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Thread: Pat the cools progress report
12-17-2011, 02:46 PM #1
Pat the cools progress report
Im 6 foot 6 190 lbs 12%body fat moderate activity. Want to put on weight and get ripped.
From what im reading im guessing that my daily goals should be to eat 300g protein , 400g carbs, and 150g fats
and 3000 calories a day.
This seems like a lot for me I have never been close to eating that much I have a hard time eating alot my appetite is very small so it is hard for me to eat that much.
Am I headed in the right direction?
12-17-2011, 02:55 PM #2
Your math is off a bit bro. If you take it that much pro, fat, and carbs here's what you breakdown would be.
300g Protein = 1200 calories
400g Carbs = 1600 Calories
150g Fat = 1350 Calories
Total = 4150 Calories
What is your TDEE?Last edited by slfmade; 12-17-2011 at 02:57 PM.
12-17-2011, 03:09 PM #3
Oops i meant to put 4000 calories. my TDEE 3155
12-17-2011, 03:11 PM #4
That is what ive read I need to eat. As im tracking my day so far Im not going to come close to that. im completely full all day long and am nowhere close to getting this without puking. haha
12-17-2011, 03:20 PM #5
I know the feeling - 2500 calories makes me want to puke. You could start doing some liquid meals. I don't mean those meal repla***ent shakes either. Whole Foods, just blended. For instance for 1 of your meals you could put some protein powder, liquid egg whites, 2 tbs peanut butter, 1 cup oats, and 2 tbs sugar free jelly all in a blender and have a full meal out of that. I'm not in the macro calculating mood, but I've done it before and it puts you at about 600-700 calories.
12-17-2011, 03:40 PM #6
So I went ahead a calculated it anyway.
Calories - 693
Fat - 22.5
Carbs - 64
Pro - 58
This meal would give you a 34/37/29 Split
Based on the diet you proposed which had a - 29/38.5/32.5 split you can see it's pretty dang close.
IMO, I think your fats are a little too high. But someone who knows better than me can comment on that.
12-17-2011, 03:46 PM #7
150g fat? Way high bro, unless you want to add bodyfat in the process, which you clearly don't.
PS - at 6'6 190lbs you've gotta be quite skinny - do you have any pics you can post up so we can see what we're working with?
12-17-2011, 04:11 PM #8
Agree on the fats being way too high. As the total cals of a diet increase to 4k and even 5k cals the usual macro % splits are no longer correct. I cap my fats at 100g regardless of how many total cals I'm eating.
I also think you're way overestimating the cals you need to grow. At only 167lbs of lean body mass I highly doubt you need 4k cals to add muscle. The standard TDEE calculators very often end up calculating maintenance calories well above what is actually needed. If you've never eaten a strict diet before and don't know your maintenance cals I would start with your LBM X 15. 88% of 190lbs = 167.2lbs of LBM X 15 = 2508cals. Add 500 calories per day to grow and you'd be right about 3000 calories.
I'd do this:
250g - 300g protein = 1000cals - 1200cals
315g - 365g carbs = 1260cals - 1460 cals
60g fat = 540cals
Just play with your pro/carb ratio depending on how sensitive you are to carbs and adjust based on your results. Post up your new proposed diet with macros and let us have a look. Good luck man.
12-17-2011, 05:09 PM #9
I agree with every last point Sgt. Hartman made above.
12-17-2011, 05:16 PM #10
Yes all good posts above. I also recommend trying to drink some cals with the protein/ 1 cup oats and PB in a shaker cup. Lets u get a bunch of cals in quickly. Like anything else- ease into this. If u go from eating 1500 cals to 4000 ur body will freak out. Slowly ramp up cals and by making little changes and sticking with them until they become part of ur routine.
12-17-2011, 07:43 PM #11
Great! Thanks I have found out I will not be able to get close to that original goal right now. I Feel like ive been eating all day and have been stuffing myself.
1 cup steelcut oatmeal
2 fish tacos with lite sour cream and salsa
Proteinshake with penutbutter milk
Orange juice
I still have some time to eat later tonight.
But if I calculated everything correctly it so far comes down to this
Total Calories 1846
Protein (gm) 107
Carbohydrate (gm) 255
Total Fat (gm) 48.4
12-17-2011, 07:51 PM #12
Wow. You need some serious work on that diet bro. Why not cut out that apple, and eat a 4 oz pc of chicken or something. You seriously need more protein and more calories in general. Worst case-every week try to up your calories by 200. It's not that hard, you're stomach will adjust if you push it.
Side note...It's Patrick the cool...... Cool what? Cool Guy? Cool Corn Chucker? Cool Poet? Cool Steel Iron Worker? Cool Hit Man? Cool What?
12-17-2011, 07:56 PM #13
Great to see you started a log with your food. You are in GREAT hands here. Your life is starting to change.
Keep in mind: slow wins the race and consistency is key.
Good luck to you PC and will follow your progress.Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.Author Unknown
12-17-2011, 08:15 PM #14
Thanks I see that now. Had no Idea. But now that I know I will correct this diet. The cool. thats all... just the cool. its evolved from pat the dude to Penguin to "The cool" to patrick the cool. I dont know how these things happen. one of my old buddies just started calling me -the cool. for right now tho Im The cool beginning bodybuilder!
12-17-2011, 09:00 PM #15
12-17-2011, 09:11 PM #16
Good attitude- keep learning as u go. Remember u gotta be consistent. You need to be just as dedicated if not more while trying to put on lean mass than someone cutting.
12-19-2011, 02:59 AM #17
Here is what i ate for the day. I know i need to make a huge overhaul of how I eat. I didnt realize how off I am from eating healthy . wow!
12/18 food report. 8 oz orange juice
3 rolls
1link sausage
2 slices chicken deli meat 5 slices ham
over a salad with ranch and cheese
1 large chicken breast, 2 medium chicken breast
handfull of peanuts
2 little oranges
Proteinshake with tablespoon of penutbutter.
1 diet pepsi . 1 diet 7 up
Total Calories 3059
Protein (gm) 203
Carbohydrate (gm) 123
Total Fat (gm) 195.4
I also realized I only drink about 8 oz of water a day
12-19-2011, 11:21 AM #18
Still needs a lot of work IMO. Take a look at my current diet - note this is only on my workout days (3x weekly) - calories are lower on cardio only/non-workout days in an effort to keep body fat at bay. I'm not suggesting you follow my diet, just trying to get you an idea on a better structure/plan:
Target: 3420 kcal. 270g protein , 450g carbs, 60g fat
Meal 1: 4:45am (preworkout)
1/2 scoop ON Pro Complex - 15/1.3/.3/67.5
1/2 scoop ON Casein - 12/1.5/.5/60
1/2 cup 1% milkfat no salt added cottage cheese - 14/4/1.5/80
1 cup oats - 10/52/5/280
120g banana - 1.3/15/.4/60
Total: 52/74/8/547.5
Meal 2: 8am (post workout )
1 scoop myofusion - 25/5/3/158
.75 scoop ON Casein - 18/2.3/.8/90
1 cup oats - 10/52/5/280
1 small apple (about 140g) - 2/14/.5/60
Total: 55/73/9/588
Meal 3: 11:00am
8oz (raw) tilapia fillet - 42/0/2/186
1/2 tsp EVOO - 0/0/2.4/20.4
2 cups (cooked) brown rice - 8/66/2/300
4 fish oil - 0/0/4/40
Total: 50/66/10/546
Meal 4: 3pm
8oz (raw) boneless skinless chicken breast -
180g sweet potato - 3.6/36.9/0/162
2 weetabix - 4/28/1/120
4 fish oil - 0/0/4/40
Total: 56/65/8/562
Meal 5: 6:30pm
7oz (raw) 95/5 lean ground beef - 42/0/8/262.5
3oz (dry) whole wheat pasta - 10.5/61.5/3/270
1/2 cup pasta sauce - 2/14/3/90
Total: 55/76/14/623
Meal 6: 9:30pm
1/2 cup 1% milkfat no salt added cottage cheese - 14/4/1.5/80
1 scoop myofusion - 25/5/3/158
1tbsp natty PB - 4/3/8/105
1/2 cup oats - 5/26/2.5/140
1 cup cheerois - 3/20/2/100
Total: 51/58/17/583
Daily Totals: 319/412/68/3451
12-19-2011, 02:54 PM #19
Cool Thanks! Thats what i needed.
12-19-2011, 04:48 PM #20
yea keep working on the diet. Here are some foods that should be included in your diet. Carbs- oats, sweet potato, brown rice, whole wheat pasta. Protein- egg whites, protein powder, chicken, white fish, ground turkey, ground beef(few times per week) Then get veggies in also- green beans, asparagus, broccoli, green peppers, red peppers
12-19-2011, 05:46 PM #21
I will get some of that stuff when i get groceries next. thanks! Ive put on 4 pounds so far but Im sure its just fat. haha
12-19-2011, 11:24 PM #22
Here is my log for today I worked out hard today and had a bunch of energy
Total Calories (kcals) 3677
Protein (gm) 239
Carbohydrate (gm) 336
Total Fat (gm) 156
6 cups of cheerios
5 cups of milk
2 hard boiled eggs
7 Meatless meatballs
6 slices deli ham
8 oz steak
2 protein drinks with 2 tablespoons of peanutbutter
broccli lettuce red peppers
10 wheat thins 3 pieces of cheese
2 tablseppons A1, 2 tablespoons of ranch
40%fat, 34%carb, 27% protein
I need to go shopping for healthier foods and im cleaning out my fridge but this is what I ate today
12-20-2011, 08:31 AM #23
Your fats are insanely high. I'd cut that down to 20% of total calories TOPS, asap. The diet as-is will make you fat in a hurry IMO.
12-20-2011, 11:46 AM #24
Will do man. I didnt realize how fatty things are. I also was using a program that was rating my protein mix way to hi in fats. and I wasnt paying attention to weather i put lean meat or reduced fat products. I still am not close to 20% but it was not as riduculos. So dont eat the yolks or penuts. I went in and changed everything to see what would get me below 20%. So dont eat the yolks or penuts. switch my milk to 1% dont eat any meatless meatballs cut out 2 bowls of cerial cut out the sausage, and get a new penutbutter. so I know what direction to go.
12-21-2011, 11:12 AM #25
Looks like you are getting on your path~
Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.Author Unknown
12-21-2011, 11:21 AM #26
ya I think so. I need to go shopping. so me cleaning out the fridge im not hitting my #s yet
yesterdays food log.
3,274 calories
27% fat/36%carbs/40% Protein.
Beef steak,
Milk, 2% fat - i need to switch this to 1%
Chicken or turkey vegetable soup, home recipe
Roll -i need to not eat this
Protein shake
Peanut butter- i need to switch to reduced fat
Egg, white only, raw
Protein bar
Once i clean my fridge out i will buy some different foods as listed from you guys above
12-21-2011, 11:32 AM #27
shopping is a GREAT Start...NEW CART
Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.Author Unknown
12-22-2011, 01:41 AM #28
Ive put on 6 pounds so far and feel good. I still need to cut some fat out.
My log for today I got
3386 calories
24% fat/41%carbs/35%protein
I have a question for anybody out there. Im noticing most my fats are in my eggs peanutbutter and milk.
is some of this "goodfat"?
I notice I eat 2 tablespoons of peanut butter and 2 to 3 eggs and probably 4- 5 cups 2% milk each day
Should i get a reduced fat peanutbutter, only eat the egg whites and drop it to 1% milk? by doing that I am below 20% for my fat intake
12-22-2011, 01:45 AM #29
12-23-2011, 02:10 AM #30
Im gaining weight and feel good
12-26-2011, 04:29 PM #31
My last couple of days have been terrible for my diet and I feel lethargic and unmotivated . Im trying to get back into it today. But all this extra ham and pumkin pie cant go to waste. dieting is not easy.
12-26-2011, 05:36 PM #32
Bring all the crappy food to work and let ur coworkers eat it!! U gotta get back on track- eat crappy feel crappy, eat clean and u will have tons of energy and focus. Don't get discouraged pal- this whole thing is a process much more than an actual "event" when all of a sudden ur diet is perfect. Each day try to do ur best, and that all starts with prepping ur food for tomorro the night before
12-26-2011, 05:51 PM #33
Don't lose focus! You seem to be doing really great so far, so keep it up! Good luck Patrick!
12-26-2011, 07:14 PM #34
For sure. Good advice. Ill go make a protein shake right now........ thank for the support. Ill take your advice and cook some chicken breast tonight.
Brwngrl thanx for stopping by
12-26-2011, 07:16 PM #35
For sure. Good advice. Ill go make a protein shake right now........ thank for the support. Ill take your advice and cook some chicken breast tonight.
Brwngrl thanx for stopping by
12-26-2011, 07:24 PM #36
You're welcome. I've gotta make a week's worth of meals for me and Slfmade tonight too. The cooking part isn't much fun, but not having to cook for another week's great!
12-27-2011, 11:39 AM #37
12-28-2011, 03:05 PM #38
well its all gone now so time to get back into a good diet.. My last couple days my workouts suck and My appetite is so small for good food and big for junk food.
01-10-2012, 03:17 PM #39
I have lost all motivation to work out.. ,lol I dont know how you all do it. My diet also sucks again.. I basically got sick of drinking protien drinks. I Am going to reavaluate my goals.
01-13-2012, 10:07 AM #40
today im officially commited to eating healthy again. been golfing in the winter and feeling back to my old self. First day of my diet back on track!
im 195lbs, 6ft 6 and now more set on getting ripped then putting on weight.
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