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  1. #1
    runpasthefence is offline New Member
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    Oct 2009

    Could use some help/advice on forming a new diet.

    Hey guys, I've lurked here on and off for years. There's a ton of great info here, and I'm just now getting around to registering.

    I'm looking for some help on developing a legitimate cutting diet. I've always been able to rely on my metabolism and achieve 10-14% body fat with high intensity workouts and cardio.
    I've always eaten like a slob and honestly (though it's not doing anything for my heart and immune system) I can get away with it.

    So, this is an experiment of sorts. I'd like to see what a real diet can do for me...what I'll look like at sub 10% body fat.

    My details:

    I'm just returning to lifting after a 2 month long bicycle trip. I was down on weight, but have been eating like crazy since the trip.

    Age: 23
    Height: 5'8"
    Weight: 155
    BF: est. 14%
    Goals: previously posted
    BMR: 1,161
    TDEE: 2,503

    I'll be lifting, but I also plan to get back into running shape. Want to do a marathon next summer.
    I'll be running first thing in the morning on my running days, and I'll be lifting around 6:30pm on my lifting days.

    My current diet is awful. Two meals a day, 90% junk. For example, last week my lunches went something like this: Chic fil A, Quiznos, Bojangles, a burger place, BBQ smokehouse buffet, etc etc.

    The only thing I have settled on is my PWO supplements. Everything else is up for grabs. I actually have a fair amount of time on my hands these days, so food prep shouldn't be a problem.

    I'm looking forward to this, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Do your worst!

  2. #2
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    So you wanna learn how to Diet?

    have a watch of these mate they will give you an understanding of what you should be doing....

    i dont have the knowledge to put a diet together for you....i can help you with food choices.....and with what i know.....

    you should be aiming for as many smaller frequent meals as pos.....i aim for 5-6...eating every 2-3 hours....

    drink plenty of water.....i have 3 litres a day....some people have more...

    youd should get some esential fatty oil...udos oil....flax oil...i use udos...but fish is the best choice...
    Last edited by energizer bunny; 10-04-2009 at 11:24 AM.

  3. #3
    chubbsub's Avatar
    chubbsub is offline Junior Member
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    -describe the two meals you currently an example what did you eat yesterday, and what time? what about today?

    -the cutting sticky is a good place to start

    -your bodyfat % is an estimation based on what? look? if your diet is as poor as you say it is, your bf may be higher

    -how far away from marathon shape are you right now? before the 2 month bike ride, what was your exercise schedule like?

  4. #4
    runpasthefence is offline New Member
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    Oct 2009
    Those videos were fantastic. I've read the cutting sticky a few times now, but that series of videos really put it in perspective.

    Like you, I'm planning on 5-6 meals a day. It's looking like I'll be shooting for about 220gProtein/day, 90gCarb/day, and 35gFat/day.

    I'm basing my bf% off of height/weight/waist/forearm calculation, looks, and comparison to others on the board. Though, you are right. I could very well be at 16%. Let's call it 15...

    I'm way outside of marathon shape. My cardio is strong, but the muscles involved aren't. Here's a brief workout history back to Jan.

    Jan-April: No cardio, all relatively heavy lifting 4 days a week. No planned nutrition other than PWO. I weighed between 148-155. Bench max was 305, 30+ pull ups, 4.5 sec 40 yd dash, never maxed squat... likely around 400lbs.

    April-July: less frequent lifting, 120-300 miles per week on bike

    Aug-Sep: 80-100 miles daily on bike, no lifting

    I'm working on the diet specifics now, hopefully i'll have the specifics up within a couple of days for critique.

    Thanks again

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