I like reading your posts on IGF. Anyway Ive been looking for your thoughts on running IGF LR3 & MGF off cycle for like a month. Im new to insulin , but have a chance of getting media grade 1mg of IGF LR3 with 10ml NaCl and 1mg of MGF. I was planning on using on bi's and pec's since they are lagging. Im confused on how much of what to do when. I work pec Monday and Friday and Bi's Tuesday and Sat. I planned on 100mcg MGF immediately after workout bilaterally then 40mcgs IGF an hour later bilaterally and then again the following morning, but some are telling me I have it wrong. Also heard recon IGF with NaCl is good for a year in freezer then someone said its only good for a couple of days. I dont want to ramble on, but need your advise.
