not looking to bulk just cut some bf and a little size for right now until mid feb when i will start my 1st cycle of test
stats 5"9 right now 196 bf around 19-20%
7am wake up pre wo shake and 1 small banana
7:40am fast twitch
work out 8am
9:10 am creatine
9:30 am post work out shake
10:30 am breakfast protein oates 280 calories 35g protein and 20oz gatorade
12:30 pm 1 turkey sand on whole wheat bun with mustard
2:30pm chicken breast with 1 cup brown rice and 1cup sugar free peaches
4:30 pm 1 muscle milk protein pudding
6:00 pm some apple pieces
7:25 pm cardio for around 40 minutes
8:25 pm 2 pieces of salmon and 1 cup of veggies
9:15 pm 1 cup of skim milk
10:30 pm 1 scoop of casein shake
11:15 bed

the days I do not do cardio skip 6:00pm and eat my dinner around 7:30 pm this will consist of chicken,fish,steak and veggies will vary from carrots to salad with fat free french dressing.
I will do cardio on monday and thursday nights