 10am: i chicken filet

    work 13:00: 4 sandwiches full grain bread with 1 slice of cheese each no butter

    home 16:00 one porkchop and a plate of 'bulgur' its like rice but alot healthier made from whole grains of wheat

    run, work out

    22:00 or 23:00, just finished all the working out, eat one can of tuna fish 100grams and 1 protein shake 30grams (2gram carb 0 fat)

    go to sleep

    start over again.

    what can I do to increase the fat loss and still keep the muscle? thanks.

  2. #2
    maxiimus is offline Associate Member
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    i could be wrong but i always thought that running wasnt an ideal way to burn fat as it burns muscle as well, im sure someone could elaborate more on this

  3. #3
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    WOW, you will not be building any muscle.. if fat is what you are looking to burn, you will, but your body composition will be that of a runner, lean, but no size or shape at all..

    you are not getting enough protein, nor enough fats..

    sorry, not sure how tall you are, or how much you weigh.. but that's just me..

    sorry i couldn't help more..
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  4. #4
    Maxim1056's Avatar
    Maxim1056 is offline Junior Member
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    ok so running is not good for burning fat?how about the eliptical?

  5. #5
    mazika's Avatar
    mazika is offline Associate Member
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    hey, thanks for the input guys.

    Sorry forgot to convert to u.s. standards. I think it would work out to this:

    Weight: 147lbs
    Heigth, 5ft9"


    my goal it to get mega-lean, very strong and enduring, you know to kick ass at boot-camp.- Im not worrying about getting huge like before. I have transformed my body pretty much now, I mean I am getting hard and lean but that little bit of extra fat right inbetween the abs and the lower outside back/high hips wont freakin leave! I am eating almost completley clean. almost 0 fat, only good carbs, NO refined carbs at all, pure whole grain only.

    how the hell am I going to get rid of this last bit of fat, I dont understand why its still there, I work like a slave and eat like a health freak.

    At the current time my muscle is in check, not getting bigger not lessening, I see no size difference and streingth is about consistently the same. so im in awe to the freakin fat staying around.

  6. #6
    Maxim1056's Avatar
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  7. #7
    Maxim1056's Avatar
    Maxim1056 is offline Junior Member
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    i wanna know if elipitcAL IS better trhen carido on a tredmill

  8. #8
    cookiemonstR's Avatar
    cookiemonstR is offline Associate Member
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    You should look into a keto diet, there great for retaining muscle and burning fat, especially quickly, im on one now.

  9. #9
    inheritmylife's Avatar
    inheritmylife is offline Anabolic Member
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    a state of denial
    Quote Originally Posted by mazika
    I am eating almost completley clean. almost 0 fat
    You need to be eating foods that contain fat. Nuts, free-range meats, coconut, avocado, fish.

    If you don't consume fat, you die. Cut carbs, not fat.

  10. #10
    smokethedays's Avatar
    smokethedays is offline Veni, Vedi, Vici.
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    for your weight you should consume a minimum of 225 grams of protien a day.

  11. #11
    S.P.G's Avatar
    S.P.G is offline AR Workout Scientist
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxim1056
    i wanna know if elipitcAL IS better trhen carido on a tredmill
    The elipitcal is less of a high impact exercise and is easer on your joints ect, to say that one is better than the other is hard, as it’s personal to you, I like the treadmill at around 65-75MHR for cardio but this is what works for me.

  12. #12
    Maxim1056's Avatar
    Maxim1056 is offline Junior Member
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    let me rephrase my question, i wanna know which is better for burning fat...becuase somebody said running burns muscle as well as fat and is not good for it becuase it gives you the body of a runner which is lean and flat, whereas i wanna have shape and size to my muscles but no fat on em. So i was wondering if the eliptical had any impact on the muscles like running does, or if it just targets fat.

  13. #13
    S.P.G's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxim1056
    let me rephrase my question, i wanna know which is better for burning fat...becuase somebody said running burns muscle as well as fat and is not good for it becuase it gives you the body of a runner which is lean and flat, whereas i wanna have shape and size to my muscles but no fat on em. So i was wondering if the eliptical had any impact on the muscles like running does, or if it just targets fat.
    I don’t think it maters to much as your body will react to the intensity that is being placed on it not what machine your using.

    your body doesn’t no your using the treadmill or the stationary bike, for that matter it doesn’t even no your lifting weight it just reacts to what is happening to it and acts accordingly.

    so your body doesn’t react to what your TRYING to do, it just reacts to the type of exercise that has been applied to it, so if you start doing cardio in the 80%MHR anaerobic zone and do this to much! then yeah you could use muscle as fuel but if you stay in the 65-70%MHR you should be ok well me and the ppl iv worked with have never had any problems….JMO

    EDIT: Sorry if it seemed like I was going on a bit and elaborating to much but iv had trouble explaining this to ppl b4 lol
    Last edited by S.P.G; 06-24-2007 at 12:55 PM.

  14. #14
    Maxim1056's Avatar
    Maxim1056 is offline Junior Member
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    i see what your saying, just need to keep my heart rate at the fat burning rate, and i wont lose muscle when i do cardio.

  15. #15
    mazika's Avatar
    mazika is offline Associate Member
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    do short extremly high intensity runs, then you get to be like the short high intensity runners, they have huge buff legs and pretty good upper body as well, the longgg distance runners are the ones that look like sticks and get tired after like10hours of running. just keep it extremely hardcore and short sessions I would say.

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