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Thread: Winter Bulking?

  1. #1
    B.E.N.'s Avatar
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    Winter Bulking?

    Another month and I plan on putting the bathing suit away and start bulking.

    Curious as to how many months you all bulk during the winter, when you start cleaning the diet back up and if you just slash the daily calories over night when going from bulking to a clean diet.

    I have the type of metabolism were I can miss A meal and loss 2 not worried about eating clean while bulking. In my past I have had a hard time coming down of such a diet and going clean agian.

    Input...personal advice?

  2. #2
    dwaynewade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by B.E.N.
    Another month and I plan on putting the bathing suit away and start bulking.

    Curious as to how many months you all bulk during the winter, when you start cleaning the diet back up and if you just slash the daily calories over night when going from bulking to a clean diet.

    I have the type of metabolism were I can miss A meal and loss 2 not worried about eating clean while bulking. In my past I have had a hard time coming down of such a diet and going clean agian.

    Input...personal advice?
    one could bulk for as long as they want... bulk does not mean to gain lots of fat... so IMO the best method if you're a hardgainer and have a fast metabolism is the long term plan ---bulk for a year... if you could manage doing it right (diet and exercise) one pound a week is feasible=about 50lbs in a year. i don't know your stats... but if you weighed 150... you'll be at 200 and then could cut until you're satisfied with your results. my 2 cents

  3. #3
    B.E.N.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dwaynewade
    one could bulk for as long as they want... bulk does not mean to gain lots of fat... so IMO the best method if you're a hardgainer and have a fast metabolism is the long term plan ---bulk for a year... if you could manage doing it right (diet and exercise) one pound a week is feasible=about 50lbs in a year. i don't know your stats... but if you weighed 150... you'll be at 200 and then could cut until you're satisfied with your results. my 2 cents

    Totally understand your points. Entirely understand that bulking is not synonomous with gaining tons of BF, but you could hardly bulk and stay entirley lean as well. Did not plan on just going buck wild all winter but was going to gooble down the calories. Would not consider myself a hardgainer but definitely but metabolism is faster.

    More curious about how other bulk in winter months, how much they allow themselves to gain and how long they give themselves to cut back up.

    Currently weight around 195-200, not sure about BF. (Need to get those picture up for some help I guess.)

  4. #4
    audis4's Avatar
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    gaining 50lbs a year is absolutely absurd...even on a cycle! I would say if you eat right and workout strong 10lbs of lean muscle is more feasible.

  5. #5
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    natty after u been lifting a while 8lbs a year of pure muscle is bout the max.. rest is fat and water.

    and bulking by the season is dumb.. set GOALS i.e. weight/bf% or lifting numbers

  6. #6
    Renesis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by audis4
    gaining 50lbs a year is absolutely absurd...even on a cycle! I would say if you eat right and workout strong 10lbs of lean muscle is more feasible.
    Not really... it depends on where he is starting from.

    And you can gain muscle and stay lean.

  7. #7
    audis4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Renesis
    Not really... it depends on where he is starting from.

    And you can gain muscle and stay lean.
    ok, 50lbs of mostly fat, talking just muscle.


  8. #8
    B.E.N.'s Avatar
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    I was really just wondering if everyone else bulked in the winter time and came off their strict diets.

    I am at approx. 200 and would say maybe 13+% BF to set the record straight.

    I am fond of 'beach muscles' but would like to see more of them next summer and want to get up to around 215-220 next spring/summer. Figured I would pack on the weight now, lift harder with more calories, and then clean up the diet sometime in the early spring. You know for the ladies...

    Is that not how most go about it?

  9. #9
    dwaynewade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by audis4
    ok, 50lbs of mostly fat, talking just muscle.

    It depends on how much fat you are willing to put up with when you bulk, If you don't care about fat then you could gain 2 pounds a week, If you care about fat then 1 pound a week or less. It is debatable how much muscle the human body can build in any given period of time. Some say 1 pound per week, others say 1 pound a month, I personally would say it is around 2 pounds per month (24lbs a year). This is of course pure muscle and not water, fat or glycogen.
    I recommend a slow 10 pound bulk and then cut 10 pounds and repeat the process to get body fat levels down and lean muscle mass up.
    my 2 cents

  10. #10
    soulstealer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dwaynewade
    It depends on how much fat you are willing to put up with when you bulk, If you don't care about fat then you could gain 2 pounds a week, If you care about fat then 1 pound a week or less. It is debatable how much muscle the human body can build in any given period of time. Some say 1 pound per week, others say 1 pound a month, I personally would say it is around 2 pounds per month (24lbs a year). This is of course pure muscle and not water, fat or glycogen.
    I recommend a slow 10 pound bulk and then cut 10 pounds and repeat the process to get body fat levels down and lean muscle mass up.
    my 2 cents
    You also have to look at it in terms of what you have done previously. Example-If you just ended a cutter and you start bulking right away your will be able to gain more weight over those first few months....

  11. #11
    dwaynewade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulstealer
    You also have to look at it in terms of what you have done previously. Example-If you just ended a cutter and you start bulking right away your will be able to gain more weight over those first few months....
    completely right... you prob have more experience in bulking and cutting than i do... good insight for him

  12. #12
    -DedicateD-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dwaynewade
    It depends on how much fat you are willing to put up with when you bulk, If you don't care about fat then you could gain 2 pounds a week, If you care about fat then 1 pound a week or less. It is debatable how much muscle the human body can build in any given period of time. Some say 1 pound per week, others say 1 pound a month, I personally would say it is around 2 pounds per month (24lbs a year). This is of course pure muscle and not water, fat or glycogen.
    I recommend a slow 10 pound bulk and then cut 10 pounds and repeat the process to get body fat levels down and lean muscle mass up.
    my 2 cents
    24 lbs of muscle a year is completely absurd for anyone who has any experience with lifting or a good diet!

    I could understand if you have never touched a weight in your life or are coming off a strict cutter, or no diet at all. Imagine how big everyone would be if all they had to do was eat and lift to gain 24lbs of muscle/year.

    The longer the individual has been in the game, the harder it is to kewep making gains.

    Why would anyone turn to juice when they could make those gains? Not trying to be an ass here, i just think your numbers are way off for ppl who are nearing their natural potential

    Ive been bulking forawhile eating about 6-8 times a day(not that clean and no cardio)and had a pro-horomone cycle in there. I gained about 20lbs in a year and I can guarantee some of that is fat/water.

  13. #13
    dwaynewade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by -DedicateD-
    24 lbs of muscle a year is completely absurd for anyone who has any experience with lifting or a good diet!

    I could understand if you have never touched a weight in your life or are coming off a strict cutter, or no diet at all. Imagine how big everyone would be if all they had to do was eat and lift to gain 24lbs of muscle/year.

    The longer the individual has been in the game, the harder it is to kewep making gains.

    Why would anyone turn to juice when they could make those gains? Not trying to be an ass here, i just think your numbers are way off for ppl who are nearing their natural potential

    Ive been bulking forawhile eating about 6-8 times a day(not that clean and no cardio)and had a pro-horomone cycle in there. I gained about 20lbs in a year and I can guarantee some of that is fat/water.
    Not absurd... 24lbs being the most you could gain

    I'm saying you can achieve this feat with a perfect year bulk

    Yes there are many variables and everything is very relative

    that figure is really for the beginner (i thought this was the case in the thread) but now i see he's more advanced-

    I agree that it is harder to gain for those that have "been in the game for a while"

    1st year i'd say 24lbs is feasible
    2nd year maybe 12-14lbs
    3rd and subsequent years 8lbs

    B.E.N here are a couple of diets for ya to check out:

  14. #14
    -DedicateD-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dwaynewade
    Not absurd... 24lbs being the most you could gain

    I'm saying you can achieve this feat with a perfect year bulk

    Yes there are many variables and everything is very relative

    that figure is really for the beginner (i thought this was the case in the thread) but now i see he's more advanced-

    I agree that it is harder to gain for those that have "been in the game for a while"

    1st year i'd say 24lbs is feasible
    2nd year maybe 12-14lbs
    3rd and subsequent years 8lbs

    B.E.N here are a couple of diets for ya to check out:
    i would agree with that

  15. #15
    dwaynewade's Avatar
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    excuse me for the misunderstanding

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