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  1. #1
    big_dubya33's Avatar
    big_dubya33 is offline Associate Member
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    eating on the road

    I'm traveling constantly for work the next 2 months and am having a hard time eating well...completed my first cycle about 4 months ago and want to hold on to all the hard-earned muscle...will cycle again once this travel is through...

    Any suggestions for how to eat on the road? Good stuff for travel (other than protein powder) that still lets me aim for 40g of protein every 3 hours?...right now it's mostly 2 meals a day with 2 shakes in between and 1 shake before bed...

    Training as often during the week as I can. Hard as hell on weekends.


  2. #2
    Superballer's Avatar
    Superballer is offline Associate Member
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    When I'm at school all day, I tend to package chicken in baggies (preweighed) and keep in cooler.

    I also eat oats without cooking, often by necessity, though this has been growing very old.

    Tuna in a can doesn't have to be kept cold. With a can opener and spoon it can serve as a source of protein anywhere pretty easily.

    Pre-weighed almonds for fat source very convenient when traveling.

    Actually that's what I pretty much lived on for the last 3 months: chicken, tuna, almonds and oats.

    Hope that helps. Its a pain but definitely doable.

  3. #3
    Flagg's Avatar
    Flagg is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Man im on the road a LOT.

    First invest in some lunchboxes.

    You can make loads of steak or chicken baguettes. Take in lots of bags of nuts or dried fruit, protein powder in shakers (you can pretty much buy milk anywhere when on the road) lots of bottled water...

    Its not the same as being able to sit at a table and have a fat steak with a piping hot baked potatoe but needs must! Best to take in your own food as buying food on the road is not only expensive but usually very shit.

  4. #4
    Expat's Avatar
    Expat is offline Female Member
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    How about some quality Beef/Turkey jerky to add to the above suggestions?. Also you can buy a boiled egg cooker (they are very small and come w/tiny measuring cup)) and needs just a few tablespoons of water to cook 1/2 dozen eggs in your hotel room? Pack some hot sauce (needs no refridgeration) for the eggs.

  5. #5
    big_dubya33's Avatar
    big_dubya33 is offline Associate Member
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    thanks guys. i'll try these suggestions...

    this is what i get for doing a stint in the consulting industry. home only F, Sat, Sun. good $$$ but lifestyle sucks

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