Allright, just wanted some of you diet experts to go over this plan for me, and make sure I have everything dialed in.
This is my cutting diet I'll be satarting next week, I've allready been cutting for about 5 weeks, currently about 190 lbs, and only have about 15 lbs or so of fat left to lose. The reason for the change in diet is that next week I'll be starting a job as a labourer for a construction company. This means alot of hard work, in the heat for a good 8 hours a day. The plus side to this is I get 2 breaks, along with a lunch, which gives me alot of opourtunites to get my meals in.

Anyways here we go, any input whatsoever would really be appreciated!

<MEAL 1: 7:30 AM>
-1 egg
-4 whites
-1 slice fat free cheese
-1/3 cup Oats
-Coffee w/ light cream, 3 sweetners

Cals:301 P:30 C:30 F:5

<MEAL 2: 10 AM>
-3 homoginzed egg whites
-1 scoop optimum whey
-1 tbsp. peanut butter

Cals:252 P:38 C:6 F:10

<MEAL 3: 12:30 PM>
-7 oz. chicken breast
-2 cups lettuce
-1 tbsp. Flax oil
-2 tbsp. light italian dressing

Cals:360 P:43 C:8 F:18

<MEAL 4: 3 PM>
-1.5 cans tuna
-1 tbsp. light mayo
-1 stalk choped celery

Cals:219 P:42 C:3 F:5

<MEAL 5: 5:30 PM>
-7 oz. Chicken breast
-2 cups Brocolli
-Coffee w/ light cream, 3 sweetners b4 workout

Cals:261 P:49 C:12 F:6

-1 scoop whey
-30 g dextrose

Cals:230 P:23 C:32 F:2

<MEAL 7: 10:00 PM>
-2 eggs
-3 whites
- 30 g. Full-fat cheedar

Cals:320 P:30 C:2 F:20

++Daily Totals++
Cals: 1943
Pro: 255
Carb: 95
Fat: 70

Along with 4-5 gallons of water per day

Anything anyone can see that can be improved in anyway whatsoever please point it out! Wanna get this perfect! thanks a ton