Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
I have. I ran a few hundred iu of them a year or year and a half ago. First couple kits I felt were 100% legit, and had my IGF-1 levels at the mid to high 400's on 4iu.

Then, a couple kits later I felt like they weren't doing anything so I had my blood done again. 159 at the same dose of 4iu. I got bloodwork done 2 more times after pinning 4iu from different vials from different kits (just to make sure it wasn't 1 kit that was bad) and all tests came back in the mid 100's.

You guys can draw your own conclusions as to what the deal was.

I got mine from the main source for rips, same guy you and everybody else probably got them from.

Also, the fact that the labels for the vials and the labeled boxes comes separately from the kits, I thought was a little shady from the get go.
That's fine. You did your BW and your results weren't what you expected.
I know a lot of people, including a good friend and his wife that swear up and down by a certain mans green tops from that same board. My experience was not a good one but I'm not going to say he's selling bunk gear. It goes back to what I've said numerous other times. I believe quality control is the biggest issue along with protein harvesting.