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  1. #1
    Athlete127 is offline Member
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    My NEW diet (adding lean muscle for college football receiver) HELP!


    I am adding a picture I just took, don't get me wrong, that was a good picture I took and I was flexing hard, plus I do tan and it's with a mirror. Trying to give you all visual of what I want and what I have thus far. Arms do have main veign over bicep since you can't see that. Look not too bad when I get a pump, this pic doesn't show my arms too well.

    I go to college, I eat breakfast lunch and dinner in the caff... here is the typical they have. You know caffeteria food is HARD to find consistent protein. They always have a salad bar, and always veggies, and always a sandwich bar with (ham,cheeses,turkey,roast beef,all kinds of bread) Plus the other 3 junk/high fat like pizza,fries, burgers bars they have. Always have apples. Lunch and dinner is about the same, Breakfast, always have yogurt, oatmeal, begals, plus your bad food like breakfast burritos, fake eggs. They do have a lady who cooks eggs for you though. During lunch 2x a week they have "wraps" can get anything in a wrap with chicken, and 2x a week stirfry? Just trying to give you a run down of what they have and what I am working with.

    Note I have been on a strict diet ABOUT like this for awhile, minus a few things, but I NEVER eat bad foods (fatty,high calorie or fast foods,) since like 4months ago. Only cheated about 5 times, and not bad.

    I have read the forum for hours and days, I have taken all advice from my last diet thread. Tell me what you think. I need SERIOUS help. Feel free to change ANYTHING or let me know what I need to switch, or go to the store and buy (I am a COLLEGE student, tight budget. I have 3 swipes a day for the caff (b,l,d) We also have a kitchen in our dorm. Remember low budget! lol

    But let me know if there is another supplement I need to go buy, along with other groceries if needed just like stated

    Ok, Monday-Thursday, football practice is from 2:30-4 and we do footwork and speed type then weights(bench,squat,incline,cleans) those are the main weights in the 4 days. Then after the main of the day, we do a ton of other small stuff for that muscle.

    Wednesday and Friday morning we do high cardio and foot work training. A bunch of ladders, bags, and things along those lines.

    Sunday-Thursday nights I ALSO go to the campus gym & workout 1-2 muscles a night (the muscles that I worked earlier in the week from football so I dont work the same thing too closely together) and abs

    I take Friday and Saturday off with weights, and typically drink some alcohol on these nights.

    Goal, keep getting RIPPED abs and not lose them AT all, get that nice beach body, you know like all muscles ripped up more, at same time gain 5 pounds or so of LEAN muscle.. 6'0 185? Wouldn't even mind getting to 190 as long as I looked REALLLLY good, like magazine cover talking, even it means staying at 180. Im fine with my weight. Thats why I am asking the experts! I am very serious about having that proud body on vacation at the beach, or at a party, but also want that serious pro receiver look.

    Meal 1 (Breakfast) 7:00AM -Note on Wednesday and Friday morning it is hard to go to the Caffeteria because I do not have time. Need an alternate. Eat before the workout or after?
    1 scoop of protein(whey protein)
    1/2-1 cup of oats<--- I feel like this is getting me fat when I eat it LOL!
    Eggs(<--sometimes the lady who cooks them isnt there and Im not eating the fake eggs they have) so should I add another scoop of protein if cant get eggs? Thought about buying egg whites at store and just doing breakfast in the dorm.

    Meal 2 (Snack) 10:00 or 10:30
    1 can of tuna (in oil)

    Meal 3 (lunch) 12:00 or 12:30
    Turkey sandwich (about 5 or 6 slices of turkey, whole grain wheat bread, pickles,tomato,lettuce,mustard)
    A salad (with spinach leaves,carrots,brocoli,tomato,calaflower,cucumber, Oil & vinegar)
    Then I will also look for MAYBE some chicken if they have any, or sometimes they have "wraps" and I get one with chicken in it, lettuce, tomato, honey mustard--- feel like I am over eating when I get that too?


    4:00 PWO
    2 scoops of protein(whey protein)
    1 cup of oats (I feel like I am eating glue that is going to make me lose my six pack when I eat this again!)

    Meal 4( dinner) 6:00
    About 10 or more slices of turkey breast because like I said typically all I can get protein wise that is consistent.
    Same salad as I had for lunch

    8:00 Workout Sunday-Thursdays

    9:30 PWO
    2 scoops of protein (whey protein)

    11:00 Meal 5 before bed
    1 can of tuna, 1 spoon of natural peanut butter

    Plus I drink 5 bottles of water or better a day.

    -Remember to keep in mind, I'm not looking to body build, just getting that lean beach body/ receiver body for football and the ladys! haha-
    Last edited by Athlete127; 02-11-2011 at 05:31 PM.

  2. #2
    Athlete127 is offline Member
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  3. #3
    Athlete127 is offline Member
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    I also just found out the caffeteria's hamburger that is always available and it is 85/15. I can take as much out of the caff and refridigirate it and use it for whatever snack or meals. So keep that in mind if it is good enough. Can also do the same thing with the turkey breast.

  4. #4
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Hey bro, i'm too exhausted to go through the diet and critique TBH, but you know my views since I did it on your last thread. You look good in your pic, nice and lean, easily 10%. You already know what you need to do. You have to eat as much QUALITY protein, carbs, and fats as you possibly can. No, I don't mean eat 10k calories a day. What I mean is you have access to alot of sub standard food when it comes to BBing, so you need to make every effort to get the most quality stuff you can. You're lean and active, so if 85/15 is what they have, stick with it. I'd rather see you eating that then cold cuts.

    At a glance your diet already looks much better then the last one. Yea, oats make you feel bloated, but I doubt you need to worry, you're very lean. Your maintenance is probably well over 3000 calories due to your activity level, so you need to start counting your calories and get an idea of how much you're eating. Start somewhere in the 3500 - 4000 range and see how your body reacts. Make adjustments + or - to find your sweet spot.

  5. #5
    bigslick7878 is offline Senior Member
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    Kind of convoluted schedule and I can't really figure it out but you need a LOT of calories for all that activity. Gbrice is right on the money as always with the 3500-4000 calories every day. For a college kid with your schedule that is going to be pretty hard to get eating clean.

    If you could go day by day and break down your activity schedule it would be easier to understand, you might be better off cutting back some of the optional stuff. Also go meal by meal and break down all the macros (calories/protein/carbs/fats). We need details.

    On a side note you have great genetics and I would not go near any steroids . At 6' 180 and only 20 years old with proper diet you will get to 190 easily in the next year or so. By 22 or 23 you could be in the 200lb range easily and still lean.

    For your goals you don't want to get any bigger then that anyway, at 6'0 190 is perfect for a WR. You don't want to be too bulky you need speed and explosion. As far as supplements all you need is Protein and creatine (amino acids would be good too if you can afford it every month) As I explained to you in the PM last time I would suggest you do what I said with the whey protein and drink it with every meal. There is no excuse you can premix it and take it with you anywhere you go and you NEED that protein with your schedule. I would make gallons at a time and drink it all day long.

  6. #6
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    i wouldnt have said u were 180 from that pic but u r really lean, firstly im not quite sure about ur goals :S u said u dont mind if u gain weight or not as long as u stay ripped? staying ripped isnt difficult. need proper macros 2 critique diet. i would say dont buy egg whites though, tryed them, they dont cook as well and are twice as expensive as buying eggs and seperating them yourself. i keep 1 yoque for 3 whites, just microwave them with black pepper and job done! for supps i think u shuld get some casein (ON casein is best imo) for ur last meal. for the oats i buy ground oats (powder) so i can just add it 2 milk and gd 2 go, much easier then cooking. bigslick said 2 add whey 2 each meal, i dont like to relly on shakes more then 2x a day. i get ur college situation and low budget but u shuld add some EFA's to breakfast, not to expensive. GB is right with 4k calories range i think, but last thing i noticed is u dont eat pre-workout. theres a 2 hour gap from lat meal. i use a pre-workout shake, u might not want 2 if u cant afford it. but u shuld get something in at least, creatine, EAA's + OJ or something basic at least.good luck!

  7. #7
    Athlete127 is offline Member
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    I went and bought 2 and a half dozen eggs tonight. Should my breakfast be 6 boiled eggs, trash the yokes... 1/2 cup of oats mixed with 1 scoop of whey & 2 slices of wheat bread?
    Last edited by Athlete127; 02-14-2011 at 03:15 AM.

  8. #8
    Athlete127 is offline Member
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    Need a quick answer! haha
    Last edited by Athlete127; 02-13-2011 at 11:51 PM.

  9. #9
    Gucks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Athlete127 View Post
    I went and bought 2 and a half dozen eggs tonight. Should my breakfast be 6 boiled eggs, trash the yokes... 1/2 cup of oats mixed with 1 scoop of whey & 2 slices of wheat bread?
    hey, im in ireland so it was 2am here wen u posted, not geting a quick answer at that time :P and dont dump all the yokes. if ur having 6 have 2 yokes. boil them/scramble/poach w/e u prefer! i h8 wheat bread :P hypie shit! but its still gd carbs. either 1 cup of oats or the half cup with the bread. no need for whey if ur having 6 eggs. whey is for PWO only imo. nice breakfast though! pretty similar 2 mine

  10. #10
    Damienm05's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Athlete127 View Post
    I went and bought 2 and a half dozen eggs tonight. Should my breakfast be 6 boiled eggs, trash the yokes... 1/2 cup of oats mixed with 1 scoop of whey & 2 slices of wheat bread?
    That sounds good minus the toast. I'd scrap it and do a full cup of oatmeal. Also, you're an athlete, not a bodybuilder. You expend more energy training than a bodybuilder does. That said, I wouldn't mind seeing some fruit in with your breakfast. A banana and 1/2 a cup of blueberries would be nice.

  11. #11
    Damienm05's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Athlete127 View Post

    I am adding a picture I just took, don't get me wrong, that was a good picture I took and I was flexing hard, plus I do tan and it's with a mirror. Trying to give you all visual of what I want and what I have thus far. Arms do have main veign over bicep since you can't see that. Look not too bad when I get a pump, this pic doesn't show my arms too well. You look good man. Not everyone at your position can have biceps like Terrell Owens. He's a freak. Not to say you can't make some decent gains but your speed is key. Adding a ton of upper body mass can be rather negative, depending on how physical you are.

    I go to college, I eat breakfast lunch and dinner in the caff... here is the typical they have. You know caffeteria food is HARD to find consistent protein. They always have a salad bar, and always veggies, and always a sandwich bar with (ham,cheeses,turkey,roast beef,all kinds of bread) Plus the other 3 junk/high fat like pizza,fries, burgers bars they have. Always have apples. Lunch and dinner is about the same, Breakfast, always have yogurt, oatmeal, begals, plus your bad food like breakfast burritos, fake eggs. They do have a lady who cooks eggs for you though. During lunch 2x a week they have "wraps" can get anything in a wrap with chicken, and 2x a week stirfry? Just trying to give you a run down of what they have and what I am working with.

    Note I have been on a strict diet ABOUT like this for awhile, minus a few things, but I NEVER eat bad foods (fatty,high calorie or fast foods,) since like 4months ago. Only cheated about 5 times, and not bad.

    I have read the forum for hours and days, I have taken all advice from my last diet thread. Tell me what you think. I need SERIOUS help. Feel free to change ANYTHING or let me know what I need to switch, or go to the store and buy (I am a COLLEGE student, tight budget. I have 3 swipes a day for the caff (b,l,d) We also have a kitchen in our dorm. Remember low budget! lol

    But let me know if there is another supplement I need to go buy, along with other groceries if needed just like stated

    Ok, Monday-Thursday, football practice is from 2:30-4 and we do footwork and speed type then weights(bench,squat,incline,cleans) those are the main weights in the 4 days. Then after the main of the day, we do a ton of other small stuff for that muscle.

    Wednesday and Friday morning we do high cardio and foot work training. A bunch of ladders, bags, and things along those lines.

    Sunday-Thursday nights I ALSO go to the campus gym & workout 1-2 muscles a night (the muscles that I worked earlier in the week from football so I dont work the same thing too closely together) and abs

    I take Friday and Saturday off with weights, and typically drink some alcohol on these nights.

    Goal, keep getting RIPPED abs and not lose them AT all, get that nice beach body, you know like all muscles ripped up more, at same time gain 5 pounds or so of LEAN muscle.. 6'0 185? Wouldn't even mind getting to 190 as long as I looked REALLLLY good, like magazine cover talking, even it means staying at 180. Im fine with my weight. Thats why I am asking the experts! I am very serious about having that proud body on vacation at the beach, or at a party, but also want that serious pro receiver look.

    Meal 1 (Breakfast) 7:00AM -Note on Wednesday and Friday morning it is hard to go to the Caffeteria because I do not have time. Need an alternate. Eat before the workout or after?
    1 scoop of protein(whey protein)
    1/2-1 cup of oats<--- I feel like this is getting me fat when I eat it LOL!
    Eggs(<--sometimes the lady who cooks them isnt there and Im not eating the fake eggs they have) so should I add another scoop of protein if cant get eggs? Thought about buying egg whites at store and just doing breakfast in the dorm.
    6 egg whites, 1 scoop whey, 1 cup oats, 1/2 cup blueberries, 1 banana. 50/100/8

    Meal 2 (Snack) 10:00 or 10:30
    1 can of tuna (in oil)
    Get tuna in water. Have it with 60-80g complex carbs like brown rice, oats, or sweet potato.

    Meal 3 (lunch) 12:00 or 12:30
    Turkey sandwich (about 5 or 6 slices of turkey, whole grain wheat bread, pickles,tomato,lettuce,mustard)
    A salad (with spinach leaves,carrots,brocoli,tomato,calaflower,cucumber, Oil & vinegar)
    Then I will also look for MAYBE some chicken if they have any, or sometimes they have "wraps" and I get one with chicken in it, lettuce, tomato, honey mustard--- feel like I am over eating when I get that too? For pre-workout, this won't be. Go for 50-60g complex carbs and 40g lean protein. When there's a will, there's a way. You can always plug in a George Foreman in your dorm and cook off chicken breasts for the week. Example: 8 oz. chicken breast, 1 cup brown rice.


    4:00 PWO
    2 scoops of protein(whey protein)
    1 cup of oats (I feel like I am eating glue that is going to make me lose my six pack when I eat this again!) I assume you do a ton of cardio and other conditioning drills, you won't get fat eating carbs as long as your fat/total calories aren't way too high. This is a good PWO shake.

    Meal 4( dinner) 6:00
    About 10 or more slices of turkey breast because like I said typically all I can get protein wise that is consistent.
    Same salad as I had for lunch
    And as I said, you have to find a way to do better. It's not hard. Tupperware, Foreman, grocery store, and you're good to go. Go for another lean protein, complex carb meal but taper down the carb portion except for Thursday-Sunday. Monday-Thursday, 40g lean protein via tuna, chicken, or something clean and 1/2 cup brown rice/oats.

    8:00 Workout Sunday-Thursdays

    9:30 PWO
    2 scoops of protein (whey protein) I'd add a tablespoon of natural peanut butter or another fat source to the PWO shake. Let's avoid carbs at this hour since you've had plenty up until this point to maintain intensity. We don't want to press our luck.

    11:00 Meal 5 before bed
    1 can of tuna, 1 spoon of natural peanut butter Replace the tuna with something slower-digesting. Casein powder, a burger with no bun, cottage cheese, something convenient for your lifestyle.

    Plus I drink 5 bottles of water or better a day.

    -Remember to keep in mind, I'm not looking to body build, just getting that lean beach body/ receiver body for football and the ladys! haha-

    Got your PM. Thoughts above. Start heavy on the carbs and taper down throughout the day. In order to ensure you don't gain body fat, we need to go deeper and I need you to put in work. Find your TDEE. BMR X 1.7 in your case. That's your maintenance calories. Food intake should be set 500 calories above that. You'll gain.

  12. #12
    Athlete127 is offline Member
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    BMR is 1965.8 according to an online BMR calculator.

    I am going to buy casien, creatine, glutamine sometime today

    I am replacing the turkey breast with 2 85/15 burgers each meal. Sound good?

    I am going to eat 2 pieces of whole wheat bread instead of the oats in the morning, it made me SICK this morning. + a banana.

  13. #13
    Damienm05's Avatar
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    85/15 is really high in fat. 93/7 is better but the burgers are definitely better even if it has to be 85/15. Just drain as much fat as you can and maybe remove a serving of PB to account for it. Try to get a quality whole wheat bread. Also, grits are good.

  14. #14
    Athlete127 is offline Member
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    & for some reason I am afraid I am going to lose my 6 pack. Before I never ate hardly any fat. or hardly any carbs.

  15. #15
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    Well, it's calories in vs. calories out. If you're not eating more calories than u burn, you won't gain fat. It's all about carefully maintaining and watching from week to week. Taking pics, measurments, and adjusting cals as you go. U may see some water weight come on initially but that's it.

  16. #16
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Athlete - i'm sorry bro, I didn't mean to 'abandon' you. I had/have some sh!t going on at home and haven't been able to spend much time on the board.

    Let me know if I can help you any further. If not, you are in good hands with Damien.

  17. #17
    Athlete127 is offline Member
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    Meal 1 (Breakfast) 7:00AM -Note on Wednesday and Friday morning it is hard to go to the Caffeteria because I do not have time. Need an alternate. Eat before the workout or after?
    2 scoops of whey protein
    2 slices of 100% whole grain wheat
    1 banana
    Honestly, I can't stand those eggs or oats in the AM. They were disgusting. I'd rather do the shake.... <3 haha

    Meal 2 (Snack) 10:00 or 10:30
    1 can of tuna

    Meal 3 (lunch) 12:00 or 12:30
    2 hamburger patties 85/15 on 2 slices of whole wheat grain toast with mustard, etc
    Cup of assorted vegetables (brocoli, caulaflower, carrots)

    Micronized glutamine
    Branched Amino Acids
    Orange Juice


    4:00 PWO
    2 scoops of protein(whey protein)
    I need something other than oats here... like I said, I HATE them now. I tried mixing them with my shake this morning

    Meal 4( dinner) 6:00
    2 hamburer patties (85/15)
    cup of assorted veggies (brocoli,caulaflower,carrots)

    7:30 pre workout
    Micronized glutamine
    Branched Amino Acids
    Orange Juice

    8:00 Workout Sunday-Thursdays

    9:30 PWO
    2 scoops of protein (whey protein)

    11:00 Meal 5 before bed
    1 scoop of casein

    Plus I drink 7 bottles of water or better a day.

  18. #18
    Damienm05's Avatar
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    Read my info thread man. Look at the interchangeable carbs. Also, these protein only meals will get you nowhere.

  19. #19
    Athlete127 is offline Member
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    Just bought all this tonight, for $140. Good price? Need a little insight on how to use it, compared to what it says.
    Remember I workout monday-thursday 2:30. sunday-thursday at 8 pm. and also wednesday and Friday morning cardio stuff
    Do I need to take all this once a day or before both workouts? Don't wanna run out too fast.

  20. #20
    Damienm05's Avatar
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    Well, GNC is a huge rip off but they make good products. I suppose 140 for all that is pretty good come to think of it.

    Ok, for the casein just have a scoop with 15g healthy fat before bed every night. Also, as a meal replacement once or twice a day you can mix 1 scoop whey, 1 scoop casein and have it with some complex carbs. Don't make a habit of replacing food with shakes but whey/casein together is decent.

    For the BCAAs, sip on them while you train and do cardio. Also, have a heaping teaspoon between meals 2-6 times per day depending on how willing u are to buy another tub every few weeks. It will definitely help your gains. The glutamine, I would do with your PPWO meal and before bed. By ppwo meal, I mean the whole food meal after your PWO shake.

    The arginine, pre-workout but also between meals 2-6 times daily just like the BCAAs.

    The creatine, do what the box says. I've never used that type, only monohydrate powder in my PWO shake. However, I assume that's a time-released blend so take it with your multivitamin maybe?

  21. #21
    Athlete127 is offline Member
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    I'm getting my totals at now...

    Total fat-80g's



    Calories-2420 (wanna start at about 2500 and see how my body reacts, slowly go up.

    You think too much fat?

  22. #22
    SlimJoe is offline Banned
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    You have a good base to work from

  23. #23
    Damienm05's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Athlete127 View Post
    I'm getting my totals at now...

    Total fat-80g's



    Calories-2420 (wanna start at about 2500 and see how my body reacts, slowly go up.

    You think too much fat?

    yeah, reduce fat to 50g and get carbs to 200 minimum. You need carbs to grow. I know guys who are less active than u who eat 400g-500g daily when adding muscle. They don't gain fat. Well, maybe a few lbs over the course of a 12-week bulk but yeah.

  24. #24
    Athlete127 is offline Member
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    How can I reduce to 80 when I was told to eat the caff hamburger over the turkey breast

  25. #25
    Athlete127 is offline Member
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    If I cut out my dinner 2 burgers, with 10 turkey breast slices (even though I will be starving!)

    & cut out the PB before bed that will put me at about 58.
    Last edited by Athlete127; 02-14-2011 at 10:33 PM.

  26. #26
    Gucks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Athlete127 View Post
    If I cut out my dinner 2 burgers, with 10 turkey breast slices (even though I will be starving!)

    & cut out the PB before bed that will put me at about 58.
    i would say relax about the fat. 80g isnt that much at all. stop stressing about ur 6-pack r u that slef-conscious? :P and arginine i use AAKG form of it pre-workout with EAA's (i wuld always tell ppl 2 buy eaa's rather then bcaa's - bcaa's r only 3 of ur 9 eaa's). the creatine i take PWO aswell and glutamine u shuld take whenever u take u arginine beause its helps porduce carnitine (another amino acid) which is the purpose of arginine. carnitine is what gives u ur pump wen u workout. the price seems ok to me. and on the oats, stop being a ***** :P i buy ground oats (in a powder) so u dont have 2 cook them just add with milk and they r fine. if u alreayd have whole oats u can buy a coffee bean grinder which some of my m8s do and grind their oats every morning. saves alot of hasle. how can u not like eggs..? unless ur drinking them raw (which means ur an idiot) thei rfine. ur not rocky, just stick them in the microwave with bit of salt and pepper! job done. stop relying on shakes so much! 3 shakes a day max imo. last thing is u dont take any EFA's, all ur fats come from meat. efa's r cheap and beneficial, just take with breakfast. up ur carbs ALOT more! AT LEAST 300G!!! that is 2 much protein aswell, 2 let u know excess protein just gets converted 2 carbs which can get converted 2 fat if u dont need it. go 4 250g protein. i get 500g carbs and im 172 ibs. 2:1 carb to protein ratio

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