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  1. #1
    Fat Bloke is offline New Member
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    Post OVER 50s weight loss

    my medication i am on is as follows
    1. bendroflumethiazde 2.5 mg blood/p
    2.candesartan 16mg blood/p
    3.atorvastaitin 40mg colesterol
    4.levothyroxine 200 micograms over active pituitary gland
    5. glucosamine & chondroitin 500mg + 400mg x 3 4knee's
    I am 5'8'' 240lbs 50''chest 46''belly 25%bf i have been training hard since xmas have been eating clean 4months only loss 7lbs in the first 3 weeks but cant move any more can you help
    train 5 days a week weights and cardio HIT 30mins or 45min low if knees are sore?
    8.00 oatmeal /semi milk,glass protien drink water,tea
    10.30 4 eggs scramble or tuna
    1.00 chicken,brown rice,green veg,water,cup tea
    3.00 protien drink 1/2cup oats
    4.30 training,lots of water about 3 bottles
    6.00 whey protein drink
    6.30, chicken or fish lots of vegs potatos,pasta,or rice, cup tea,water
    10.00 protien drink
    any ideas please or changes, i was thinging of trying The Ketogenic Diet

  2. #2
    Fat Bloke is offline New Member
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    Apr 2008
    well no help,someone must have some idea's please

  3. #3
    StoneGRMI's Avatar
    StoneGRMI is offline Giggity Giggity Giggty!
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    Do you know the macros in your diet?

    Do cardio for 45min-1hour BEFORE your first meal.

    8AM-OATS and EGGS or another source of protein (no shake)
    1030AM- EGGS and add a fat source (almonds, avacodo, 3-6-9 OILS..etc)
    1PM- looks fine
    3PM- OATS and another source of protein (no shake, again)
    430PM- Training
    6PM-WHEY protein and carb (oats, waxy maize, dextrose)
    630PM- CHICKEN of FISH w/ veggies and add a fat source (almonds, avacodo, 3-6-9 OILS..etc)
    10PM- Cottage cheese OR CASEIN protein shake

    This is just something I did quickly w/o knowing your macros. My main idea is to get you more cals from REAL foods and ditch the shakes. Also, I dropped your carbs besides in THREE meals which are your first meal, 3PM and post workout. The intension is to get you off this plateau you're on. You also didn't appear to be getting your essential fats that come from things like avacodos, almonds, salmon, fish oil, olive oil..etc. Those fats WILL help you lose weight and they're great for your skin, heart and overall well being. The carbs after your workout will help in recovery by moving the ingested protein fast to the muscles (it's on on going debate whether or not a fast acting or slower acting carb works better. That's your choice!). Cottage cheese and/or casein protein shakes are a slow digesting protein to help provide nutrition throughout the evening so your metabolism never comes to a halt.

  4. #4
    Fat Bloke is offline New Member
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    Apr 2008
    sorry i miss out flax oil which i take 2 table spoons a day
    so i should cut down on protein drinks is that to cut down on my cals
    i will check my macros in my diet? but i was looking at 2550,but more like 2200 calories,
    255g protein, 255g carbs, 57g fats Per day...

  5. #5
    StoneGRMI's Avatar
    StoneGRMI is offline Giggity Giggity Giggty!
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    I just recommend cutting the protein shakes because real food has always built better muscle for me. If the protein drinks are all you have to work with there isn't anything wrong with it, I just don't think it's the best option.

    I don't have much time now but I'll try to get back online later and chime in some more.

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