What's up everybody? This is tha deal...My husband insisted that I join the site, lol. He's workoutaholic. J/K. But his passion is staying in shape and working out RELIGIOUSLY!! Anyway, at work, we recently just started(today actually), the "Summer Meltdown" weightloss challenge. Basically, they're doing it by % of body weight lost. First place gets $500, second $300, and third $100, pluse "weekly prizes".
So, here are my stats: 5'4", 156lbs....I have two beautiful children(8 and 5), and obviously a busy mom that's always said, "I don't feel like working out, or, I'm too busy". I have worked out in the past off and on. However, I've not done anything other than walk occasionally around my neighborhood since this past Sept or Oct. I've gained about 15-20lbs since then(I was around 140).
So, I've wanted to get back in shape and eating healthy again for a while...just haven't really been motivated. Now here is my motivation....TO WIN $500!!!
I need help!! Anyone have any tips for diet, workout ideas, or just where I should start???

**And yes I know that it shouldn't be the $$$ to motivate me...$500 would sound good to anybody. But...here's the deal..I do want to get my shit together, get in shape...healthier. I def don't want to be like my mom, grandparents, etc and be obese as hell and struggling from health issues. I need to do it now!

So...yes, I'm ready for any advice anyone can give me