07-06-2023, 08:14 AM #42
I used to think that if you stick to injectables that there would be no toxicity to the liver. Apparently even TRT doses can raise ferratin/iron levels into the unhealthy range esp for people of North European descent. The iron deposits in the body's organs, and mainly in the liver. Occasional donations wouldn't be a bad idea, even on just TRT. My iron levels were 50-100 points over the normal range every time I did blood work.
oh and Samson you reminded me - apparently alcohol is very bad if you have a propensity for high iron. Very toxic to the liver.
I pound NAC, Liv52 & Milk Thistle
Drink like a fish daily & I’m constantly on orals & injectables(low doses, but almost always on something)
07-06-2023, 05:53 PM #44
How much Nac u taking?
What is low dose oral for you? For me its like 25mg var or 20 mg dbol etc. and ive been eating alot of those this year. Im bigger and stronger than ive ever been and its bc i havent took a break from gear in 6 months
Same - 20-25mg per day, mainly just Var & Proviron
Just a 600mg NAC daily
10-09-2023, 05:48 PM #47
Yeah I was taking tudca and nac on cycle and then I was advised to increase it to I think 2400 mg daily for 6 weeks after my levels spiked but I honestly can’t remember the exact dosage but it must have worked, there’s also a theory that I was taking superdrol instead of winstrol but I don’t have any proof of that
It’s y kinda get BW as often as possible now, just to look for any changes
10-11-2023, 09:17 AM #51
I did feel like death close to the end but I had never dieted for that long and hard so I chalked it up to that, but yeah I had some rough spells the last two weeks of prep and when I came off my legs and feet started swelling to the point that my Wife got really upset and I just decided I wasn’t going to blast that hard again, I’m working with a great TRT clinic now and feel better than I have in a long time
Yeah, ummm - u really wanna know what you’re taking
I fucked up my last batch of Var & Proviron . I don’t know which one is which - either way, I’m taking all of em. But, I’m breaking out in acne like a mother f’er. I know my levels are just up & down from day to day.
“If” let’s say, I was running sDrol or aDrol instead - I’d feel like death by now
I’ve ran both - neither made me feel good at all by around week 3, so I always dropped them
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