So, here it is, the lean bulk log. It will be my first bulk for about 6 years (other than the bulk that comes with time off the gym and a hunger for white carbs and chocolate!). Idid cut and have then been running maintenance for about the last 7 weeks or so. I’ll try and get some pics posted over the weekend.

Current stats

Age – 40
Weight – 167lbs (11st 13lbs)
Height - 5’11”
Bodyfat – to follow

My diet and workouts are listed below. Starting tomorrow!

I plan to run this for 8-10 weeks and then deload my workouts again for 2 weeks and eat at maintenance before lean bulking again.

Goals? As much lbm as possible with minimal fat gain (it is summer after all!). I haven’t bulked in forever so I’m hoping my body will absorb what I throw at it in a very positive manner.

Potential issues – I’ll be moving house to a whole new town in about 6 weeks and then trying to set up a business as soon as I find a retail premises. Also I have 2 weekends away in the next month which won’t be very unhealthy but there’ll be no counting of macro’s either. Also hoping to get some surgery this year which will keep me out of lifting for up to 6 weeks.

Any comments, questions or anything else?