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  1. #1
    JJKJ is offline New Member
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    2nd cycle diet question

    [QUOTE=JJKJ;5714879]I'm 28 years old and 188lbs. I'm fixing to take my 2nd cycle but it's been 6 years since my last cycle. My first cycle was sustanon 250 (250/week for 10 weeks) with dbol (1 pill a day for 6 weeks but don't remember how much). I gained 35 pounds but had a lot of water weight with it.

    I've got a buddy who gave me an extra bottle of sust and tren but I'm hesitant of the tren since it's been so long since my last cycle and from what I've read it's one of the more intense options.

    I'm looking to gain mass obviously but I also want a more lean look and want to avoid the water retention if at all possible. I'm going to order some nova online to have on hand in case of gyno but I need to know how much to get. I also need to know if I should use that for my pct or if clomid is better (if clomid is better then I'll need to know how much of that to order as well). I also want to know what supps I need to take to ease the strain on my kidneys and liver, I've heard milk thistle is good but wanted to know what else I should take.

    I'm going to the doctor tomorrow to have bloodwork done so that I can have a baseline to compare against while on the cycle.

    I'm planning on taking 375 of sust for 10 weeks along with wynstrol for 8 but am obviously open to any suggestions and recommendations.

    I got my gear in line now, I just need someone to tell me how many calories I need and the ratio of protein, carbs, and fats to gain lean mass with minimal water retention.

    Thanks in advance for all your help!

  2. #2
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    What is your current BF% ?
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  3. #3
    JJKJ is offline New Member
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    Thanks! Around 15%-18%

  4. #4
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Wouldn't you like to get your BF down to below 15% before starting another cycle? It sure would help get the most bang for the buck. Think about it.
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  5. #5
    JJKJ is offline New Member
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    I understand what you are saying but I really don't want to wait to be honest with you. With that being said what would you recommend for my diet.

  6. #6
    JJKJ is offline New Member
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  7. #7
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    How about YOU post up a proposed diet, and we'll tell you what we think and help you sort it out. The more info you provide, the more help you'll get:

    time of day for each meal
    accurate macronutrient info for each meal
    where your workout and cardio fit into the schedule

    Nobody here is going to write you a diet, however if you do some research (i.e. there are a ton of threads in this section with diets that have been critiqued and adjusted) and come up with something on your own, the good people here will help you make it tight.

  8. #8
    JJKJ is offline New Member
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    I dont want someone to make me out a diet I simply want to know how many calories I need to aim for and what percentage of those calories should come from protein, carbs, and fat. Thanks for all your help!

  9. #9
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJKJ View Post
    I dont want someone to make me out a diet I simply want to know how many calories I need to aim for and what percentage of those calories should come from protein, carbs, and fat. Thanks for all your help!
    I'm not trying to give you a hard time or be a dick bro, I'm really not - but if you can't work this info out yourself, you have no business cycling IMO. Just my .02

  10. #10
    JJKJ is offline New Member
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    I appreciate your opinion but I don't understand why everyone spends more time judging some one on whether or not they should be cycling instead of helping answer the question. If people knew everything they needed to know already they wouldn't come to a forum and ask for advice. All that was asked was for a very basic answer (i.e aim for 2500 calories at a 40/40/20 split), but instead everyone wants to tell you if whether or not you should be cycling or what weight you should be at to start, which would be fine if the initial question was "I'm trying to decide if I should do a cycle - thoughts?". I'm not trying to be a dick either but it gets rather frustrating.

  11. #11
    little_dude is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJKJ View Post
    I appreciate your opinion but I don't understand why everyone spends more time judging some one on whether or not they should be cycling instead of helping answer the question. If people knew everything they needed to know already they wouldn't come to a forum and ask for advice. All that was asked was for a very basic answer (i.e aim for 2500 calories at a 40/40/20 split), but instead everyone wants to tell you if whether or not you should be cycling or what weight you should be at to start, which would be fine if the initial question was "I'm trying to decide if I should do a cycle - thoughts?". I'm not trying to be a dick either but it gets rather frustrating.
    No offense bro but your question is why gbrice said what he said. No one is gunna tell you how many calories you need because you have to go calculate your TDEE and find out how many calories u need yourself. Which is basic bb knowledge which is why I think gbrice questioned whether your ready for a cycle. Not trying to sound like a dik but at the end if the day bro, don't ask for peoples advice or opinion if u can't handle the response. If people are gunna put in the time to give advice then they expect u to put in the time as well, that's all bro
    Last edited by little_dude; 08-22-2011 at 05:20 PM.

  12. #12
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJKJ View Post
    I appreciate your opinion but I don't understand why everyone spends more time judging some one on whether or not they should be cycling instead of helping answer the question. If people knew everything they needed to know already they wouldn't come to a forum and ask for advice. All that was asked was for a very basic answer (i.e aim for 2500 calories at a 40/40/20 split), but instead everyone wants to tell you if whether or not you should be cycling or what weight you should be at to start, which would be fine if the initial question was "I'm trying to decide if I should do a cycle - thoughts?". I'm not trying to be a dick either but it gets rather frustrating.
    I understand your frustration, and appreciate you keeping it at a mature level, kudos. Here's the issue: I'm no longer telling you whether I think you should cycle or not, that's no longer the point. The point is you are cycling but lacking basic knowledge. Me telling you how many calories I think you should eat isn't going to help you learn. You going out and researching, learning how your body works - those lessons will prove invaluable.

    If I asked you to teach me to drive an Indy car but you knew I never even drove a regular one, would you be inclined to give me advice?

    Crappy analogy, but hopefully i'm making my point.

  13. #13
    little_dude is offline Junior Member
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    Also how tall are u I can't see it listed?

  14. #14
    JJKJ is offline New Member
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    Ive been on diet plans many times but never while on a cycle so I didnt know if it would affect my caloric intake or not. Im used to eating 2000 calories at a 70/20/10 split. I eat 5 small meals a day with 2 protein shakes on cardio days and 3 on lifting days. Breakfast is usually egg whites and wheat toast, protein shake in between bfast and lunch, lunch is usually grilled chicken on a salad, protein skake before dinner, then salmon or grilled chicken with steamed vegetables for dinner. I work out after work every evening. Im 6'0

  15. #15
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    Wondering why you normally eat meals at a 70/20/10 split... what's the reasoning behind that split? Fats are way too low IMO - you're hardly providing your body with any energy at 100g carbs and 20-25g fat. I'd bump that fat up to 45g at least, and lower your protein - you don't need 350g at 188lbs and 15-18%, not even close. I'd suggest around 225g tops normally, and i'd bump that up slightly on cycle - wouldn't go over 300g, not necessary.

  16. #16
    JJKJ is offline New Member
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    I used to eat meals om that split back when I was trying to lean outP (thats obviously been a while back hence the current bf% lol). Ill make the changes you recommended and do you feel I should stay at 2000 calories? Thanks again for your help

  17. #17
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJKJ View Post
    I used to eat meals om that split back when I was trying to lean outP (thats obviously been a while back hence the current bf% lol). Ill make the changes you recommended and do you feel I should stay at 2000 calories? Thanks again for your help
    I'd say go with 2000 calories but monitor yourself closely for changes. Use a combination of the scale, mirror, measurements, and how clothes fit. All together, that should give you a good idea of what's happening with your body. Adjust calories +/- a couple hundred calories as needed. Monitor. Repeat as necessary until you're dialed in.

  18. #18
    JJKJ is offline New Member
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    Thanks again for the help gbrice, I'll keep you posted on the progress.

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