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  1. #1
    lowblow is offline New Member
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    Liquid egg whites

    I'm wondering how liquid egg whites(the pasturized ones)rate as a food source as well as a protein? I constantly hear advice on eating whole foods over protein powders whenever possible(except pwo of course). I'm wondering what category egg whites fall into. They have to be one of the most easily consumed proteins available. But how many is too much?

  2. #2
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Egg whites and whole eggs are an excellent source of protein. Some consider them a top source. You said liquid egg whites - are you planning to consume them raw or cooked?

    I don't want to say there is no 'too much' because that's really not true, but within your daily protein intake allotment I don't see a limit. However, i'd prefer to get my protein from multiple sources throughout the day. Eggs and egg whites can and should be a staple in any BBer's diet.

  3. #3
    lowblow is offline New Member
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    Thanks for your reply. The whites I speak of are the kind that can be purchased by the gallon and are advertised as being heated to the point of preventing any problems associated with raw eggs. I consume a fairly healthy amount of chicken, fish and beef, but with my schedule it's sometimes difficult to sneak a whole food meal in. Having a shake made with these liquid whites is a quick and easy alternative. I guess I just question whether the whites are a better choice than a good whey isolate?

  4. #4
    cue_artist's Avatar
    cue_artist is offline Associate Member
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    Bro of course real food is better than any source of powder protein. But there is no source of protein that can be absorbed as fast as whey protein. So the best time to have your whey shake is immediatly after your workout only. The rest of your daily protein intake should always be from different sources of animals. Lean of course !

  5. #5
    GoNoles99 is offline Junior Member
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    How do you guys get your egg whites then? You just buy a dozen eggs every day, eat 10 whites and throw out the yokes?

    Seems like a huge waste.

  6. #6
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lowblow View Post
    Thanks for your reply. The whites I speak of are the kind that can be purchased by the gallon and are advertised as being heated to the point of preventing any problems associated with raw eggs. I consume a fairly healthy amount of chicken, fish and beef, but with my schedule it's sometimes difficult to sneak a whole food meal in. Having a shake made with these liquid whites is a quick and easy alternative. I guess I just question whether the whites are a better choice than a good whey isolate?
    Have at it, they're g2g. They're a better choice then whey in general, being a whole food - but everything has it's place and time.

    Quote Originally Posted by cue_artist View Post
    Bro of course real food is better than any source of powder protein. But there is no source of protein that can be absorbed as fast as whey protein. So the best time to have your whey shake is immediatly after your workout only. The rest of your daily protein intake should always be from different sources of animals. Lean of course !
    ^^ this. Whey would also be a good choice 1st thing in the morning to break the fast. I actually prefer a smaller whey shake AND some eggs/egg whites.

    Quote Originally Posted by GoNoles99 View Post
    How do you guys get your egg whites then? You just buy a dozen eggs every day, eat 10 whites and throw out the yokes?

    Seems like a huge waste.
    That's usually what I wind up doing, and I agree with you - I feel bad every time I throw the yolks out. Why do they have to be SO high in fat? You ever see how those chickens live? Makes me feel terrible to eat eggs at all and support that disgusting industry...

  7. #7
    boz's Avatar
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    Don't wanna look like im hijacking the thread, but my question is associated with raw eggs.

    I have been smashing down 3 raw eggs in a cup with a bit of milk to make it go down easier, anyone object to this?? - If so Why?

    Keep in mind also, before the raw eggs i eat a 200ml egg white omelette. Only reason i do not mix my normal eggs in with my egg whites, my omelette turns out massive, also is just a pain in the ass

  8. #8
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boz88 View Post
    Don't wanna look like im hijacking the thread, but my question is associated with raw eggs.

    I have been smashing down 3 raw eggs in a cup with a bit of milk to make it go down easier, anyone object to this?? - If so Why?

    Keep in mind also, before the raw eggs i eat a 200ml egg white omelette. Only reason i do not mix my normal eggs in with my egg whites, my omelette turns out massive, also is just a pain in the ass
    No major objections - just pointing out that there is the risk of salmonella, and studies show that egg protein is more bio available when cooked. Personally, I wouldn't eat raw eggs just to play it on the safe side.

  9. #9
    zabster151's Avatar
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    i do 5 egg whits and one yoke the fats good for you. and a pbj every morning. the best deal is the flat of eggs for $6.99

  10. #10
    Stephen73ta's Avatar
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    i buy 2 1/2 dozen for like $4.99 at wally world. I usually do 3 egg whites and 1 yoke in the morning. I also throw in a raw egg or two in my shake every now and then. Never gotten sick.. It's just a risk kind of like eating raw fish. I got an immune system like a rhinoceros though. I never get sick.

  11. #11
    GetSwole83's Avatar
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    I have been just adding the liquid whites to my shakes or in smoothies with BCAA's. Seem to work well. It was getting very hard for me to eat the amount of cooked eggs I needed. Although somethings I just cook em if I feel like I need something more sufficient on my stomach.

  12. #12
    LBSOMEIRON is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by boz88 View Post
    Don't wanna look like im hijacking the thread, but my question is associated with raw eggs.

    I have been smashing down 3 raw eggs in a cup with a bit of milk to make it go down easier, anyone object to this?? - If so Why?

    Keep in mind also, before the raw eggs i eat a 200ml egg white omelette. Only reason i do not mix my normal eggs in with my egg whites, my omelette turns out massive, also is just a pain in the ass
    Here's the scoop. My coach actually trained and worked for a summer in Japan where eating raw eggs is common practice. he said he ate between 12-24 raw egg whites a day. Studies that were done show the chance of getting sammy is 1 in 30,000. In addition, samanella is found in the shell, NOT the egg itself. The Protein isn't denatured if they're raw. Honestly, this was a pretty common practice years ago and healthy young adults shouldn't have a problem. But make damn sure they're fresh. If the yolk isn't plump, DO NOT eat them!

  13. #13
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LBSOMEIRON View Post
    Studies that were done show the chance of getting sammy is 1 in 30,000.
    This is true, I learned way back in cooking school. The chances of getting salmonella from chicken is WAY higher, like 1 in 5 or something insane like that. Highly unlikely to get it from an egg. Obviously, the more you eat, the more increased your chances - but still relatively low.

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