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  1. #1
    xcdizzle22x is offline New Member
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    Where to go from here...

    Background: I am a 22 year old male, have been lifting and training hard since entering college four years ago. Past year or so I had lost all libido, always super fatigued, felt rather bland (for lack of a better word), noticed I was making 0 gains in the gym while all my lifting buddies have been growing, and I cannot put on any muscle mass. My diet is clean, high protein diet, and in a calorie surplus. Struggling to gain mass still, especially in the muscle department.

    Finally decided to go to the doctor's and had blood work done. Results are as follows:
    Total Testosterone : 319 ng/dL Range given: (250-1100)
    Free Testosterone : 54.5 pg/mL Range given: (35 - 155)
    T3 Free: FT3 2.7 pg/mL Range: 2.5-3.9
    T4 Free: FT4 0.8 ng/dL Range: 0.6-1.6
    TSH: 3.31 uU/mL Range: 0.34-5.60
    BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen): 32 mg/dL Range: 6-22 mg/dL
    Creatinine: 1.1 mg/dL Range: 0.5-1.3

    Met with the doctor again today and said my testosterone levels were normal... I was immediately infuriated with his statement, being that a 22 year old should be roughly 3 times my testosterone levels. Also, the doctor did not comment to the low T3 and T4 levels and high TSH level. Basically the whole trip was pointless. He ordered me to have my Testosterone levels tested again, but this time on a fast and at 7 AM (to get a peak level). He also ordered blood work for Prolactin.

    I know this is long winded, but I am just so lost with where to go from here. The doctor clearly does not believe I have low testosterone levels, which is very frustrating. Does anybody have any suggestions or options of where to go from here?

  2. #2
    xcdizzle22x is offline New Member
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    146 views and no help / thoughts?

  3. #3
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    mri of the pituitary to rule out any abnormality or tumor.
    Have taken or abused AAS in the past and have you used or abused prohormones in the past?
    Use and or abuse without proper pct can have you end up shut down.

  4. #4
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    having sex more often will increase your testosterone . i agree with Fit, do an MRI to rule out any tumors, and if your doc is not familiar with TRT find one that is. the problem is you're too young for TRT, there maybe other issues keeping you from producing your own test. do more tests. BTW, read the stickies, lots of info there and do some search here, there are many threads similar yours and you may find some answers. good luck and keep us posted.

  5. #5
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    I dont get it, where is the problem? Levels look fine. NO you should not be 3x those levels, those are listed for someone your age, you fall in the nomal leval and something you need to learn, more is not necesarily better.

    If you want your natural levels highter then exercise more, eat better and stop looking for a reason to get on HRT. Trust me, you DONT want to have to pin if you dont have to.

  6. #6
    oscar1990 is offline Associate Member
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    Aye buddy, I am sought of in the same as boat as you. I have fatigued in my muscles and creaky joints and my weight training has declined along with my strength. However libido is consistent, I have a thread that I recently posted you might want to check out my levels, lol. I know how this feels its actually pretty ****ed up knowing your eating clean, training and not gaining an ounce of muscle.

    What supplements have you used in the past?
    Your TSH is pretty high compared to mine, it might be the culprit

  7. #7
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    What time was your bloodwork done? It can change a lot during the day and based on recent lifestyle/diet.

    Getting a second bloodwork for Testosterone certainly doesn't mean he is blowing it over. He's just doing some due diligence and that is very common in medicine.

    Some other good questions were asked above as well.

  8. #8
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    i'm subscribed looking for your answer to when you had bloodwork done...difiinitely run them again...

    imo, some ppl werent engineered to pack on muscle and were given lower T levels from the get go(some of us here have wondered if we EVER had decent natty levels)...its hard to find a doctor to treat someone your age with stated above, its a long term commitment...get second and third opinions..hopefully a hrt specialist reason a young man of 22 should feel the way you stated daily

    keep us posted
    Last edited by zaggahamma; 02-04-2012 at 06:12 AM.

  9. #9
    xcdizzle22x is offline New Member
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    Hey guys,
    Thanks for all of the advice. To the first responder, and all those whom are wondering, no I have never taken a prohormone or steroids or anything of the sort in the past.
    Oscar, thanks so much for the kind words. It absolutely sucks being in this boat right now.
    For everyone else, I had to blood test drawn at noon, after waking up at 10:30 AM and having breakfast. I am getting the blood work drawn again this upcoming Monday, but at 7 AM this time to try and catch a peak testosterone level.

  10. #10
    oscar1990 is offline Associate Member
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    Just in addition to your symptoms do you have any unbearable stomach cramps or pain in your lower abdomen??

    Keep us posted

  11. #11
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    His thyroid panels are damn near through the roof for a 22 year old.

    Something is amiss...

  12. #12
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    His thyroid panels are damn near through the roof for a 22 year old.

    Something is amiss...
    something as in no clue? Wonder what/how that issue is addressed

  13. #13
    jamotech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I dont get it, where is the problem? Levels look fine. NO you should not be 3x those levels, those are listed for someone your age, you fall in the nomal leval and something you need to learn, more is not necesarily better.

    If you want your natural levels highter then exercise more, eat better and stop looking for a reason to get on HRT. Trust me, you DONT want to have to pin if you dont have to.
    At age 22, at least 2x? 250-1100 is the lab range, nothing specific to age I think? I have to disagree on this one lovbyts, I though that normal ranges changed with age, 250-1100 is based on the bell curve from the specific lab taking all ages into consideration. Your right hrt may not be the solution to his problem, and he may want to get on hrt for the wrong reasons, but no sex drive at 22 is a problem, and 300 total test dosent seem right. He probably needs a lot more testing.

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