First off im 23 5'8 190lbs bf 14-16% my goal is to cut till ive reach sub 10%bf. According to the caloric needs caculator i need 2544 calories to maintain body weight. Cardio is done 6-7x a week. Weight training is done 5x a week.

8:30am wake up
9:15am cardio to 10

Protein shake with flax oil
Pro-36 carb-4 fat-15 calories=300

8egg whites 1whole egg, otameal
Pro-33 carb-29 fat-7 calories=335

2pm work out

PWO shake with dextrose

Pro-48 carb-40 fat-1 Calories=390
on non work out days replaced with
6oz steak with veggies
Pro-48 carb-0 fat-24 calories=432

Chicken(8oz)Brown Rice, Brocoli
Pro-43 carb-34 fat-12 calories=430

1can tomato soup, 1can tuna 1slice wwbread, brocoli added in soup
Pro-37 carb-39 fat-7 calories=345
on non work out days no wwbread
Pro-34 carb-24 fat-5 calories=280

Fish filets 3tsp flax oil small salad
Pro-34 carb-1 fats-20 calories=320

Protein 231g Carbs 147g Fats 62g Calories=2120 on work out days
Protein 228g Carbs 92g Fats 83g Calories=2078 on non work out days

From 11-12pm i might snack on some chicken sticks(2-3) before bed ...pro7 fat2 cals 45 each.

What do you think? Any ideas on how to make this diet better?