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  1. #1
    SunHangDo is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2009
    Canada eh?

    My meager diet. Suggestions welcome.

    I'm new to the forums, so I though I'd ask for a little feedback on my eating habits.

    I generally eat pretty clean. Skinless chicken breasts, salad with light italian dressing, tuna, beans, and raw vegetables. But I do have a few guilty pleasures.

    For example, I really like bread, cheese, and bacon.

    While I consider my eating habits to be healthy, I often find myself having many small meale over the course of the day, as opposed to three or four big ones. I have a great appetite, but a small stomach, and I fill up quickly.

    I've never actually sat down and calculated my calorie/protein intake before, so perhaps that is something I should do.

    I'm 27, 197lbs, and I'm looking for suggestions on new foods and recipies too try.

    Anyways, Just wanter to throw that out there for now. I appreciate any thoughts or feedback you guys have for me.

    Thanks for a great site!

  2. #2
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Jun 2005
    So you wanna learn how to Diet?

    have a watch of these vids they will help you understand what you should be doing......

    and eating smaller more regular meals is better than having 3 large a day mate...

    your food choices look pretty good...depends on your goals tho...

  3. #3
    SunHangDo is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2009
    Canada eh?
    Thanks for the info.

    My goal right now is building bulk, and cleaning up my eating habits. I have good muscle tone, but I still have a lot of fat under my skin I want to get rid of. (Well, maybe not a lot, I don't have a beer gut or anything, but I'm far from being "cut".)

    My problem is that I'm finding it hard to put on any more weight. Perhaps I should focus on burning the fat off first.

    I plan on doing a cycle eventually, but not until I get a better idea in my head of what is going to work for me, and how I will go about it.

  4. #4
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by SunHangDo View Post
    Thanks for the info.

    My goal right now is building bulk, and cleaning up my eating habits. I have good muscle tone, but I still have a lot of fat under my skin I want to get rid of. (Well, maybe not a lot, I don't have a beer gut or anything, but I'm far from being "cut".)

    My problem is that I'm finding it hard to put on any more weight. Perhaps I should focus on burning the fat off first.

    I plan on doing a cycle eventually, but not until I get a better idea in my head of what is going to work for me, and how I will go about it.
    thats the best thing to do mate.......choose a goal and stick to it....try and lose fat or try and build muscle.....i wouldnt try and do both.......

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