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  1. #1
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    Parents Putting there children on HGH for sports?

    whats do you guys think about this? its more common than most people know.
    i have 3 friends who in elementary school and junior high, there parents had been injecting them with hgh to excel in sports.

    My girlfriends parents are currently injecting there 12 year old son with hgh. i havent asked them how much or what protocol there following but i will get around to it, they dont know that i know.

    personally i think its just wrong. the kid doesnt know any better. My girls little brother complains of pain in his wrists and ankles as well as tingling all the time. i just recently found this out when i took her little bro to go play some racket ball.

    Him- Ouch my friggin wrist hurt like hell and they pop and crackle all the time

    Me- that sucks man have your parents get you some glucosamine vitamins it helps with my bones i get that too from lifting weights from time to time.

    Him- Well, my parents do have me on some vitamins, they put them in me with a needle on my tummy.

    Me- ummmm, what?

    Him- Yeah, i got used to the shots i cant even feel them anymore. my parents told me it will make my bones and muscles stronger and make me better at baseball. But dont tell them i told you cuz they told me to keep it a secret or they would get in alot of trouble.

    I didnt know what to say, all i knew was that some of my buddies from the old days had there parents doing the same thing, around the same age. and they seem fine to this day, or atleast 2 years ago before i moved away.

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Absolutely disgusting.


  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtball_619 View Post
    whats do you guys think about this? its more common than most people know.
    i have 3 friends who in elementary school and junior high, there parents had been injecting them with hgh to excel in sports.

    My girlfriends parents are currently injecting there 12 year old son with hgh. i havent asked them how much or what protocol there following but i will get around to it, they dont know that i know.

    personally i think its just wrong. the kid doesnt know any better. My girls little brother complains of pain in his wrists and ankles as well as tingling all the time. i just recently found this out when i took her little bro to go play some racket ball.

    Him- Ouch my friggin wrist hurt like hell and they pop and crackle all the time

    Me- that sucks man have your parents get you some glucosamine vitamins it helps with my bones i get that too from lifting weights from time to time.

    Him- Well, my parents do have me on some vitamins, they put them in me with a needle on my tummy.

    Me- ummmm, what?

    Him- Yeah, i got used to the shots i cant even feel them anymore. my parents told me it will make my bones and muscles stronger and make me better at baseball. But dont tell them i told you cuz they told me to keep it a secret or they would get in alot of trouble.

    I didnt know what to say, all i knew was that some of my buddies from the old days had there parents doing the same thing, around the same age. and they seem fine to this day, or atleast 2 years ago before i moved away.

    Are you sure this is not hormone therapy for stature?Im currently discussing this with a doctor reguarding my 14 year old baby mama's other son.He is short for his age and this a common use for the drug

  4. #4
    spywizard's Avatar
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    GH is the therapy (one of the approved for kids) to increase height, so a doc says it's needed, so who are we to say..

    If i run a gh injection at 10am, then have my blood drawn at 2pm for HRT and GH check, it will show extremely low, thus the doc would put me on GH.. If my insurance covers it, cool.. if not i can always apply for medicaid..

    Works for those with wasting disease, medicaid that is..
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    2bshredded's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtball_619 View Post
    whats do you guys think about this? its more common than most people know.
    i have 3 friends who in elementary school and junior high, there parents had been injecting them with hgh to excel in sports.

    My girlfriends parents are currently injecting there 12 year old son with hgh. i havent asked them how much or what protocol there following but i will get around to it, they dont know that i know.

    personally i think its just wrong. the kid doesnt know any better. My girls little brother complains of pain in his wrists and ankles as well as tingling all the time. i just recently found this out when i took her little bro to go play some racket ball.

    Him- Ouch my friggin wrist hurt like hell and they pop and crackle all the time

    Me- that sucks man have your parents get you some glucosamine vitamins it helps with my bones i get that too from lifting weights from time to time.

    Him- Well, my parents do have me on some vitamins, they put them in me with a needle on my tummy.

    Me- ummmm, what?

    Him- Yeah, i got used to the shots i cant even feel them anymore. my parents told me it will make my bones and muscles stronger and make me better at baseball. But dont tell them i told you cuz they told me to keep it a secret or they would get in alot of trouble.

    I didnt know what to say, all i knew was that some of my buddies from the old days had there parents doing the same thing, around the same age. and they seem fine to this day, or atleast 2 years ago before i moved away.

    I, as a parent of a high school student athlete think this is appaling, what are we teaching out children, what are parents thinking. It takes a kid, a very special kid to get to the Collegiant level....if to play Varsity at Freshman or Sophmore(5a or 4a and maybe even some 3 a's)

    Would I like my kid to do better, HELL YES......but I sure would not give him HGH or AAS. That to me is a fvcking crime, selfish, arrogant and stupid.
    I went to the Jr. College level in baseball back in the 80's, so I would expect my son to do the sam but it's just not there at 16 years old......I'm telling you I would never.....have never even thought about that.

    Youre post is simply amazing at what people will do......I coached for 8 years and never heard or suspected anything of the sort....I know it happens, but three in the same district. Just unreal, that kind of shit makes me ill!

  6. #6
    legobricks's Avatar
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    Well im not sure if they are giving it too him because a doc prscribed it. The kid told you that he shouldnt say anything cus his parents will get in thinking they are just doing this to make him better.....dude taht IS disgusting.

  7. #7
    Jfew44's Avatar
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    What is the world coming to? This is why the government is cracking down on everything. Dumb kids who dont know how to properly use AAS and even dumber parents who do it to give their kids an "edge". If it is not for medical purposes that truly is terrible.

  8. #8
    Discipline_1's Avatar
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    Absolutely disgusting.
    even going beyond the endocrine factors, but the chances of the kids looking a little more deformed than they would have without the gh therapy and being permanently altered... and the kid has no control over it so to say

  9. #9
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    may not be my place to say this...but i'd get right in their face is i was you. If it screws up your relation with the girl so be it. This kids health is in jeopardy. its stuff like this that gives our whole lifestyle a bad name. Not to mention that kids gonna get screwed up from it. I wouldnt be able to keep my mouth shut if i knew this was goin down. Stupid ass arrogant, ignorant parents. Can't stand them. I dont care if the dad is a 250lb juice head, he'd hear it from me, and if we go at it so be it.

  10. #10
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    whatever happened to hard work and sweat?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981 View Post
    may not be my place to say this...but i'd get right in their face is i was you. If it screws up your relation with the girl so be it. This kids health is in jeopardy. its stuff like this that gives our whole lifestyle a bad name. Not to mention that kids gonna get screwed up from it. I wouldnt be able to keep my mouth shut if i knew this was goin down. Stupid ass arrogant, ignorant parents. Can't stand them. I dont care if the dad is a 250lb juice head, he'd hear it from me, and if we go at it so be it.
    This is absolutly the worse thing you can do! You must first investgate to see if what this kid is saying is the truth or is he putting a spin on why he gets shots. Being a stepfather Ive heard all, kids lie or change thinds around to be more exciting.Last year our 12 year old was pregnant.Did i run whip some 13 year old ass?No, turns out every girl in the class was claiming to be pregnant because of kissing boys.

    So get you story straight and fact checked by an adult.Jonny needs a shot cause he has a real problem can easily be turned around by Jonny to say I take shot cause it makes me better at a baseball.Especailly to someone new he wants to impress.Funny he mentioned baseball with all this Mitchell report stuff on tv I bet you money kid switched his story around to sound like a pro.

  12. #12
    Narkissos's Avatar
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    I'm on the fence with this one honestly.

    The age is a counter-indication... solely because he's prepubertal.

    Honestly though if my parents had shot me up with GH during puberty i think i'd be taller at the very least.

    I can't see counter-indications outside this scope.

    It's arguable that during puberty the endocrine system is vulnerable.

    But it's also arguable that it isn't... as at puberty the system is at peak output.

    Also, with relation to heavy androgen use in adult males... younger males are less likely to have permanent testes damage than older males.

    Transpose this to the pubertal individual receiving exogenous hormonal therapy... The risk of complications may actually be lower than it would be for an older individual.

    It's all hypothetical...because i doubt anyone's going to test it on humans lol.

    Anyway..back to the topic: I don't know how i feel about it to be honest.

    On the risk of sides, I'd figure Acr*****ly would be dose and duration dependent.

    Gyno would certainly be a risk... as testosterone and estrogen, as well as NGF and other growth factors would be high.

    This case presents interesting thoughts/ideas.


  13. #13
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    well the 3 friends of mine that had been administered as children, all of our parents were friends. so those 3 friends of mine, there parents were probably all in on it. 1 parent tells another that tells another type deal. These were the parents that were at every pop warner game of ours being competitive themselves "whos child was the better athlete".

    As for my girlfriends little brother, well.... im 5,9" and this kid is an entire inch taller than i. thats not too uncommon but it strikes me as odd because im as tall as the dad, a few inches taller than the mother, and my girl is 5,3". HMMM

  14. #14
    Towel is offline Associate Member
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    what a waste of time and money i must say. That kid is frikkin 12. Why in the hell should you inject your kid at such age? for what good reason? Ok if the kid had some medical problems, which made him need this hgh shots i would understand. But not to give him a upperhand or something in baseball at this age. This is bullshit! What they need at this age is motivation, hardwork and dedication. You can't just start injecting advanced stuff in your kids for such lunatic reasons. No wonder all these kids and outsiders think steroids and other stuff are the only way to get somewhere. I just hope that this kid is only on HGH. Sad and pathetic...

  15. #15
    2bshredded's Avatar
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    It is bullshit, people find out about this crap and thats what gives us good law abiding juicers a bad name.....we don't need the negative publicity.
    I know to all of us hgh and aas are different but to others its all the same.

  16. #16
    thunderin's Avatar
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    Actually it is common practice here in Korea. But not for sports, they do it just to be taller. Furthermore, seems a bit odd to wait until the child is 12 years old.

    Bottom line here and in most places, people who look the best and who are the smartest will have the best jobs, spouses and better life.

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