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  1. #1
    DeepDiver's Avatar
    DeepDiver is offline Junior Member
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    HGH and Emotional Side Effects??

    Greetings All: I recently (3 weeks) started HGH (Semorelin) 49 yr old, 6 ft, 200Lbs, 1.5IU twice a day. Set up for a six month run. Second time I have used HGH, both Dr Proscribed. Finished up test deca cycle about a month ago, just finishing up PCT. I have researched the labs website and many other generic sites and don’t see anything, but want to ask you folks; Question, could the HGH cause any emotional sides? I have been experiencing emotional ups and downs and anger quicker, I don’t mean huge ups and downs, but I notice I have been arguing a bit more with GF over stupid stuff. Doubt it’s the end of the test cycle because been through enough of those. I remember the first time I did HGH I also had some issues with emotions; I mean I got a divorce! Well cant blame everything on it I guess. Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I've been on HGH for over two years and I haven't noticed any emotional changes. If anything my sense of well being is much higher.

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I've been on HGH for over two years and I haven't noticed any emotional changes. If anything my sense of well being is much higher.
    I would have to agree with the above, sounds like it will be AAS cycle related rather than hgh.

  4. #4
    DeepDiver's Avatar
    DeepDiver is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks to both of you, maybe it was wishful thinking, hormones of a youngin, the mind will follow. Will advise if anything changes

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