Here is a sample Bulk diet I have made and are trying at the moment. I'm trying to create a complete dedicated diet. I also tend to eat at my work. Its a hospital cafeteria so it varies. Its averaged and doesn't include the soon supplementation of protien shakes ( Whey, Hemp, and Casien ) I got most of my nutritional info from

My Stats -
Age: 20 Height: 6'3 Weight: 155lbs Bf% 10-11 and my job is highly active ( I'm constantly moving )

Meal 1
1/2 Cup Oatmeal, 1 Cup of Whole Milk, and 2tbsps of Pnut butter
45g Carbs, 20g Protein, 24g Fat, Cal 443

Meal 2 ( work snack )
2 English Muffins and 4 eggs
60g Carbs, 28g Protein, 20g Fat, Cal 526

Meal 3 ( Work Lunch varies )
6 oz of Baked Salmon ( about 3 strips ), and 1 cup of white rice
68g Carbs, 44g Protein, 12g Fat, 525 Cal

Meal 4
4 eggs, 3 potatoes ( fried in olive oil and mixed )
102g Carbs, 25g Protein, 17g fat, 667 Cal

Meal 5
1 chicken breast and 1 cup of brown rice
49g Carbs, 66g Protein, 14g fat, 576 Cal

I usually workout after Meal 4 or 5

Meal 6 - Post Work out Snack right after workout
3 cups of milk, 2 bannanas
108g Carbs, 32g Protein, 16g fat, 684 Cal

Total = Carbs 432g , Protein 215g, Fat 103g, Calories 3421

This is my first time creating and sticking to a strict diet. The sample diet I posted was actually what I ate yesterday. Been eating similiar to that for 3 weeks. Quite honestly have not gained a pound yet haha but ive been feeling better. I'm use to eating everything and anything in sight. So comments and changes are all welcomed.