I got my blood work results back today there was 7 issues where they were either high or low.

My doctor wasn't there tonight but they gave my the paper work as I requested a copy, can some of you guys give me a little run down on there?

1-HDL CHOLESTEROL (0.40) range 1.00-2.00 low

2-LDL CHOLESTEROL (3,7) range 1.00-3.00 high

3-FSH LEVELS (1.0) range 1.00-12.00 low

4-LH LEVELS (0) range 1.00-14.00 low

5- (39.5) range 9.7-38.2 high


7-FREE ANDROGEN (987.5) range 23.0-129.0

Regarding 1,3 & 4 what are the negative effects of them being low?

Regarding 2 what are the negative effects of it being high?

Number 5 is just above normal range but number 6 is low what effect would this have?

Number 7 is way high I'm assuming it's floating TESTOSTEROME how can I use this floating test so it highers my normal test.

Any other comments regarding the above would be most grateful.

Thanks guys