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  1. #1
    gyphorz is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Cutting cycle need help ..


    I started my first cutting cycle and i'm having problems being consistant. I need some help in tweaking what i eat to maximise my gain (or loses in this case).

    Stats :

    Typical day :

    Morning - 08:00
    Wheat biscuit - 1 1/2 with water.
    Vitamin pill

    Pre workout - 10:00
    Whey Protein 25g

    Workout - 11:00

    After workout - 12:30
    Whey Protein

    200g chicken breast with some leafs

    200g chicken breast with some leafs

    200g chicken breast
    1-2 slice wholeweat bread
    2 spoons of peanut butter

    Macros :
    1600-1900 calories (if i have nibbles')
    30g fat, 50-120 carbs, 200-260 protein (10%,30%,60%)

    As a snack, i sometimes have a banana or a piece of fruit. Issue is that I find myself being really hungry after 02:00. If i manage to get though the day till 07:00, i need to eat more in order to fill myself up... (which is why i have added 2 slices of wholeweat bread). Sometimes this is not enough and i have other little small snacks to keep hunger at bay.

    I tried to do the keto diet but I can not cope, so instead i try and do 2 days low carbs (30-80) followed by a high carb day (100-250).

    Would appreciate some help on diet, on how to try to keep hunger at bay (what to eat to avoid eating unhealthy?).

  2. #2
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    My advice?

    Stop your cycle immediately until you learn how to diet, the one you listed is awful and has too big a range of macro nutrients. 200-260g protein, why is this that variable. You won't have to do a PCT after only 2-3 days, save the gear for when you can use it effectively.

    Cut to 10% and then do a lean bulk with your gear, you'll be much happier.

    Read this and devise and post a new diet

    And you will be hungry on a cutting diet, there's not much escape from that but larger, less frequent meals, will help.

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