Glad to be here!

1800 cals a day?!? sheesh! Feel like i'll melt away at that amount of cals.

I accidentally put Pre w/o shake twice above. my PWO is whey, an apple. and i usually eat 2 chicken breast with 105gm(60 ish carbs) shortly thereafter. I dont consume any dairy and all my shakes are made with water. All fruit gone? what would you suggest pre and post workout? I've always followed that the idea that upon waking, pre, and post workout you should have some fast acting carbs in the mix.

With the fish oil should I stick to the Omega 3. or opt for the 3,6, and 9 omegas? Also, what is a recommended dosage?

For the green tea is it good for an anytime drink? I should I drink it around my meals to help out in feeling more full?

My lean proteins are mainly ahi steaks(tuna) and chicken breast.

IS there a time i should be cutting carbs you think? or as long as i hit my macros? I work out in the PM. what would you recc for my last/post workout meal?