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  1. #1
    Cidanvile is offline New Member
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    Test-C 200 once a month?

    It seems from reading many of the threads here that most doctors perscribe injections 2-4 times a month. Does Test-C stay in your system for a full month or will I have up's and down's because I only inject once every 4 weeks?

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    You will have ups and downs dude. You really should be doing 100 mg a week minimum. 200mg a month is not enough IMO

  3. #3
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    mostly downs as the peak test level starts to decline after day 4/5

  4. #4
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    My uro suggested once per month but I flatly told him that it wasn't enough. He wrote the script and I found a pharmacy (that my friend works at) that refills whenever I want. I started with 200 mg. per week for two months and developed acne on my back, so I reduced it to 100 mg. per week and I'm in my 3rd week at this dose. The acne is clearing up slowly, so hopefully I've found my proper dose. Just keep in mind that alot of hrt is trial and error...we've all been there. Patience has been the key for me. I also have to keep in mind that this regiment is for life so I'm probably better off starting conservative, then making adjustments from there. Good Luck.

  5. #5
    Billy-the-kid is offline Banned
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    1 injection once a month is not enough. Test C has a half life of 12 days & test E has a half life of 10.5 days. You should inject at least 1 time a week so your levels are stable.

  6. #6
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coach 44 View Post
    My uro suggested once per month but I flatly told him that it wasn't enough. He wrote the script and I found a pharmacy (that my friend works at) that refills whenever I want. I started with 200 mg. per week for two months and developed acne on my back, so I reduced it to 100 mg. per week and I'm in my 3rd week at this dose. The acne is clearing up slowly, so hopefully I've found my proper dose. Just keep in mind that alot of hrt is trial and error...we've all been there. Patience has been the key for me. I also have to keep in mind that this regiment is for life so I'm probably better off starting conservative, then making adjustments from there. Good Luck.
    very well said

  7. #7
    lanzo78 is offline New Member
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    yea i to started at 200 a week and i had to adjust to 400 a week because i wasnt noticing any change

  8. #8
    Tesla's Avatar
    Tesla is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coach 44 View Post
    My uro suggested once per month but I flatly told him that it wasn't enough. He wrote the script and I found a pharmacy (that my friend works at) that refills whenever I want.
    Is it normal to have an open ended prescription for test that a pharmacy will refill whenever you want?

  9. #9
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    Tesla: I don't know how normal it is, but it's in this small town here in the Imperial Valley, and (hear this) they let me open a charge account. So I was like cool! I'm still seeing my doc and having my blood work done on schedule. So I guess as long as my refills are on schedule, and I'm not coming in with some b.s. story about how I broke my vial and need it refilled again, it's not a problem. Naturally, if something like that would occur it would send up the red flags, so I don't abuse it.

  10. #10
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    Tesla: Now that I look at my original post, I shouldn't have said my buddy refills my script "whenever" I want it. I meant that the script doesn't have a certain number of refills, it's just one that suffices when I'm due to refill. Make more sense?

  11. #11
    wascaptain5214 is offline Senior Member
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    i get 400 mg of test cyp a month. been doing this for almost a year. my refills come once a month via the mail, then i go to a clinic to receive my dose. i cut a deal with the doc, she'd go with this HRT program if thats the only steriods i would use. i had big time B/P issues. i am a 130/80 man now.

  12. #12
    Tesla's Avatar
    Tesla is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coach 44 View Post
    Tesla: Now that I look at my original post, I shouldn't have said my buddy refills my script "whenever" I want it. I meant that the script doesn't have a certain number of refills, it's just one that suffices when I'm due to refill. Make more sense?
    Okay, I understand now. That's still a pretty good deal.

  13. #13
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tesla View Post
    Is it normal to have an open ended prescription for test that a pharmacy will refill whenever you want?
    i know you said you understand now but you did have a very good question....with pharmacies and insurances especially some pharmacies even though the insurance wont question refilling a vial every month, some pharms will nose around and do the math with the dose...i had a pharm asking about my dose too much and had to severe our ties

  14. #14
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    Change can take a few weeks sometimes. I'm surprised a TRT doctor would let you run Test at those levels.

    Quote Originally Posted by lanzo78 View Post
    yea i to started at 200 a week and i had to adjust to 400 a week because i wasnt noticing any change

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