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  1. #41
    OneMoreSet's Avatar
    OneMoreSet is offline Associate Member
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    lots of good info here..

  2. #42
    Jjdigs74's Avatar
    Jjdigs74 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by heavensdoor
    ok Alcohal is sold all around us Stores selling it with homeless people laying in allys behind the stores
    some drinking alcahol some just praying for a better tomarrow,Iremember 1 presadent getting drunk in japan throwing up in a meeting and passing out,Yes and another getting busted for coke,But he was in Church the next sunday !you can get alcahol in stores and bars they let you drink till you get to loud or run out of money run you off so you can drive and kill someone,That is being Sold legally the same 2 pesadents dont support us and some body builders vote for them THINK
    bro............???? Spell check????

  3. #43
    abstrack's Avatar
    abstrack is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jjdigs74
    bro............???? Spell check????
    who cares, you two guys just bumped a thread that was 8months old. Great job!

  4. #44
    abstrack's Avatar
    abstrack is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jjdigs74
    your a joke
    Oh yeah lunch box? we'll you're a tool and you had the audacity to bump a thread that was 8 months old. GREAT JOB BUDDY!

  5. #45
    big daddy k de's Avatar
    big daddy k de is offline Senior Member
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    allways watch out for the narcs ...there was an undercover one in my school and allot of pepole got busted.

  6. #46
    jbigdog69's Avatar
    jbigdog69 is offline Banned
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    Had one at my old gym and almost bought from him several times....also.....I do not think this is a bad thread to bring back around...with all tha heat I think everyone needs to be more aware of their surroundings. And to think this guy was able to use anything while he cooperated in stings....go figure!!!!

  7. #47
    omen78's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jjdigs74
    your a joke
    you might want to watch it homey. Ab is a well respected member here.

  8. #48
    jbigdog69's Avatar
    jbigdog69 is offline Banned
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    I second that!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by omen78
    you might want to watch it homey. Ab is a well respected member here.
    This was an uncalled for response.

  9. #49
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    The biggest problem I see is that we are forced to give up rights with everything. Things are imposed upon us and most of us do not give it a second thought. For instance, when you sign your drivers license, there is a disclaimer that says you will submit to a sobriety test no matter what. So basically, if you dont want to submit to that, dont drive a car.

    The ISPs are even worse. Since it is THEIR system, and you're just paying to use it, you have NO privacy. There have been cases of Instant Message conversations being subpeonaed into court cases. I find it quite ridiculous that we are PAYING to have a service look at everything we're doing, and to add insult to injury, save it and keep a record of it, so when the law comes knocking, they can hand it right over. But then again, its their service, so if you dont want to be monitored, dont use the internet?

    Also for those of you who are aware of what a pen/trap trace is, thats yet another thing to try to destroy our privacy. Basically if you want to stay off the radar of the feds or any other law enforcement for that matter, and leave no trace. Go low tech, send each other letters with stamps on them, and dont ever use the internet or telephone. My point with this post was that we have many things IMPOSED upon us if we want to be able to use X services, and we have become complacent to these things, and thats not right...

  10. #50
    smbmx63 is offline Junior Member
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    I don't understand why so much is invested in investigating victimless crimes. They should legalize AAS, prostitution and marijuana. I don't do either of the later but 'cmon

  11. #51
    wink182's Avatar
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    Everyone likes to see a big man fall. Sad, but the haters will hate.

  12. #52
    I R Baboon's Avatar
    I R Baboon is offline Associate Member
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    old thread but good

  13. #53
    bermich's Avatar
    bermich is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    . For instance, when you sign your drivers license, there is a disclaimer that says you will submit to a sobriety test no matter what. So basically, if you dont want to submit to that, dont drive a car.


    True. Whats the big deal about doing a sobriety test?? Quite frankly, I wish there were more check points on the roads. If you arent drinking, whats the problem? If you are drinking, you shouldnt be on the road. This shouldnt even be a question of rights or privilages. Its just safety. BTW, there is no constitution or ammendmant saying we are allowed to drive. Its a privilage.

  14. #54
    abstrack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bermich
    True. Whats the big deal about doing a sobriety test?? Quite frankly, I wish there were more check points on the roads. If you arent drinking, whats the problem? If you are drinking, you shouldnt be on the road. This shouldnt even be a question of rights or privilages. Its just safety. BTW, there is no constitution or ammendmant saying we are allowed to drive. Its a privilage.
    I can agree but yet disagree. From where I used to live there is a zero tolerance law which means if you have a .01 alcohol level you can get a ticket for driving under the influence. In reality... How many of us can not drive with one dink in us? i dont condone pure drunkness behind the wheel but one drink is a bit much IMO. They do set up check points in Florida where my boy use to live and I think it has its advantages and disadvantages.

  15. #55
    bermich's Avatar
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    It is the same in CALIF. But, most cops would NOT arrest you or give you a ticket for 0.01 Almost any court would dismiss it also.

    As for the ISP trace and all that: They can do that with phone records, cell phone records. It doesnt matter. Just dont kill anyone and dont download child porn and they wont back trace your records.
    People think they have people watching them every second? Impossible. You are not the center of the world even though some of the people here think they are.....

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinch
    It is possible, These forums log a persons I.P. address which can be traced and will give you their location and internet service provider. You can then contact that specific ISP and request that they divulge the users personal information. ISP's are pretty protective of their customer information so you would have to have ample evidence to assert your cause for attaining such information.

    Its possible as I said, but i assume there are still doubts as to Jrod being a narc or not, only he knows for sure.
    high anonymity prox server should take care of that. I always use it when visiting boards.

  17. #57
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    The sobriety test was just an example to get a point across, of how things are imposed upon people. It doesn't mean I support drunk driving. What if the government made you sign something before you joined the gym that said, if you lift wieghts, we're going to test you for steroids ?

  18. #58
    Join Date
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    yeah right
    i don't trust any one of you people...

  19. #59
    Join Date
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    yeah right


    ****ing NARCS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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