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  1. #1
    garcia2389 is offline New Member
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    bulking and first cycle of test-e

    So I am starting my first cycle of test-e next week and want to get at least a general idea of a diet plan

    age: 25
    height: 6'2''
    weight: 162lbs
    bf %: ~7%
    supplements: 5g creatine daily, ~45g whey protien, 1/2 scoop pre-workout NO-xplode
    goals: I'm already somewhat lean, want to bulk up and "get bigger" essentially, don't need to lose any fat
    doseage: possibly start off with 400mg/week and go to 600mg/week, maybe just start with 600

    workout history: last 2 years been lifting anywhere from 3 days to 6 days a week and saw slow gains

    So I'm just looking for daily intakes or suggestions of meals

    current diet includes:
    breakfast: 2 packets oatmeal w/2% milk or big bowl of cereal with 2% milk or bagel w/cream cheese
    lunch: (slacking here) box of macaroni & cheese or 2 peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches (college living and lack of time)
    pre-dinner: peanut butter & jelly sandwhich or bagel & cream cheese
    post workout: protien shake, 2 hard boiled eggs
    dinner: 10-14oz boneless skinless chicken breast, 1 cup brown rice, 1/2 cup veggies or 10-15oz gound beef, lettuce, cheese, taco sauce (beef tacos obviously) or pasta w/8-12oz ground beef and sauce
    snacks randomly throughout the day: nuts/trail mix, applecause, yogurt, carrots, apple, crasckers w/peanut butter

    any help would be greatly appreciated, I know part of my diet isn't the best but I have cutout almost all fast food (exception: subway) and alot of processed foods, I rarely drink and will not at all while on test, that goes for soda as well
    Last edited by garcia2389; 03-27-2012 at 09:37 PM.

  2. #2
    adamjames is offline Member
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    Dec 2010
    Your diet is confusing

    Think of it in terms of calories and grams, you need atleast 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight so for you that would be 162 ibs a day, protein must be in each of your meals, you need carbs for energy and most who are bulking with fast metabolism use anywere from 300 grams a day and upwards to gain weight, you need fats for energy and hormone balance this is personal preference i weigh 190 ibs i take 80 grams a day

    If you work out a plan and your grams are all in order you will need to calculate your caloric intake from the foods you are eating, my maintenance caloric intake is 3000 calories, so thats 5 meals a day and 2 shake meals, your caloric input will need to be above maintenance level to gain weight and on cycle, my calories will go up to 3500 when i start my cycle next week, each cycle you will need to consume more food than the last one to keep gaining

    post workout you need some fast digesting carbs, fruit at the least, many opt for dextrose or maltodextrin, this will spike insulin and store fat so dont use fast acting carbs to often throughout day stick to wholemeal foods, i personally use dextrose 25 grams and 2 pieces of fruit. 5 a day keeps the doctor away!!!

    That all ive got for you atm im out of typing energy theres a lot of tweeking you need to do here

  3. #3
    adamjames is offline Member
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    ........and start at 400 mg 600 would be a waste of money and may destroy your central nervous system or lead to an early muscle tear or tendon damage because you will grow to fast for you body to cope.

    You know what im going to say now dont you, sort your diet out and stay natural for a couple of years, you will gain like crazy if you sort that mess out

    but if you insist on cycling and learning the hard way then like i said, start at 300 mg - 400 mg a week tops and make sure you get pct sorted otherwise you will never have children

    : )

  4. #4
    AD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adamjames View Post
    Your diet is confusing

    Think of it in terms of calories and grams, you need atleast 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight so for you that would be 162 ibs a day, protein must be in each of your meals, you need carbs for energy and most who are bulking with fast metabolism use anywere from 300 grams a day and upwards to gain weight, you need fats for energy and hormone balance this is personal preference i weigh 190 ibs i take 80 grams a day

    If you work out a plan and your grams are all in order you will need to calculate your caloric intake from the foods you are eating, my maintenance caloric intake is 3000 calories, so thats 5 meals a day and 2 shake meals, your caloric input will need to be above maintenance level to gain weight and on cycle, my calories will go up to 3500 when i start my cycle next week, each cycle you will need to consume more food than the last one to keep gaining

    post workout you need some fast digesting carbs, fruit at the least, many opt for dextrose or maltodextrin, this will spike insulin and store fat so dont use fast acting carbs to often throughout day stick to wholemeal foods, i personally use dextrose 25 grams and 2 pieces of fruit. 5 a day keeps the doctor away!!!

    That all ive got for you atm im out of typing energy theres a lot of tweeking you need to do here
    you should be calculating your requirements using LBM, not total body weight.

  5. #5
    Big Bacto is offline Junior Member
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    My opinion is to hold on maybe another year get your diet in check , if you are not seeing gains at 162 6'2 then your doing it wrong . bro a gear won't help , it might have negative effect on your body and 600 mg / week 1st time is just crazy .

  6. #6
    adamjames is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiandude View Post
    you should be calculating your requirements using LBM, not total body weight.

    He has 7 % body fat so his LBM will be around the 155 pound mark and he weighs 162 pounds therefore 1 pound of protein per pound of body weight per day is accurate enough, better to be above than below or bang on, for me i take 1 and a half ibs per pound of bodyweight : )

  7. #7
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
    --->>405<<--- is offline Elite-AR-Hall of Famer
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    where did u get ur bf% checked? i find it hard to believe u could achieve 7% with the above diet... ud have to have an extremely high metabolism..

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