OK, so I have a herniated disc (again) in my lower back that is to the point it is causing pressure on my siatic nerve and I have constant pain in my right glute down my right leg and even slight movements are painful.

The previous surgeries went well and the doctor did some microscopic surgery to shave the herniated part off so that I still had the use and flexability of the disc as opposed to fusing the spine which would have left me with somewhat less range of motion.

My problem is that i a on week 5 of my cycle and still tryng to do what I can at the gym without pain but obviously legs and squats are almost out of the question. Does squatting with heavy weights (400-600) cause enough pressure on the spine to be doing damage to my discs?

Just looking for any advice on things that may help. i am worried that I will not be allowed to train for several months after the operation and I will lose everything and have to start from scratch.

any thoughts or words of encouragement will be greatly appreciated!!