Quote Originally Posted by MTheoryFreak View Post
I am a few weeks away from my 3 month labs. I have really responded well to my TRT dose of 100 per week. I am really considering doing a blast of 500 per week for 12 weeks following my next visit. After this visit, I do not have to return for 6 months. I am about to order 3 vials of test c 250 and 10 arimidex. This should get me through 12 weeks with a little left over. I plan on following all the advice I have found researching here. Some may say I should wait longer to start a blast. I guess I understand that to some degree. However, I am really close to my genetic potential. I am 40 and have worked out since I was a teenager off and on. More on than off. My diet is always really clean. I maintain a relatively low body fat. I get plenty of cardio. I have never done any gear until starting my TRT. Basically, I just really want to do a blast. I have said all this to ask this question. How long should I be off a blast before I return to the doctor for my 6 month checkup? I really don't want to mess anything up with him. If I start shortly after my next visit, I will have roughly 3 months for my labs to stabilize. From what I gather, this should be plenty of time for my labs to not tell on me when I go back. Any thoughts or comments are appreciated. I have really enjoyed being on this forum for the past 2 and a half months. I have learned so much. Thanks for that as well guys.
I’m considering doing this same plan. Did it work out for you?