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02-02-2013, 03:11 PM #1
Intermittent fasting and lean gains
Wont really get into what its all about, take some time and read this if you want a different opinion on training and eating other than what's preached on a daily basis.
02-02-2013, 03:25 PM #2
02-02-2013, 03:33 PM #3
02-02-2013, 04:02 PM #4
I had a fasted workout this morning, which I never ever would of considered in the past. Hell, if I didn't have oatmeal and eggs for breakfast I thought I would waste away.
Last meal was 16 hours previous and went to the gym and hit legs and 40 min cardio, honestly, best workout in a long time.All I had was some bcaas pre workout and during.
02-02-2013, 04:06 PM #5
Fasting is getting me past this bump in the road. I want to maintain 10%bf year round.
02-03-2013, 08:09 AM #6
Dude - we've been all over IF for years now. Please take some time to search the forum before posting up something as if you're enlightening us with some new phenomenon. Quite frankly, it's a tad insulting. Btw - while Leangains is a relatively new approach, fasting in bodybuilding has been around for many years.
02-03-2013, 11:46 AM #7
^^^ x2 pretty funny actually.. ur attempt to come across as Mr. Smart Guy as well as undermine what we do here (aka: preaching) is actually ironically making u out to look like a guy who hasnt done a lot of reading here.
also u are NOT supposed to post links to other sites in the forums here.
02-03-2013, 02:38 PM #8
Lol ok, why don't you just stroke this guy off a lil more by agreeing with him . If you feel insulted, I feel sorry for you, because you obviously have some real issues you should be dealing with.
02-03-2013, 03:45 PM #9Originally Posted by cj111
We spend time on this board helping others because that's what we enjoy doing. We don't get paid to do it, and we don't have to take abuse from people, least of all you.
I suggest you lose the attitude or your stay here will be short.
02-03-2013, 04:02 PM #10
Ok so so you go around policing threads on a daily basis if they've been posted sometime in the last six years? His comment was irrelevant, you already said what needed to be said.
People join this board on a daily basis, perhaps that link helped someone, sorry for trying to be helpful.
Anyways, lets move on
02-03-2013, 04:12 PM #11Originally Posted by cj111
02-03-2013, 04:26 PM #12Just a banned Fat boy!
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these guys are all pussies. hope i get banned now. hating on iifym and all different types of diets. Honestly half the people here talk about how strict they are with dieting meanwhile they're making 0 results and frankly look terrible. These guys have nothing better to do other than be the "nutrition forum diet guru"...
02-03-2013, 04:29 PM #13
02-03-2013, 04:47 PM #14Originally Posted by LiveFitBeFit
As for being banned, I'll be happy to see to it that your wish comes true. You can go back over to bb dot com with the rest of the kids, maybe that's more your pace.
02-03-2013, 05:25 PM #15
dude ur off to a pretty bad start. just because YOU dont think we should voice a similar opinion to one that has already been posted doesnt mean a dang thing! this is a board.. thats how boards work.. we all have opinions.
u dont come on here as mr new smart guy and start making insinuations about what is preached here and then expect it to go unanswered. ive been posting on here daily for 17 months and ill be damned if im gonna let u make posts like the one above without having something to say about it.
as far as us policing threads, if we didnt have people like you popping in here making statements like the one above there would be no need for us, however we DO have people like u, hence the need for people like US..
02-03-2013, 05:27 PM #16
02-03-2013, 05:33 PM #17
02-03-2013, 06:06 PM #18
I heard about IF From Gbrice because of his thread on IF in the summer of 2012. I was very puzzle by it since it was against everything I have ever done. I've done extensive research on the matter and gave it a go.
Now I'm IF'ing all the time with a 18/6 approach and can't see myself going back to the traditional 6-8 meals.
I also always train fasted excluding a little bit of AMINO ACIDS and a pre workout stimulant(jack3ed).
Thank you Gbrice you might of helped me gain an extra 40 years of my life. (Supposedly IF helps you live longer)
02-03-2013, 07:41 PM #19
Cool Ben, glad it worked out for ya. I've been giving it a whirl last few days and thoroughly enjoying it...I hated eating like a frickin squirrel 6-8 times a day. Could it be all in my head? Maybe...but who cares if its working right.
Im the same been training fasted last 3 days and better than usual pumps and more energy , used to be hard to get in there after my usual oatmeal/eggs for breakfast.
02-03-2013, 07:59 PM #20Originally Posted by Ben_66
Originally Posted by cj111
I also had some amazing training sessions while training in a fasted state, some of the best of my life. Epinephrine/norepinephrine are amazing hormones!
02-03-2013, 08:01 PM #21
02-03-2013, 08:32 PM #22
02-03-2013, 09:00 PM #23
02-03-2013, 09:28 PM #24
yeh well my dietary cycle is 3 days and every 3rd day (ive had 7 of em now) the same thing! i feel like a crackhead by the afternoon of day 3 (2nd fast day).. u also have to consider ive only had like 800 cals in a 48 hr period as well as done 180 mins worth of combined cardio.. that would be evidence of all those hormonal changes that take place!
one of these days i need to actually study it in greater detail so i understand exactly whats going on!
02-03-2013, 11:00 PM #25Member
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I have a question for gbrice and 405 if you guys could give me a little guidance. I had been doing an 16/8 if for over two years while I was on second shift and it worked out great for me, basically I was working in the 11-13hr prime fat burning period and was able to get my greens in for alkalinity pre wo and then feast after then hit the sac. Well, now I'm on 7-3:30 shift and everything is screwed up. I have been on first shift for about a month and I still really don't have a problem with the fast, but now I am eating supper around 4 with the family, which I enjoy since I missed out on that family time for so long. The problem is my insulin dump is pre wo instead of pwo, and the whole goal of the if was to get my insulin sensitivity high by keeping it at baseline during the fast. So I could be in an elevated anabolic state pwo to avoid fat storage and encourage glycogen storage, while getting all my cals in pwo. I hope this makes since to you guys. My question is, staying on the current path, will things level out with time or will I need to get up at 4:30am and get my wo in, which is not ideal, but neither is going to the gym at 8 so i cant do homework with my little girl or get her tucked in to bed. Bf is on the rise and I like it about 10-12. Sorry for the long post guys but I'm think I'm in a catch 22. Thanks for any help
02-04-2013, 01:39 AM #26Associate Member
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I felt the same way when I was eating 6 meals a day - obsessed with food, unable to think of anything else!
The smartest move ever was to switch to 4 meals which , IMO, is ideal - i feel satisfied without overeating.
My food allotment is 7 egg whites, 1 yolk, 800 gr meat (weighted raw), 30 gr protein powder, 200 gr rice, 500 gr broccoli, 30 gr olive oil and having eaten this quantity in 2-3 meals is overkill to me. And not to mention I`m cutting...what if i was bulking.....
02-04-2013, 02:20 AM #27
You will never find any guys who carry alot of muscle tissue doing this potocol, yes you will get ripped and cut but trsut me its muscle tissue suicide. I dont care what studies are out there fasting will burn your muscle tissue. Muscle tissue is very precious DONT WASTE IT AWAY by fasting, I know this will go against alot of the fasting guys here but trust me your going to lose muscle tissue and for me every lbs is precious and needs manitaining even when dieting. Dont try and change the wheel I dont know one pro or any guy who Carry's alot of muscle doing this, yes there have tried it but at a cost and they dont do it again.
02-04-2013, 03:30 AM #28
Exactly my thoughts, as well as my personal experience.
IM is an amazing method for getting ripped, it works as well as Keto and without completely cutting off the carbs WHEN IT COMES TO CUTTING.
Trying to build lean tissue while also trying to get ripped is never a good idea even for those with the right genetics.
Sorry but I have too much personal experience as well as having observed too many lifters around me who tried to make lean gains while remaining cut, it just doesn't work unless we are talking about a constant employment of serious gear... Only with strong gear one seems to make lean gains within a considerable amount of time while on a calorie deficit. It is a prerequisite for muscle metabolism to indulge itself in a biological environment where caloric surplus is actually the case so that it has a reason to grow when submitted to hypertrophy.
02-04-2013, 03:44 AM #29
Exactly, food is very importnat even when dieting and this fasting protocol isnt for anyone who wants to keep hold of muscle tissue or a good amount of it anyway. Ive done something very similar and will not do it again and I also know others who have tried it and dont do it again. Its fine for guys who are not bothered about maitaining a good amount of muscle tissue but if your concerned about preserving tissue dont touch this method IMHO, its muscle tissue suicide
02-04-2013, 04:10 AM #30
^^ I've always maintained that IF is best suited for cutting, and I wouldn't use it to 'bulk', if for no other reason, just due to the amount of food needed which could be unrealistic to accomplish in the relatively small feeding window for some people.
In my personal experience I haven't seen it contribute to muscle wasting... CKD was MUCH more a culprit of that for me. Granted I'm not carrying around a lot of muscle as In Marcus' example, I'm not a bodybuilder, etc. but that should make little difference.
02-04-2013, 04:25 AM #31
I have to disagree GB, I really think fasting even for cutting is suicide for muscle tissue. Of course I am talking about guys who are carrying alot of tissue and trying to maintain it rather than just cutting and not bothering about how much tissue is lost but most here are bodybuilders and preserving tissue is the upmost importance and I truely believe fasting is suicide for your muscle which to me is backwards towards what we should be doing. If it works for you fair enough but IMHO all whats happening is building muscle then fatsing is away and building it up again, when the focus should be maintaining tissue while cutting by slowly attacking the bf. I guess all members can do is try is and see what they think but its not for me and I wouldnt advice anyone doing because my main focus is maintaining muscle while dieting and food is very vital even when dieting.
Best of luck
02-04-2013, 06:39 AM #32
^^ hey marcus from the looks of ur avi u have accomplished maintaining some muscle pal! LOL
02-04-2013, 08:27 AM #33
02-04-2013, 08:53 AM #34
yeh it makes sense what marcus is saying and im inclined to agree purely out of opinion. the way i look is one thing.. i dont have a lot of muscle over and above what i can maintain without gear and/or a huge amount of calories. IMO lean gains and fasting tends to appeal more to guys whos focus is on being lean #1 and getting bigger #2.. again this is just my opinion.
personally that is my focus.. lean 1, big 2.. if i never get any bigger than i am right now but am able to stay as lean as i am right now i could live with that.. of course the amount of work i have to put out to maintain where im at had better be greatly less than the amount of work it has taken to get here or im destined to be a fat ass again! LOL..
02-04-2013, 09:03 AM #35
See, I want to get bigger... much bigger. I'm not looking for Marcus proportions but I'm not happy with my size now. I need to be over 200lbs @ 10% - that's my goal. 210-220lbs @ 10% or lower would look really good on my frame.
PS - it is MUCH easier to maintain a lower bodyfat than it is to get there... so don't sweat it my friend!
02-04-2013, 10:34 AM #36
Thank you guys for your comments and my post wasn't against any of you in particular but in general of the fasting process. Ive know alot of guys doing the fasting method and I do understand there are many different approaches but what I have found is that not many of them retain alot of muscle and more tissue gets burnt, so these guys blow up using steroids and then waste the hard earned tissue away by fasting and then repeat the whole process over again going on cycle and then wasting is away again, whats the point in using gear if you only start where you was in the first place. My sole purpose when dieting or losing bf is preservation of my muscle tissue i have while dropping bf and fasting ripped into my tissue because it was the nest available source to break down. Forget studies and look look over the year of how bodybuilder have bulked and dropped bf this stuff is written in stone. With every cycle you complete you need to make sure you keep some of those gains otherwise why on earth in doing it..Its just my opinion and what Ive experienced and seen some very high top end athletes come to the same conclusion.
You guys are ripped for sure but at what cost of yiour hard earned tissue? I attack my bf slowly with the intention of keeping as musch tissue as possibole, thisn is done slowly but the tissue maintain is huge and the end result is a bigger ripped bodyLast edited by marcus300; 02-04-2013 at 10:36 AM.
02-04-2013, 10:39 AM #37
Fyi, Livefitbefit got his wish... and a new title to boot!
02-04-2013, 10:44 AM #38
02-04-2013, 11:04 AM #39
Again, my exact thoughts on this very subject.
Making lean gains while maintaining a low BF% is more of a fantasy than reality... I look at it as a mistake that I too made in the past.
I have trained and spent lots of time with elite athletes and some of these guys have IFBB Pro cards with about 20+ years of training and dieting under their belts, every single of them has at some point admitted to one common mistake they have made in the past: trying to make lean gains while maintaining a low BF%.
Just to avoid any misunderstandings here, I too find it esthetically repelling and absurd when I see heavy and super-heavy weight class bodybuilders walk around looking like they are about to give birth to a midget version of themselves during off-season but hey, what matters is how they look on the stage.
02-04-2013, 11:47 AM #40
I've got to disagree with you on this statement TJ... there are guys on this very board who have continued to make lean gains (granted, no via IF) over the years... a few staff come to mind - Fireguy, Reed, Nark... just to name a few. Now I'm not saying they've maintained 6% bodyfat while adding muscle, but they've managed a respectable 10-12%.
I guess it really boils down to what you consider 'lean'. We both agree that you don't have to turn into a fat slob in order to add muscle mass... so what constitutes 'lean' while adding mass? I suppose the answer would be different from individual to individual...
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