So; Probably the strangest thing about me is....I LOVE spreadsheets. Some people play Xbox - I make spreadsheets. Weird I know, but hopefully this can help a few people out. I've created a diet long for people in which you can input up to 10 full meals a day and the spread will do several things for you.

1. Calculate your macros for each Meal
2. Calculate a daily total of Macros
3. Calculate your total calories from fat, carbs, and protein.
4. Calculate your split(show what percentage of your calories are coming from Fat, Carbs, and Protein)
5. Calculate a Guestimate of how much weight you'll lose/gain over a weekly/monthly period. I had reservations about doing this as I'm sure some of the new guys will take it as fact; however, it is calculated on a calories in/calories out scale based on your TDEE. Of course it will great fluctuate based on how your pro/carb/fat amounts are split.

My hopes are that people will use the spreadsheet and post it as their diet, so we can easily take a look at all the important numbers.

If you have an addition that you would like me to make please let me know so I can make the changes.

Also if you notice something not adding up let me know so I can take a look at the formula - I tested every section but it's possible I may have missed something.

Thanks Guys for some reason Excel files cannot be uploaded. Maybe ADMIN can review it and give me permission to post it. If not; send me a p.m. and maybe I can either send it through pm or through email. Any thoughts????