Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
I think grams per day is a perfectly fine measure. There's no way you could accurately measure throughput time at home much less keep it constant. A few extra grams of fiber in one meal for instance would hangs throughput time. A few less grams of carbs, etc.
totally agree from a practical POV. This is a theoretical question. I could look this up, but I'm out the door to work. Protein is absorbed primarily in the small intestine, no? If so, the that would be the denominator. Would it not?

Another thought with the "grams/day" formula, is that if the true denominator is "small intestine time", then it seems clear to me that if I consumed large amounts of protein primarily in the morning, and not so much the rest of the day, that would provide a different result than if more evenly throughout the day.

Similar thought to trying to maintain stable blood serum levels with AAS. Although there are some that say the daily/weekly average is good enough, especially with orals, there are also some that say it is still better to more accurately dose based on "blood/liver absorption time (half life)"

This is one of those "how many Angels on the head of a pin" discussions, I know.

We are fed a lot of information, and sometimes it's a good idea to look "under the hood" to see what is going on and to try and understand.