Kind of convoluted schedule and I can't really figure it out but you need a LOT of calories for all that activity. Gbrice is right on the money as always with the 3500-4000 calories every day. For a college kid with your schedule that is going to be pretty hard to get eating clean.

If you could go day by day and break down your activity schedule it would be easier to understand, you might be better off cutting back some of the optional stuff. Also go meal by meal and break down all the macros (calories/protein/carbs/fats). We need details.

On a side note you have great genetics and I would not go near any steroids . At 6' 180 and only 20 years old with proper diet you will get to 190 easily in the next year or so. By 22 or 23 you could be in the 200lb range easily and still lean.

For your goals you don't want to get any bigger then that anyway, at 6'0 190 is perfect for a WR. You don't want to be too bulky you need speed and explosion. As far as supplements all you need is Protein and creatine (amino acids would be good too if you can afford it every month) As I explained to you in the PM last time I would suggest you do what I said with the whey protein and drink it with every meal. There is no excuse you can premix it and take it with you anywhere you go and you NEED that protein with your schedule. I would make gallons at a time and drink it all day long.