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  1. #1
    R69's Avatar
    R69 is offline Associate Member
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    How much fat can burn loosing.....

    I know that everyone is difrent but how much fat can burn in a period of 2 months a man who drinks aproximativly 35 botles of 500m beers/week loosing the shit,not drinking them anymore,concentrating on eating clean protein pro meals,working out 5 times a week and doing cardio 1 hour a day,5 times/week and trying to avoid catabolism with bcaa's and lots of whey protein drinks?

  2. #2
    takedownII's Avatar
    takedownII is offline Member
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    What??? i don't know if i understood the question bro, can you reword it?

    are you asking if someone was to quit drinking and started taking care of themselves how much fat could they lose in 2 months?

    i don't know how much in 2 months, but if you take care of yourself and research you will eventually create the body you desire.

  3. #3
    MFT81's Avatar
    MFT81 is offline Senior Member
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    if they didnt drink a shit ton.


    Because #1. Alcohol contains 7 cals per gram almost like drinking pure fat,

    #2. Alcohol is a neg calorie food, As your body metabolizes alcohol it turns into a form a fermalydahide (sp?) which is very toxic, The next day your body must metabolize this before it can even think of burning stored fat PLUS all the carbohydrates that are in beer as well.

    Thats why weekend party goers never look that great, some have good genentics and can get away with it to a degree but they will never surpass a certain level, IMO even with steroid use .

    So, I guess yeah you should cut the shit.

  4. #4
    R69's Avatar
    R69 is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah i was talking about someone if quit drinking and starts to take care of his body.Scuze me but english is not my mother language and is hard for me sometimes to compouse a gramaticaly correect phrase.Thanks for the answers.

    P.S. Where can i find a good read about this fermalydahide?

  5. #5
    MFT81's Avatar
    MFT81 is offline Senior Member
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    Um, Type alcohol in the search function, there might be a bit on here. If not try searching "How alcohol is metabolized" on a search engine, I dont remember the specifics of it all, but I gave you the basic idea.

    As far as the spelling, I can read Tai's posts about 70% of the time so your good to go.

  6. #6
    Giants11's Avatar
    Giants11 is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Everyone is different man, I don't think there is a generic answer for how much fat x person can lose in x amount of time.
    "without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac

    ***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***

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