I just found out I’m more ectomorph than that what I was thinking.
Don’t know If I have tendence to endomorph or to mesomorph, maybe to endomorph, but I don’t consider myself skinnyfat (at least), maybe hardgainer, don’t know.
Everyone used to tell me, ectomorphs have to eat very much, bulk during winter, and cut in summer.
I used to do that, and during bulking I had great results, and during cutting too. I mean, I bulk and I cut.
The problem is, when I bulk, I bulk the same amount of fat than muscle, and when I cut, I cut the same amount of muscle than fat.
I give you an example:
Started at 74kg an h-drol cycle, was already bulking, and went on bulking, ended cycle at 79kg, started to cut for summer, and ended up at 73kg.
Started short after, a test tren cycle, ended at 76kg lean, going on with cutting diet, extreme results, with little gear (250 EW sust and 37,5 tren A ED).
This time, during PCT, I started bulking diet, so I even gained strength and 3,5 kg ending up at 79,5kg, not lean.
I assume I did not loose any muscle, but gained a good amount of fat.
Then I did another test tren cycle this time exactly double the quantities (500 sust EW 65-70 Tren Ace ED)
Going on with bulking diet. Ended cycle at 86.5kg, a bit leaner than at the beginning.
I began a maintaining diet, with high proteins and slight less carbs to slowly loose remaining fat.
Today, after 4 weeks of the last cycle, I weighted 77,8kg. WTF I started cycle at 79,5kg and ended at 77,8kg (and I’m actually loosing).
My strength is less, but not much worse. I lift the same weight same rep than during cycle, but need more help.
My diet is 100 times better than the last cutting diet I did, but its not the diet IMO, it’s the genetics, and the strategy.
So my new strategy from now on, is to stay lean year round, and lean bulk only when I’m on.
What do you think?