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  1. #1
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    Angry Screwed up BIGTIME!

    What's up Bros? Been away for awhile and it probably cost me. I went in for by blood levels check a couple of weeks ago. I have been using 100-200 mg. per week of test cyp. depending on how I feel and 100 mg. of Deca per week for about the last 5-6 months. The doc didn't know about the deca, but it really helped with my shoulder recovery/pain. I've made great gains in the gym and am pleased with the muscular part of my training.
    I got a call from my doc this morning basically saying my test results are in and that my t-level is extremely high (1,216), my RBC/hemoglobin is abnormal (18.3), and to stop the test cyp immediately. As the post says, I'm screwed. This was the first time he added estrogen to the test becasue I requested it. All other levels were normal (kidney, liver, iron, glucose, cholesterol, ldl, hdl, etc.)
    I'm gonna make an appt. to see the doc today. Whatever he suggests I'm going to follow. But from what I've heard around here is that to stop the test completely will shut down my test production altogether. I'm 46 yrs. old. 200 lbs. (down from 217 three months ago).
    Any suggestions, advice, etc. before I see the doc? plmk
    Also, the reason I stated that I took between 100 mg. to 200 mg. of test cyp per week for the last 3 months is because I've experience ED symptoms in that time period for the first time in my life. Like a fool, I increased the cyp when I was limpin in the sack. Added to that, I've had a hard time busting a nut when I do get hard. Another first. The wife was even starting to think I was dumping sack somewhere else

  2. #2
    Noles12's Avatar
    Noles12 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Sounds like you have deca dick to me. ANd i dont know what to say to the doc jst go back down to a low dose and request another blood test in a few weeks

  3. #3
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks bro, that's what I figured I'd do. Hopefully he doesn't go all bitch-made on me, and tell me to stop or find another doc. The deca dick sounds like the answer becasue I never had any of this stuff when only taking the test cyp. Honestly, it's kinda got me spooked, because I have high bp and I know the high RBC isn't good.

  4. #4
    ZonaDave's Avatar
    ZonaDave is offline Member
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    what was your E2 level when he tested it? did the higher T dosages help your ED or make it worse?

    i heard of a few guys supplimenting with deca and got busted on the blood test. most guys cut out suppliment gear and reduce their T dose a month before their next blood test.

    were you on anything except T and deca? like adex and HCG ?
    Last edited by ZonaDave; 04-15-2009 at 01:01 AM.

  5. #5
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    estro levels will spike, but you should be ok.. tell the doc about ed problems, even though you have elevated test levels.. and endo will fix you up..
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  6. #6
    NEMESIS RR is offline Associate Member
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    Deca will raise test levels?

  7. #7
    ZonaDave's Avatar
    ZonaDave is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NEMESIS RR View Post
    Deca will raise test levels?
    oh yes

  8. #8
    ecsaaron is offline Associate Member
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    go donate blood to get the rbc count down...

  9. #9
    THORSZ's Avatar
    THORSZ is offline Member
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    I would just tell the doc you took more for the ED and you will go back to a regular dose. You might actually do better with lower levels with the ED. Maybe drop the decca too.

  10. #10
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    hey coach ...long time...
    test levels barely know you cant/and/or/not going to stop using test...
    my best advice and it seems like you havent quite found the perfect dose of test/AI that fits all your needs......just got to find the (your) perfect dose(s)

  11. #11
    Coach 44 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks guys for all of your input. I've cut the deca completely and will begin the 100 mg. test cyp./wk. next week.
    Zona Dave: I haven't seen the total test results. Doc has a website that I log onto and view his scribing of normal or elevated results. Plus he called me and informed me on my answering machine that the test levels were high and the RBC count was high. Not to mention, he said stop the gear immediately. I will go over the complete results when I see him.
    JPK: Good to hear from you. I've never needed any AI according to my gyno symptoms, etc. The bottom line is that I was fine with the 100 mg. of cyp per week, but I started overtraining and had problems with recovery, so I took it upon myself to start the deca and up the dose. For HRT I was doing great...I just got greedy with the results I was seeing.
    ecsarron: My wife is a former RN and I mentioned donating blood or blood letting for the RBC like alot of guys around here have done. She said it wouldn't matter because my body is producing the high counts of RBC, so until my body makes the adjustment it wouldn't do any good. Kinda like filling a water bottle with water from the garden hose, tasting it and it's bad. Then pouring it out and re-filling it from the same hose. Basically, it won't change anything until you find a better source of water to fill the bottle. I don't say this as fact, I'm just relaying what her opinion was. Thanks for your response.
    Thorz: That's exactly what I'm gonna tell the doc. Hell, It's the truth Thanks bro!

  12. #12
    ecsaaron is offline Associate Member
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    I give every 56 days on advise from my doc for the same reason...I swear i notice a diffrence within 24 hrs.Doc said heart doesnt have to work as hard to to pump that thick rbc count around the body...Only thing you can do is try it and see if it will know after the first time.Good luck..

  13. #13
    Turkish is offline New Member
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    What is "deca dick"

  14. #14
    ZonaDave's Avatar
    ZonaDave is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecsaaron View Post
    I give every 56 days on advise from my doc for the same reason...I swear i notice a diffrence within 24 hrs.Doc said heart doesnt have to work as hard to to pump that thick rbc count around the body...Only thing you can do is try it and see if it will know after the first time.Good luck..
    i've never given blood before but i'm sure i'll have to at some point. what kind of questions do they ask you before giving? do they test a sample before they accept you?

  15. #15
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZonaDave View Post
    i've never given blood before but i'm sure i'll have to at some point. what kind of questions do they ask you before giving? do they test a sample before they accept you?
    yes they take a sample and u complete a big questionnaire (check boxes)..takes like 1 min...2 min if you read it

  16. #16
    ecsaaron is offline Associate Member
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    they take a sample to do an iron count,no big deal,and ask questions like where you travel,last time you got a tattoo,if you pay for sex or gay sex.

  17. #17
    ecsaaron is offline Associate Member
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    OH ,They also ask if you have ever done NON prescribed steroids ...Woo the F would do that? As my wife would say THATS S T E W P I D...With that southern twang

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