the other side of that discussion, the point you didn't mention, is that you won't be able to develop and support that position until after having went through it. Quite often, once an evolutionary desire is satiated, then you can move on, and evolve to a higher emotional level.

These unfulfilled needs quite often, especially in our younger years, become the driving force compelling us to act a certain way.

Being told as a youth by a parent "you are a loser" can quite often motivate and drive an individual in their adult years to achieve, in compulsive ways.

Being bullied as a youth, due to size and lack of physical maturity, can quite often drive that individual in physical ways the rest of their lives. Martial arts, weight lifting, and getting in fights; with minimal provocation.

Not having a sexual outlet post puberty, frustrating the libido for years, can cause excessive sexual activity well into advanced adulthood, as if "trying to catch up".

The point I am trying to make, is that not only does a desire need to be satiated, but at the right time, in order to progress in one's development.

I think this may partially explain compulsive behavior, to a certain extent.

(I think we would all agree it's pointless to discuss higher "meta needs" development, when one's stomach is empty.)