Hi, i'm about to start cutting. So there is my stats;
5pi8, 170lbs, BF 16-18%, training for 4yrs.

I'm planning to do cardio at 5-6x/week and also train 5x/week (3series of 12rep, 4 exercises per muscles + abs/obliques)
I'll most do the cardio with an empty stomach.

BMR = 66 + (13.7 x 75) + (5 x 172) - (6.8 x 21) = 1745 x 1.55 = 2704
1027 860 142

So... for a good cutting i think i must drop about 500-700cals/day, so if i do a 2000 cals/day diet must be OK?

Here what can look my diet, let me know what u think about it!

2 Eggs whole cooked - 12fat, 2carb, 12pro
Quick oat 1cup - 7fat, 81carb, 18pro
Banana - 0fat, 27carb, 1pro

Tuna can - 0fat, 0carb, 30pro

Chicken breat 200g (7oz) - 15fat, 0carb, 58pro
Rice (1/2 cup) - 0fat, 79carb, 7pro
Broccoli (1cup) - 0fat, 6carb, 3pro


Beef steak 200g (9oz) - 18fat, 0carb, 68pro
Potato 1 large (3" to 4-1/4" dia, raw) - 0fat, 33carb, 3pro
Broccoli (1cup) - 0fat, 6carb, 3pro


Milk 1%: 5fat, 12carb, 8pro

TOTAL: 57fat, 248carb, 211pro

513 + 992 + 844 = 2349cals

If i want to drop more, i can take only 1/2 cup of oat for breakfast?
My pro are low i think and carb too high, isn't it?
57g of fat, is it too much?
I also plan to take Clenbuterol in few week, 5-6x cardio + 5x training a week is it too much?
What can i do for a real nice cutting?

Give me ur opinion and dont hesitate to comment!