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Thread: Attention Gbrice!!
Attention Gbrice!!
Hey man, here's some pics I took today. Wondering what you think BF% is and based on that, what sort of TDEE I should be working off of. Remember I was thinking it was 3700-4000 cals. and you were thinking maybe 3000. Maybe these will help. Here's the link to our previous conversation.!! I know your busy with your own thread, (which I've read) so anytime and any help at all would be great. I'm now on a 4 day split doing 6 to 8 sets per body part once a week on a reload (12-15 reps). I'm also doing 30 minutes of moderate fasted am cardio 5-6 days a week. A week from Monday (if all is still cool with the Doc) I'll start a 10 week cycle (Test C, Deca , Anavar , Proviron ) doing heavy volume 9-12 sets per body part once a week, trying for a lean bulk. Thanks again Dude.
Here's another one...
11-19-2010, 01:22 AM #3
Can't help you on the body fat % but holy crap you've got some long ass arms lol.
Definately looking cut up tho. Good work.
Better than this though...
11-19-2010, 07:47 AM #6
I'd estimate you at about 14-16% holding a little in the love handles and legs still. Its hard to tell when people have lost a large percentage of their body weight
Last edited by scotty51312; 11-19-2010 at 07:50 AM.
11-19-2010, 07:52 AM #7
You have a build simliar to GB's, overall development appears to be pretty consistent, traps need the most work, but everything else seems pretty equal. Good job so far with your progress, I agree with the 14%. I think maybe you could hit arms twice a week, IMO, tri's with chest, bi's with back and arms again later in the week.
11-19-2010, 10:04 AM #8
Sorry i'm late to the party!
I'd agree with about 14% - overall build looks pretty solid. GREAT job from your fat pic - bro, you look 10 years younger, easily!
Not sure I agree with your cycle right now... I forget but do you have cycle experience? 4 compounds is alot to run...
After seeing your pics, and given your stats - i'm thinking 3500 calories is a perfect starting point, assuming the goal is to gain mass. Monitor this CLOSELY though, and adjust if/when necessary - 100-200 calories at a time, max.
11-19-2010, 10:25 AM #9
Those ribs on your BBQ are making me really hungry right now and thats all I can really focus on
11-19-2010, 10:29 AM #10
nice work man, from the bbq till now
keep on truckin
Yea, I agree. Traps have lagged because I've been laying off them due to an injury. Just had spinal surgery and have my follow up with the Doc on the 27th. After that I plan on adding 6 sets of shrugs at the end of my back workout. As you've read, I also realize the arm thing. I think I will try hitting them twice a week like you suggest. Monday Chest/shoulders/tri's, Tuesday back/bi's, then Friday arms. Thanks a million Bro.
Great man, thanks. So I'll stay at around 2500 to 2800 to prime, up until the 29th, then roll it up to 3500. I got to say, it seems I've dropped at least a couple of lbs in the last 6 days since dropping to 3000... down from 104.5 kg to 102.3 this morning.
I've done a couple of short cycles in the past, but I've been on 2, 8 week cycles bridged for 2 weeks in the middle since the end of July. Would have been off by now but didn't want to PCT while recovering from surgery. I've been on 500 mg Sust. since the 26th of last month. Ronnie Rowland suggested the bridge as well as the Anavar to speed recovery. I figure since I'm shut down already and I expect to get the go ahead to hit it hard at the end of the month, I'll do 8 more weeks, then PCT. I've been running 250 iu's of HCG since week 5 so I hope PCT won't be too rough, but I am expecting a bit of a struggle.
11-19-2010, 09:55 PM #15
I used to do upright rows but I jacked up my wrist/bi tendon and have been doing overhead presses instead since. Twice a week, I've been thinking about this... I'm going to post my old and my new proposed workout on Ronnie's thread and see what he says...I'll throw it up here to see what you guys think too.
Last edited by The Titan99; 11-20-2010 at 12:23 AM.
Here's my last 6 months or so and then my possible new workout. What do you guys think? I'm limited on what I can do because I have to use all my own equipment. Hoping I can swing a new set of dumbbells 15 kg to 50 kg. That would be SWEET!!!
Mon - Chest/Shoulders -Flat Bench Press 3 x 4-6,8,10 Incline Bench 3 x 8,8,9 - Decline bench - 3 x 8,9,10- - Shoulders - Vert Rows 3 x 4-6,8,10 Side Laterals 3 x 8,9,10 Rear Laterals 3 x 8,9,10 AM Cardio 30 Min
Tues - Back - Wide Grip pull ups 3 x 12,10,9 - EZ Bar Pull-overs 3 x 6,8,10 - Bent Over Wide Grip Rows Prep Set, 4 x 4-6,8,9,10 - Supported one hand Rows 3 x 8,8,10 - Deadlift, Prep, 3 x 2-4,6,8 Shrugs 6 x 8,9,10,11,12,13 AM Cardio 30 Min
Wed - Abs - Weighted Decline situps 4 x 16,13,10,9 Weighted crunchs 4 x 20,16,14,12 - Leg raises 3 x Failure AM Cardio 30 Min
Thurs - Legs - Squats, Prep Set, 4 x 4-6,8,9,8 Leg Extensions 4 x 7,8,8,8 Leg Curls 4 x 8,9,9,10 Standing Calf Raises 6 x 14,12,12,10 AM
Fri - Arms -Spider Barbell Curls 4 x 8,9,10,12 - Hammer Curls 3 x 8,9,10 - EZ Bar Preacher Curls 3 x 8,9,10 - Triceps - Decline Skull Crushers 4 x 8,9,10,12 - Over Head Tricep Extensions 3 x 6,8,10 Dips 3 x Failure No Cardio
Sat - OFF
Sun - 30 Min Cardio
The new deal...MAYBE!!
Monday - Chest/Tri's - Chest Flat Bench Warm Ups, Prep Set, 4-6, 8-12, 8-12 Incline Bench 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Decline Bench 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Triceps Skull Crushers Warm ups, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Overhead Extensions 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Tri Kickbacks 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 AM Fasted Cardio 30 min
Tuesday - Back/Traps Back Width Close Grip Underhand Pull ups 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 EX Bar Pull Overs 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Back Thickness Underhand Bent Over Rows Warm Ups, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 T-Bar Rows 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Deadlift Warm up, Prep Set, 1-4, 6-8, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Traps Shrugs 6 sets 8-12 AM Fasted Cardio 30 min
Wednsday Shoulders/ Traps/Bi's Shoulders Lateral Raises Warm Up, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Standing Overhead Presses 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Rear Laterals 8-12,8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Biceps Standing Barbell Curls 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Spider Curls EZ Bar Close Grip 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Incline Bench Curls 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 AM Fasted Cardio 30 min
Thursday - Legs Squats Warm ups, Prep Set, 1-4,8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Leg Extentions 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Leg Curls 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Standing Calf Raises 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 No Cardio
Friday - Arms/Abs Biceps Standing Barbell Curls Warm up sets x 2, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Spider Curls EZ Bar Close Grip 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Incline Bench Curls 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Triceps Skull Crushers Warm ups, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Overhead Extensions 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Tri Kickbacks 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Abs Weighted Decline Sit ups 6 Sets 12-20 No Cardio
Saturday - AM Cardio 30 Minutes
Sunday - AM Cardio 30 Minutes
11-20-2010, 06:16 AM #18
both of these are impressive and you obviously know your stuff, was it a typo that you had traps back to back on tuesday and wednesday? I didn't really see a specific traps exercise on wednesday. If I would make one suggestion it would be to put triceps first on arms day and superset all tri and bi exercises, eg: 1st triceps exercise set followed immediately by 1st biceps exercise set, back and forth til all sets done then on to second and third, I love how this makes the arms feel and might shock some unnatural growth in yours.
Whatever you do I believe you will make great progress and am looking forward to seeing you grow.
Yea, that's a typo. I've been toying with the idea of a four day split, and that's why I've been moving Traps around. I'm just too restless for that though, so it's back to 5 days. For Traps I currently do shrugs with an Olympic bar holding the plates, but soon I hope to have dumbbells and do seated dumbbell shrugs. So you think super set all of arm day?
If I was in Thailand, I would be in wicked shape just from banging Thai Girls.
“If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein
"Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."
"In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."
Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.
No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.
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11-21-2010, 08:51 AM #21
I think you would be excited about how it makes the arms swell, and it looks like something different enough to shock some growth. On your barbell shrugs you could try the bar behind your butt, if you haven't already, just push your hips forward to have the bar hang straight down from the shoulder blades and move your shoulders into your ears, just a slightly different angle but makes a noticible difference on how it shapes the trap.
I'll try both of your suggestions. Thanks a lot for taking a look. This is the final version of my next Reload. I moved Bi's to Back Day, moved Shrugs (bar behind butt) to shoulder day. I also changed the exercises for Tri's/Bi's from earlier in the week and reduced total sets to 12 per week at the suggestion of Ronnie. I'll also give super sets a go on Arm Day and see how it goes.
Here it is...The finished product!!
Monday - Chest/Tri's - Chest Flat Bench Warm Ups, Prep Set, 4-6, 8-12, 8-12 Incline Bench 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Decline Bench 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Triceps Overhead Extensions Warm ups, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Tri Kickbacks 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 AM Fasted Cardio 30 min
Tuesday - Back/Biceps Back Width Close Grip Underhand Pull ups 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 EX Bar Pull Overs 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Back Thickness Underhand Bent Over Rows Warm Ups, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 T-Bar Rows 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Dead Lift Warm up, Prep Set, 1-4, 6-8, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Biceps Standing Barbell Curls Warm ups, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Preacher Curls 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 AM Fasted Cardio 30 min
Wednesday - Shoulders/Traps Shoulders Lateral Raises Warm Ups, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Standing Overhead Presses 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Rear Laterals 8-12,8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Traps Shrugs 6 sets 8-12 AM Fasted Cardio 30 min
Thursday - Legs Squats Warm ups, Prep Set, 1-4,8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Leg Extensions 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Leg Curls 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Standing Calf Raises 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 No Cardio
Friday - Arms/Abs Biceps Spider Curls EZ Bar Close Grip 6-10, 6-10, 6-10 Incline Bench Curls 6-10, 6-10, 6-10 Triceps Skull Crushers Warm ups, 6-10, 6-10, 6-10 Tri Kickbacks 6-10, 6-10, 6-10 Abs Weighted Decline Sit ups 6 Sets 12-20 No Cardio
Saturday - AM Cardio 30 Minutes
Sunday - AM Cardio 30 Minutes
11-22-2010, 07:20 AM #23
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First Tren Cycle (blast)