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Thread: birthday cheat day?

  1. #1
    j1990 is offline New Member
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    birthday cheat day?

    I've been cutting for about 2 months now and my diets been pretty spotless, I've lost about 14lbs so far and still going. We'll tomorrows my birthday but decided to celebrate today so I also decided to have a cheat day. Does anyone else do this? I'm almost depressed about it and feel guilty because i've been doing so good! But i'm also glad i'm not really enjoying the foods i've given up since changing my diet around. We just had ice cream cake for my bday and the sugar rush is absolutely terrible!

  2. #2
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Most of us do/have, and we wind up feeling the same way - guilty, like the sky is falling, etc.

    Luckily, you realized you don't enjoy feeling how you do after eating that way, so chances of you relapsing are slim. Just try and enjoy your day and get back on that horse tomorrow!

    And happy bday!!

  3. #3
    Negative Knight is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by j1990
    I've been cutting for about 2 months now and my diets been pretty spotless, I've lost about 14lbs so far and still going. We'll tomorrows my birthday but decided to celebrate today so I also decided to have a cheat day. Does anyone else do this? I'm almost depressed about it and feel guilty because i've been doing so good! But i'm also glad i'm not really enjoying the foods i've given up since changing my diet around. We just had ice cream cake for my bday and the sugar rush is absolutely terrible!
    I would order like a large pizza and go buy a gallon of chocolate milk if I was you, terrific cheat meal
    gbrice75 likes this.

  4. #4
    starscream's Avatar
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    I feel that cheat meals are essential! For multiple reasons. Your body wants to maintain homeostasis and if you don't have the occasional cheat meal you might plateau in your fat loss. Also mentally it is satisfying to reward yourself.

    My only advice would be not to go overboard...! It's tempting to stuff yourself with junk and lots of it but I have always found that after I do that I severely regret it. Not because of guilt but because my digestive system just doesn't like it.. it hurts like hell and waking up the next day I always feel like shit!

    I say, enjoy your birthday. Eat what you want but take it slow! Over eating can be very painful haha.

  5. #5
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by starscream View Post
    I feel that cheat meals are essential! For multiple reasons. Your body wants to maintain homeostasis and if you don't have the occasional cheat meal you might plateau in your fat loss. Also mentally it is satisfying to reward yourself.
    Let's not confuse cheat meals with planned refeeds/overfeeds. Cheat meals aren't (physiologically) essential, ever. Refeeds and/or overfeeds are, when cutting, IMO.

    Psychologically, cheat meals can be a useful tool, for the right person. For people who have food issues/addictions (yes, it's real) like myself, cheat meals are usually never a good idea. As my mentor put it: "Rewarding good eating with bad eating creates a negative relationship with food. Cheating begets cheating..."

    Just my .02. I'm not against cheat meals, so long as the individual already has a relatively healthy relationship with food.

  6. #6
    starscream's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post

    Let's not confuse cheat meals with planned refeeds/overfeeds. Cheat meals aren't (physiologically) essential, ever. Refeeds and/or overfeeds are, when cutting, IMO.

    Psychologically, cheat meals can be a useful tool, for the right person. For people who have food issues/addictions (yes, it's real) like myself, cheat meals are usually never a good idea. As my mentor put it: "Rewarding good eating with bad eating creates a negative relationship with food. Cheating begets cheating..."

    Just my .02. I'm not against cheat meals, so long as the individual already has a relatively healthy relationship with food.
    I can agree with you on that, especially when talking about the possibility of a "relapse" I have an easy time getting back into my diet after a cheat meal.

    However, I have been under the impression that not allowing your self cheat meals will cause (at some point) a plateau effect. I cheat once every week. I'm not talking about gorging on pizza and wings or eating an entire cake. but maybe going out for a burger and fries or some ice creame for dessert or something.

    Not trying to argue by any means.. I am always glad to be enlightened with better knowledge.

  7. #7
    EverettCD's Avatar
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    I have cheat meals every 7-8 days give or take. I usually feel just fine after a nice cheat meal such as sausage & pepperoni pizza. Today was a different story, I ate a couple spicy chicken sandwiches from Chickfila & it messed my stomach up. Most likely due to the chicken being deep fried.

    Cheat meals are good for me. It's refreshing to eat a little junk & have a break from eating very clean all the time. Enjoy your birthday.

  8. #8
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by starscream View Post
    I have been under the impression that not allowing your self cheat meals will cause (at some point) a plateau effect.
    Nope. Not one single bit. When we remain in a caloric deficit for too long, our metabolism can slow over time and for that reason (among others), it's a very good idea to refeed - i.e. a day of caloric overage. Whether that overage comes by way of more of the same foods you've been eating (typically, carbs are bumped significantly) or 'cheat' foods doesn't really matter much (for the sake of this conversation). My only contention is with the notion that we *need* cheat meals, i.e. 'non diet' type foods.... junk food, etc. We most definitely do not.

    Quote Originally Posted by starscream View Post
    I cheat once every week. I'm not talking about gorging on pizza and wings or eating an entire cake. but maybe going out for a burger and fries or some ice creame for dessert or something.
    Again, your choice of foods is up to you - if you're able to eat a burger, fries and some ice cream without it affecting your overall diet goals (psychologically more than anything else), then more power to you, I say enjoy!

  9. #9
    starscream's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post

    Nope. Not one single bit. When we remain in a caloric deficit for too long, our metabolism can slow over time and for that reason (among others), it's a very good idea to refeed - i.e. a day of caloric overage. Whether that overage comes by way of more of the same foods you've been eating (typically, carbs are bumped significantly) or 'cheat' foods doesn't really matter much (for the sake of this conversation). My only contention is with the notion that we *need* cheat meals, i.e. 'non diet' type foods.... junk food, etc. We most definitely do not.

    Again, your choice of foods is up to you - if you're able to eat a burger, fries and some ice cream without it affecting your overall diet goals (psychologically more than anything else), then more power to you, I say enjoy!
    I see! thanks for correcting me!

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