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Thread: Anything else besides TRT?

  1. #1
    Phatz is offline New Member
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    Anything else besides TRT?

    Ive been reading a ton here. Wondering if anyone else runs something other than Test during TRT.

    Like HCG or AI?

    Is it recommended to run anything else?

    Or does it all just depend on your bloodwork?

  2. #2
    Couchlockd's Avatar
    Couchlockd is offline Senior Member
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    I run this for trt

    50mg test E, 12.5mg primo E and 12.5 mast E. EOD injections. For a total of 175mg test E, 43.75mg primo E and 43.75mg mast E per week

    I take 0.125mg Arimidex (Adex, anastrozole) EOD and HCG 250iu 2x a week Monday and Thursday.

    This puts my bloods @;
    Total Test - 938 range 238-916
    Free test - 23.4 range 8.7-25.1
    (Getting shbg tested in 30 days to see where my free test is going )
    Estradiol, sensitive - 17.9
    range 8-35
    Igf1 - 223 range 88-246

    My CBC is all normal
    Cholesterol slightly elevated out of range LDL and slightly lowered out if range HDL

    Total cholesterol in range. Total triglycerides in range. VLDL in range.

    My cholesterol is off a bit, as I been very busy, had not done cardio in about 9 months (other than light pump sets a few times a week) and lack of sleep and peanut butter addiction. As well as slight over use of Adex. I know my e2 is perfect double of the low end range, but one less dose could bump it up higher and get cholesterol perfect In range.
    .to combat that, I'm going to 0.125mg Adex every third day, and adding an extra cup of oatmeal or Cheerios to diet, cutting out peanut butter and supplementing with niacin and red yeast rice

    My cholesterol is usually like just perfect. In fact my doctor said once, if he were to fabricate perfect cholesterol blood work, my results are what it would be.

    Nice to see ya sticking around, no hard feelings on me being cautious a bit at first with you. The RoboCop clip was a joke.

    Welcome friend.
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  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Couch why are you even bothering with adex? If your E2 doubled it would still be great.
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  4. #4
    Couchlockd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Couch why are you even bothering with adex? If your E2 doubled it would still be great.
    Paranoia I guess from that being drilled into me.

    You think I'll stay in range if I drop it?

  5. #5
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phatz View Post
    Ive been reading a ton here. Wondering if anyone else runs something other than Test during TRT.

    Like HCG or AI?

    Is it recommended to run anything else?

    Or does it all just depend on your bloodwork?
    HCG replaces two important hormones LH + FSH, which cease production with exogenous Testosterone (Ie - TRT).

    AI is dependent on bloodwork and symptoms, most people don't need it.

    I would read the TRT stickies to start, they will answer 99% of questions.
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  6. #6
    Youthful55guy is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phatz View Post
    Ive been reading a ton here. Wondering if anyone else runs something other than Test during TRT.

    Like HCG or AI?

    Is it recommended to run anything else?

    Or does it all just depend on your bloodwork?
    Check out the sticky called "best Practices in TRT". It's a good starting spot.

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Paranoia I guess from that being drilled into me.

    You think I'll stay in range if I drop it?

    Oh it's definitly worth dropping it imho. Doesn't matter if you're above range a little. It's about how you feel. I always feel better a little above range. Better libido as well.
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  8. #8
    BOPJohnDoe is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phatz View Post
    Ive been reading a ton here. Wondering if anyone else runs something other than Test during TRT.

    Like HCG or AI?

    Is it recommended to run anything else?

    Or does it all just depend on your bloodwork?
    I ran a low dose DECA recently alongside my TRT to see if I’d get the benefits of joints feeling better. At such a low dose I DID NOT feel any benefit from it and the only thing it was good at doing is elevating my hemoglobin, hematocrit, and RBC.

    That’s my experience.

  9. #9
    fiddlesticks's Avatar
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    Not testosterone related but T3 may help you feel better.

  10. #10
    mac34's Avatar
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    Cylon, what are your T levels and do you maintain them long term (so long as you take clompihene)?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by cylon357 View Post
    It has worked very well for me so far. You can find details here. That was my first follow up after 90 days of treatment. I just had additional bloodwork and will post a follow up on those numbers when it comes back.

    I'm assuming that just like TRT with Test, Clompiphene therapy is for life. Though if I ever decided to stop, I would think there wouldn't be a need for PCT.

    Like I'm ever going to stop! Well, ok if it gets to the point that Clomid isn't doing the job, then sign me up for the shots! Then I will likely get into 'blast and cruise' and 'stacks' and all sorts of cool stuff.
    Thanks. I hope it will keep on working for you. I guess that's much more convenient than running T and HCG . I might as well try it one day. Though I was always afraid Clomid could mess with my eyes. I don't have that good vision and I spent half a day behind the screen. It has to last me long.
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  12. #12
    almostgone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Paranoia I guess from that being drilled into me.

    You think I'll stay in range if I drop it?

    My last online labs, my E2 was 37.9pg/mL ( range is 8-35) my Total T was 849 ng/dL (range is 264-916), and free T was 31.67 ( range is 5-21 ng/dL). Didn't pull SHBG this time but it is usually at the very bottom of the range.

    I definitely feel better with my E2 @ 37.9 than I did with it @ 17.
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  13. #13
    mac34's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cylon357 View Post
    This is me exactly, well except that I have about 30 years on you. I'm a definite desk jockey.

    I think I read that clomid only causes vision problems with sustained high daily usage (like 150mg+ daily). Seems like it has something to do with over stimulation of the pituitary gland causing it to grow and press on the optic nerve. Lower doses and/or short term use don't typically cause this. I have had no vision problems since being on it.

    That's good to know! Thanks.

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