I thought it would be good to see the different therapies people are on and the results people have seen. If this has already been done, please flame me and I will cease this thread...

I am currently on 300 mg of test a week, and a winnie/anavar combo (injectable) 50 mgs each 3 times a week. Results have been good. I have used this to try and lean up. Still lifting, but upped the cardio, and lowered the calories.

This will end in 3 weeks, and then I am moving to 300 mg of test and 200 mg of deca a week. I will use this as more of a bulking regimen, but clean.

My therapy runs in 10 week increments. I then take 2 to 4 weeks to pause and run typical PCT meds (HCG and Tamox), then start next 10 weeks.
