GH consumer.....while I was in Air Force we had a work out regiment adn I got very lean and heavy, lots of tight solid muscle, but as life went on I injured L and R knee adn have had multiple surgeries....anyhow I do have some training experience, and this is my workout:
M-F 45 mins of Cardio (2 min run/sprint 1 min fast walk)
Upper body alternating arms, shoulders, back, chest and so on( I superset all of them in pairs such as bench press and biceps)
Legs and abs (also superset all in pairs)

As for my goal it is to get fit, lean and good physical shape

I take HGH in morning (30min prior to cardio) after cardio I drink a protein shake 50grams and a small fast acting carb then 15min latter hit the weight room, also I take creatine pre and post workout, I eat lots of tuna, salmon and other seafood and chicken with rice 4 times a day and 2 more protein shakes.

Any suggestions?