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  1. #1
    cantbetouched is offline Associate Member
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    Check out my diet!!!!

    Here's my diet. let me know what you all think. trying to lean bulk. The cals may be a little on the high side though. Im on cycle 1-10 test e 500mg split 250mg
    bf somewhere around 18%
    lift 5 days a week
    lifting exp 3yrs 1 yr intense.

    meal 1
    4 slices wheat bread 12/52/4/280
    2 eggs 12/0/10/140
    chk breast 8 oz 46/0/5/220

    casein 24/4/1/110
    milk 16/24/0/160
    post workout
    whey 24/7/0/110
    milk 16/24/0/160

    meal 2
    chk breast 8 oz 46/0/5/220
    rice 1/2 cup 6/70/0/300
    veggie/bean mix 10/30/1/150
    1/2 can of tuna 13/3/.5/50
    meal 3
    ground beef 23/0/8/170
    wheat tortilla 4/24/2/130
    1 Egg 6/1/4.5/70

    meal 4
    chk breast 8 oz 46/0/5/220
    rice 1/2 cup 6/70/0/300
    veggie/bean mix 10/30/1/150
    1/2 can of tuna 13/3/.5/50

    meal 5
    ground beef 23/0/8/170
    1 wheat tortilla 4/24/2/130
    1 egg 6/1/4.5/70

    meal 6
    2 eggs 12/2/9/140
    Can tuna 26/3/1/100

    meal 7
    casein 24/4/1/110
    milk 16/24/0/160

  2. #2
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    ur diets not horrible. Do you know how to figure up your maintenance calories? (BMR/TDEE) My estimate is you're maintenance calories is somewhere around 2200-2600 calories, depending on how much cardio you're doin and your lifestyle,

    I assume you're trying to put on mass since you're cycling so a good start is 500-700 calories over maintenance. Shoot for a 40/40/20 split of carbs/protien/fat to start then u can make tweaks

    In my opinion you've overshot the calories by at least 600-800 and that might lead to some unwanted fat gains

    Untill i know you're specific goals i won't really critique your diet other than i see you're relying on rice and bread as carbs, You'd be better off doing oats/sweet potatoes/brown rice as they're lower on the GI scale.

  3. #3
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cantbetouched View Post
    Here's my diet. let me know what you all think. trying to lean bulk. The cals may be a little on the high side though. Im on cycle 1-10 test e 500mg split 250mg
    bf somewhere around 18% Trying to bulk at 18%, huh? You'd be better off shedding some of that bf first imo, and if you add a bit more fat while bulking, it's just going to be that much harder to cut in the future without cutting into lbm.
    lift 5 days a week
    lifting exp 3yrs 1 yr intense.

    meal 1
    4 slices wheat bread 12/52/4/280
    2 eggs 12/0/10/140
    chk breast 8 oz 46/0/5/220
    I agree with scotty that there are better carb sources out there. I would shoot for the cleanest carbs possible (oats, sweet potato, brown rice, quinoa, lentils, etc), especially if you're already at a high bf%. Don't really see the need for two types of protein sources in one meal, but it's not that big a deal.

    casein 24/4/1/110
    milk 16/24/0/160
    I think you'll find it much more beneficial to your workout if you would add a complex carb here to fuel it. This would be a nice place for that sweet potato. Personally, I would keep it real food whenever possible and save the shakes for post workout where it's most appropriate. Personally, I would make this meal something like lean beef and brown rice/sweet potato.
    post workout
    whey 24/7/0/110
    milk 16/24/0/160
    Again, you're already at a high bf%, so I would definitely drop the milk here; it's all sugar anyway. Drop it regardless if it's skim OR whole, and replace with a complex carb.
    meal 2
    chk breast 8 oz 46/0/5/220
    rice 1/2 cup 6/70/0/300
    veggie/bean mix 10/30/1/150
    1/2 can of tuna 13/3/.5/50
    Again, I don't see the need for 2 sources of protein here. Furthermore, given your stats, I would say the 8 oz. chicken will suffice as far as protein macros for this meal. I'll also agree with scotty that the cals are a bit high for your stats. You can rectify this by pulling out the several sources of pro/carb within one meal. In this case, drop the tuna and the bean mix. If you do this to most of your meals, I think you'll find your total macros to better suit your stats as per your goals.

    meal 3
    ground beef 23/0/8/170
    wheat tortilla 4/24/2/130
    1 Egg 6/1/4.5/70
    Although it's wheat, it's still not the best carb source. Keep the ground beef, but make sure it's 93/7 lean or better. Replace the tortilla with something like brown rice or s. potato. I assume this is 4 oz of beef. I would increase the beef and drop the egg.

    meal 4
    chk breast 8 oz 46/0/5/220
    rice 1/2 cup 6/70/0/300
    veggie/bean mix 10/30/1/150
    1/2 can of tuna 13/3/.5/50
    Same critique as meal 2.

    meal 5
    ground beef 23/0/8/170
    1 wheat tortilla 4/24/2/130
    1 egg 6/1/4.5/70
    Same critique as meal 3.

    meal 6
    2 eggs 12/2/9/140
    Can tuna 26/3/1/100
    Doesn't sound like it would go well together taste-wise. Personally, I would keep this meal your last pro/carb meal of the day, but if you want to stay with pro/fat, drop the eggs and add some evoo to your tuna. You can mix it all up with some romaine lettuce and make a salad if you like.

    meal 7
    casein 24/4/1/110
    milk 16/24/0/160
    Cassein's okay, but drop the milk for reasons that I've already posted above. You can add some natty pb to it if it fits into your macros.

    I agree that your cals are high. Use the above advice to bring them down in the right areas, and see how it works for you. If you're not gaining, you can always increase slowly. Good luck, bro!

  4. #4
    cantbetouched is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    I agree that your cals are high. Use the above advice to bring them down in the right areas, and see how it works for you. If you're not gaining, you can always increase slowly. Good luck, bro!
    Hey, thanks for the input so far im not sure on my bf so im gonna post up a couple pics you all tell me... Ive made some changes gonna post up new macros later tonite with my lifting overview. I agree cals seem a little high.i need 2600 to maintain. but i need to be sure my bf is rite before i'll know for sure. i took the advice today droped the shake prework out subbed 1 can tuna 1 eg and 1 slice wheat bread. I plan on adjusting it a little also with your advice. I'll post it all up later tonite after work.
    Thanks again

  5. #5
    Nephets's Avatar
    Nephets is offline Senior Member
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    If you haven't started your cycle yet I would hold off until you post your pic and they can let you know what your bodyfat % is. If your realy at 18%+ I don't think your going to be happy with the results of your cycle. All your hard work and gains are going to be covered by a layer of fat. You should realy drop your body fat first and then do the lean bulk on cycle.

  6. #6
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You don't need two different protein sources with each meal.

  7. #7
    cantbetouched is offline Associate Member
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    OKay fella how do I upload photos?

  8. #8
    cantbetouched is offline Associate Member
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  9. #9
    cantbetouched is offline Associate Member
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    Let me know if that works.? so with that bf% i lift 4 days a week usually this schedual
    before everywork out i do 10 min of highest incline at 3.3mph fast walk.
    I have just started the cycle 2 weeks in. This is my 1st cycle i herd bulkk for first just cause it is easier. if i nneed to cut please let me know your opinion.
    mon back
    tues off
    thurs legs
    fri shoulder bi tri shoulder
    AND saturday cardio 30m in bike ride followed by 15 highest incline for 15 min

  10. #10
    cantbetouched is offline Associate Member
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    Normal daily routine goes like this im a student so you all know. Start day at 9am meal 1 class prewo meal lift pwo meal 3 drive to class sit in class meal 4 work i work as a cook.middle of work meal 5 after work meal 6 homework. summers coming so i will have more time to be activ e but it's finals time rite now...

  11. #11
    cantbetouched is offline Associate Member
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    Also have clen on hand im about to run starting sunday.

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