i am looking to hit 200 i do not know my bf% but i am pretty lean...
5'11 - 185lbs - 29yrs old - 5 day work out plan -running hgh test e deca and winstrol have not started the winstrol yet just came off dbol

6:00am hgh 3i.u

7:00am protien shake

9am 7 hard boiled egg whites, quarter pound of turkey slices, oatmeal

12pm roasted turkey/half a chicken or 2 grilled chicken breasts, yams or red skin potatos, brown rice

2pm tuna sandwich

3:30pm bcaa glutamine and creatine

4pm trainning

5pm shake bcaa glycomaize creatine

5:30 or 6pm 8oz steak brown rice cup of v8 or some veggies

8pm snack cottage cheese

10pm casin powder