Thread: Ready for first cycle at 38
02-22-2005, 03:18 PM #1Junior Member
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First cycle at 38
Hey Guys, just got the last of my gear this morning and will be starting my cycle in three weeks, I'm finishing up a workout program next week. I'm going to take one week off and one week back in the gym before beginning.
After doing plenty of research on this site and asking some questions here is what I'm going with.
Test E- 500mg per week in two injections weeks 1-12
Nolva 10mg per day weeks 1-12 20mg per day weeks 13-17
clomid 300/100/100 mg per day weeks 14-17.
I will be starting my cycle a couple of days after my 38th birthday. I have been training naturally for the last twenty years and made decent progress until the past two years when I believe a combination of off and on joint soreness and age have grinded my progress to a halt.
Some of my relevant stats I'm 5'8" 178 pounds
Chest 45 inches,Biceps 17 1/2,Waist 32,Thighs 24
Max current lifts Bench 375 pounds Incline 305 close grips 295
dips body weight plus 180 barbell curl 190 squat 400 but I don't do heavy squats often because of knee problems.
My goal for the cycle is to add 5-10 pounds of solid muscle after pct and to push past some sticking points in training.
It doesn't matter to me how much I put on during the cycle just how much I am able to retain.
I want to thank those that have taken the time to post repsonses to some of my questions because my knowledge of AS was limited before I found this site.
I will be posting before pictures on this threat soon and promise to keep posting 2-3 times per week updating my progress once I begin my cycle.Last edited by Trackman 37; 04-01-2005 at 09:08 PM.
02-22-2005, 03:35 PM #2
Good luck man...
I feel you on the younger guy's. To me it's mixed up priorities and lack of patience.
The order of importance should be;
1. Diet
2. Proper weight training
3. Researched AAS use (causing the young guy's to realize "I'm chalk full of test!" "I'll wait"!)
1. Haphazard AAS use with I'll get my PCT gear later
2. I can bench 400lbs
3. What’s a good diet?
02-22-2005, 04:38 PM #3Junior Member
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Thanks man, I didn't even want to get into diet because I was running on so long. It's like you say though it just doesn't seem like a lot of the younger guys are doing the research they need before starting.
02-23-2005, 07:48 AM #4
at your age I would recommend to use proscar everyday.
02-23-2005, 04:43 PM #5Junior Member
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Thanks X, my hair line is the same as it has always been and haven't any hair loss anywhere else either to this point. Would you still suggest the proscar?
03-08-2005, 10:21 AM #6Junior Member
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Attached a couple of photos. Sort of a rude awakening, I'm carrying more fat than I thought. Diet hasn't been great the last six months. Starting the cycle next Monday. Will be eating heavy but clean, cutting out the soda's and the occasional cheesburgers with fries. Hopefully that will help. I'm going to be using the following workout plan. Mondays- Shoulders, abs Tuesdays- Legs
Wednesdays- Chest, abs Thursdays- Back, traps Friday- Biceps, Triceps, abs.
Saturdays and Sundays off. Cardio three times per week. Moved Shoulders to the front of the rotation, after reading a bunch of threads on here I think they must be a weak link for me because I can't handle anywhere near the weights I read a lot of guys talking about. Guys barbell shoulder pressing 275 for reps and doing seated dumbell shoulders presses with 120's or 130's or higher. Fuk- I've seen some guys cheat and do big numbers off a rack barbell shoulder pressing but the dumbell pressing 120's is impressive to me, it's hard to cheat when you have to get a pair of 120's from the floor up to your shoulders. I currently dumbell press a pair of 80's for 6 rep sets seated on a bench with no back (which may cost me a few pounds) I'm hoping to get up to 100's by the end of the cycle.
03-13-2005, 02:05 PM #7Junior Member
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First Shot
Just finished my first shot. I screwed up, had some 10cc syringes used for horses and used one for my first injection with 23 gauge 1 1/2 inch needle in the glute. Very tough to aspirate with only 1cc in a 10 cc syringe also had a lot of trouble pushing in the last drops. I will be using a much smaller syringe from here on in.
Also some minor changes to my first post. The Depo-test I got is actually Test C instead of Test E. Took measurements last night and some changes there to chest is up one inch to 46, unfortunately waist is also bigger at 33 1/2 inches. Starting the cycle at 180 pounds.
Pretty excited to see how everything goes, started new workout program last week to give me some numbers to work off of and am starting the AS as strong as I've been in years, also pretty healthy with the exception of my knees.
Already started cleaning up my diet. Haven't had a coke in 6 days, thought the lack of caffeine may take a toll on my energy level but so far I haven't noticed anything. Hoping to add muscle without increasing bf or waist size during the cycle.
I'll be posting several times a week during the cycle and will try to keep them brief so as not to bore everyone. If anyone wants any info I don't post let me know and I will include it.
I also promise I will post throughout the cycle and pct whether the results are good or bad, this threat won't flame out like 90% of the cycle results on here seem to.
03-17-2005, 09:14 AM #8Junior Member
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Second injection this morning, it went much better than the first. Used a 3cc 23g 1 inch in the quad. Only problem I had was drawing it from the vial, going to heat the vial up next time maybe that will help. Quad shot was much easier to self administer than the glute and as long as there isn't much pain at the injection site in the next day or so I will probably just do quad shots the remainder of the cycle since I only have to inject twice a week.
Had 4 decent workouts so far this week. Diet has been clean at 4000 plus calories per day. Weight is 181 up one pound from the increas in calories I'm sure. Can't say that I've noticed any changes at all otherwise so far.
I will continue to work out hard and wait for the Test to kick in several weeks from now.
03-18-2005, 01:27 PM #9
use 20g or 21g to draw and jab wth the 25g or 26g
03-20-2005, 03:33 PM #10Junior Member
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Third injection this afternoon, no problems except I need to follow Leader's advice and get some 20 gauge needles to draw from the bottle with. With the 23 gauge the test just drips into the syringe a few drops at a time along with a lot of air. It takes a while to get enough in the syringe anbd then it's a pain in the ass to get all the extra air out before injecting.
Nearly blew my arm workout Friday with a half ass warm up. I was a little crunched for time and rushed through three warm up sets of barbell curls.
My first working set at 150 pounds I had to cheat to get 4 reps and felt awful, thought the second set would be better but it wasn't 4 more ugly reps. I almost decided to drop down to a real light weight and just do a couple of sets but instead went down to 135 and grinded out a decent set of 7 reps, after that dumbell curls went relatively well and had a decent tricep workout.
Up until about 5 years ago I never did any warm up sets at all and I've paid for it with a lot of joint pain since. Now I don't have any set number of warm up sets, I just know when my body is ready sometimes it's only a couple of sets, sometimes more but I rushed it Friday.
If I hadn't have started AS it probably would have been a wasted workout because I might have just given up after the first few sets and dropped the weight way down and just gone for a pump.
If nothing else starting an AS cycle has got my focused again. Missing workouts has never been a problem for me but on occasion (after training for 20 years) I can lose focus during my workouts and not train as hard as I need to. A lot of you know what I mean, you're training harder than 95% of the people in the gym but when look back after your workout you know you still could have given more. I've found if I don't use maximum intensity while working out I don't make much progress.
Weight today 182, diet staying clean at 4000+ calories a day. Looking forward to working shoulders tomorrow after a day off from training today.Last edited by Trackman 37; 03-21-2005 at 03:10 PM.
03-21-2005, 03:38 PM #11Junior Member
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Definetly sticking with the quads for injections. I can't even feel the spot from yesterday afternoon.
Had a good shoulder workout this morning. First working set of Military Presses off a flat bench grinded out 6 reps at 185 pounds, felt heavy and I thought I might really struggle in the next two sets but got 6 reps each set feeling better. Got 2 solid sets of 6 with 80's in the seated dumbell press and finished the workout with several solid sets of side and rear lat raises. Looking forward to upping the weights next week. From everything I've read the Test isn't kicking in yet so have to consider this a real good workout.
03-24-2005, 10:05 AM #12Junior Member
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Fourth injection this morning, may have grazed a nerve when I went into the quad because flexed hard, nothing hurt so I aspirated, no blood and shot went fine. Several hours and a back workout later and everything in good. Good week of working out so far, yesterdays chest workout went really well.
Last week chest workout- Incline Bench 1 set of 6 @245, 1-4 @ 250, 1-3@250, this week 3 solid sets of 6 @250. Last week Bench Press 1-5@ 285, 1-5@290 this week 2 sets of 6 @290. Last week dips 1-6@90 added, 1-5@90 added this week 2 sets of 6@100 added. Weight 183 1/2 up 3 1/2 pounds in 10 days since cycle started, guessing from the added calories, diet staying strong and clean. Only noticable side so far is that the boys have started to
03-27-2005, 08:49 PM #13Junior Member
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2 weeks into 12 week cycle
Weight 184 for a gain of 4 pounds through the first two weeks. Good week of workouts, felt pretty strong all week and numbers went up in virtually every exercise.
Pretty tired at work Friday afternoon but I felt fine all weekend. Looking forward to getting back to the weights tomorrow morning.
I'm happy with the progress so far, diet staying heavy but clean. I don't think I'll have any trouble with training intensity through the entire cycle as my gains should keep motivating me to continue working hard.
Hope everyone had a good Easter. Talk to you next week.
03-27-2005, 10:10 PM #14
Great work.Kepp it up brother
03-27-2005, 11:00 PM #15
Good luck Trackman 37, I'm just shy of 38 years myself. I haven't made my way to the darkside yet. Keep up the good work.
03-28-2005, 12:14 PM #16Junior Member
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Thanks guys.
03-31-2005, 12:35 PM #17Junior Member
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2 1/2 weeks in
Weight 186 1/2 up 6 1/2 pounds through the first 17 days, I'm sure some of that is water weight but I always weigh in first thing in the morning to reduce that as much as possible.
Numbers have been solid in the gym this week and up from last week but haven't felt that great lifting and definetly haven't got that I can lift anything feeling that I hear people who are on talk about. Worked back today, started out pretty strong with two good sets of pull ups 6 reps each with 70 pounds added. Third said got five solid reps and only went about half way down on the last. Barbell bent rows didn't feel great 1 set of 6 at 240 and 2 sets of 5 at the same weight and I know the last couple of reps in the last set my back was probably 6-8 inches above parallel and pretty winded after. 2 sets of shrugs 5 reps each at 300 pounds also didn't feel that great.
Only side effect I've noticed so far is waking up sweating after a couple of hours of sleep each night and having to go pee.
Overall I'm pleased with my progress so far just waiting for the major strength and energy increases to kick in (hopefully).
04-03-2005, 01:17 PM #18Junior Member
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weight 187, up 7 pounds through 21 days. Off today, looking forward to hitting shoulders tomorrow and hoping that things start to kick in during training this week.
04-04-2005, 01:31 PM #19Junior Member
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I just posted yesterday but started to see noticeable strength increase lifting today, the first day of week 4 of 12 week cycle. Worked shoulders this morning, 1st working set was military press sitting backwards on a flat bench 6 reps @ 195. Since I increaed the weight this week stayed at 195 the next two sets and got 6 reps each time ,cheating just a bit on the last rep of the last set.
Seated dumbell press (again done on flat bench) did 2 sets of 6 with 90's, little tough getting the dumbells from the ground to shoulder level but the sets were strong with the last rep feeling better than the first couple, my previous best was a couple of half reps with 90's so this was a big move forward.
Was hoping to get to 100's by the end of the cycle when I started, now I think I may have to move that number up Finished with several solid sets of side and rear lat raises. I'm hoping this is just the start of big gains in the gym over the next two months.
04-05-2005, 08:50 PM #20Junior Member
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Let us know how the joint discomfort is?
Good detailed results. I am interested in how your joints feel, especially as you increase the weights. I have had to go to lighter weights and more reps in the last year or so due to jont pain. I was wondering how a test only cycle will effect someone in the mid thirties range?
04-06-2005, 03:01 PM #21
I am thinking about doing the same thing only jumpstart with 30mgs dbol for 33 days. I am 39 and have been pondering the juice question for a long time ... so for only research and qustions.. mostly dumb ones... I wish you well and I hope u gain 30lbs
04-07-2005, 08:28 PM #22Junior Member
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Bob- Joints have been good. Went into the cycle with some shoulder pain. Been doing a couple of extra warm up sets when working upper body. It hasn't hurt at all when I've worked my shoulders but do notice it on chest day, hasn't hurt my numbers but I know it's there. Knees which have always been a problem are feeling pretty good now even though they both need to be cleaned up by the surgeon.
Dog- Thanks, I saw your pictures today, we've got a similar built except you're about 40 pounds heavier. Hopefully my posts will help you out if you do decide to cycle. Let me know if you have any questions.
04-08-2005, 09:53 AM #23Junior Member
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Weight 189 this morning. up 9 pounds in the first 25 days. I actually was down a pound on Tuesday and Wednesday morning but have gone back up the last couple of days. Diet staying good so I'm not sure what happened. Had a couple of poor nights of sleep earlier in the week due to my 20 month old son.
Rest of the week went ok working out but not as well as Monday's shoulder workout. Pretty good arm workout today after a poor workout last Friday. Barbell curls 1 set of 6 @160 1 set of 5 @160 and 1 set of 4 @ 165 two solid sets of 6 with 70's on dumbell curls and a couple of sets of curl bar curls at 155. 3 sets of 6 @ 250 on close grips didn't feel great but I grinded them out. two sets of 6 @ 50 on kickbacks, not doing much for my tri's during this cycle as they are probably my best body part right now.
One exercise I didn't move up on this week was barbell bent rows yesterday. 2 sets of 6 @ 240, same weight as last week, both sets I felt like my chest was going to expolde and I was blowing hard after each, dropped down to 225 for my last set and did 6 solid reps but was still blowing hard afterwards, I'm having more trouble with rows than with squats not sure why. Anyway, can't say that I've really felt the big strength increase in the gym yet but gains have been steady and the numbers keep going up so I can't complain. Cardio tomorrow and off Sunday. Hope everyone has a good weekend.Last edited by Trackman 37; 04-18-2005 at 08:50 PM.
04-12-2005, 08:42 AM #24Junior Member
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30 days in
One month down in my 12 week cycle. Weight 188 up 8 pounds but down one from last week. I mowed grass and did all the outdoor spring cleaning stuff this weekend, got a whole lotta of sun and think the weight loss is probably just water. Decent shoulder workout yesterday, doing legs this afternoon.
04-13-2005, 07:42 PM #25New Member
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Time to turn and burn Mav <----Top Gun
Heading into your 5th week you should really start seeing the gains kicking in. Eat like a horse brother, literally. Good job and good posts, keep it up.
04-13-2005, 10:32 PM #26
I am impressed, I am trying to talk my 45 year old dad into "test replacement" hoping he will get the juice bug, even though I am still clean at 18. Good results, I read this entire post, watching your gains... hope I look like you at 38!
04-14-2005, 01:52 PM #27Junior Member
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Thanks JJ, I plan to keep eating heavy and hitting the weights hard.
Ecto, Thanks for the kind words. I don't want to sound like everyone else but I will at 18 just stay clean and hit the weight room as much as you can and concentrate on keeping your diet solid. If I would change anything from when I started it would be to watch the diet a lot more closely, I ate pretty much what I wanted when I wanted till I was over 30. I could have made much better gains if I had paid more attention to eating right but nothing I can do about it now. As far as your dad goes, as long as everything is working right for him downstairs and he is happy with his life he doesn't need to worry about HRT. The problem with it from what I've heard is one you start it you pretty much need to do it the rest of your life, so the later you can wait the better. Thanks again for posting guys, sometimes I'm not sure if anyone is reading my posts or not.
04-14-2005, 02:05 PM #28Junior Member
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Weight 189 up 9 pounds from start of cycle. Had my 10th injection today. Have used the glutes the last two injections. Couldn't even feel the needle going in today, I guess practice makes perfect.
Had to postpone my chest workout from yesterday until today because my f---ing spring allergies hit me bad Tuesday night and yesterday. My head was still plugged up this morning but not enough to keep from hitting the weights. I wasn't expecting much but I was really suprised.
After warmup did 3 sets of 6 @ 270 on Incline Bench, weight felt light and no shoulder pain at all. Went to Flat Bench first set @ 300 did 6 reps easy next set got six solid reps @ 310 pushed it a little on the third set going up to 320 and only got five reps but had no shoulder pain at all. Finished off with two sets of dips with 110 pounds added.
Gotta think the Test is kicking in. This was as good as I've felt lifting during the entire cycle even though I still was a little under the weather with the allergies.
Half embarassed to admit this but I figured out during my last injection that I have only been doing 225 mg per shot for a total of 450 mg per week instead of the 500 mg per week I had intended to do. Could be why I'm just starting to see the big increases in numbers although I've been stepping it up throughout the five weeks. Injected 250 mg this morning and plan on doing the same for the next seven weeks.
04-17-2005, 06:12 PM #29Junior Member
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5 weeks down of 12 week cycle. Weight 189 up 9 pounds. Weight has stayed the same over the past week. I may add more calories in a few days if things don't pick up. Back day Friday was a grind again but numbers did go up though not as much as I would like. Good arm day yesterday. Put arms at the end of the week because they are my strong point and don't need a lot of work. My arms are over 17 inches cold measured at my side and over 18 inches flexed cold which isn't bad for 5'8" and less than 190 anyway. Two decent sets of barbell curls 5 reps each @ 165. Three sets of close grips 1 for 6 reps @ 250 and 2 for 6 @ 260 felt strong in all three sets. Two good sets of 6 with 75's on dumbell curls. Two sets of kickbacks with 55's and ended with 2 sets of 6 @ 150 on curl bar curls and a couple of sets of 10 with 90 added on dips. No bike this weekend as I'm going to skip it until weight starts going back up. 11 injection today went smooth. Ready to hit shoulders on Monday.
04-19-2005, 07:47 PM #30Junior Member
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Two pretty good workouts so far this week. Numbers keep going up. Fighting allergies big time. Started taking Flonase in addition to Alegra D, hope these are ok to run with test, no sides so I'm sure they are. I think the allergies are keeping me from getting the full benefit of the Test right now but my numbers are still going up so I can't be to upset.
The funny thing is I'm hitting numbers I would have been thrilled with a couple of months back and sometimes I end up pissed because I don't think I moved up enough from the week before.
I guess when it comes to lifting you're never completely satisfied with what you accomplish, which keeps driving you to do more. F---ing sneezing again, anybody with any suggestions, I'm open to anything. I'm positive it is spring allergies.
04-20-2005, 09:16 AM #31Junior Member
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thats awesome that you can still work out with your allergies. i am so sick i cant even go lift. i hate it. and im losing weight.
04-20-2005, 07:56 PM #32Junior Member
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Trip, I missed one day last week. The flonase seems to be helping a lot and I've only taken it for three days, so if you don't have any get some. Good luck bro, the good news is it should be over in a week or so no matter what.
04-22-2005, 12:21 PM #33Junior Member
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Weight 190 up 10 pounds from start of cycle. The weather has turned cooler and wetter and I think that plus the medicine has combined to make my allergies a whole lot better, still sneeze a little and have watery eyes but I don't think it has effected my workouts the last three days at all. 1/2 of 24 injections are now down, six weeks and a couple of days left in the cycle. Good progress numbers wise all week in the gym. I've got through the sticking points I had prior to the cycle which was my goal, just hope to keep going up now, because I'm never satisified with where I'm at. Here are some comparisions from the beginning of the cycle to now.
Week 1 last working set Military Press 6 @ 175
Week 6 6@ 205
Week 1 seated dumbell press 6 @ 70's
Week 6 6 @ 92 1/2's
Week 1 squats 6 @ 240
Week 6 6 @ 315
Week 1 Stiff leg deadlifts 6 @ 240
Week 6 5 @ 300
Week 1 Incline Bench 6 @ 245
Week 6 5 @ 275
Week 1 Bench Press 6 @ 285
Week 6 5 @ 315
Week 1 Pull Ups 5 @ 60 added
Week 6 6 @ 75 added
Week 1 Barbell Rows 5 @ 215
Week 6 5 @ 250
Week 1 Barbell Shrugs 6 @ 255
Week 6 6 @ 300
Week 1 Barbell Curls 6 @ 140
Week 6 6 @ 165
Week 1 Dumbell Curls 5 @ 70's
Week 6 6 @ 80's
Week 1 Close Grips 5 @ 245
Week 6 5 @ 270
Numbers are for my last set in each workout. I didn't include supplemental excercises ie. lat raises and such but am up on each of those as well. Weight gain has slowed down the last two weeks but I have lost about 3/4 of an inch off my waist since the start of the cycle while gaining 10 pounds, I think the improvement in my diet is mainly responsible even though I'm eating more than before. Hoping to gain another 10 solid pounds the final half of the cycle. Hope everyone has a good weekend.
04-28-2005, 08:58 AM #34Junior Member
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Weight 191. Up 11 pounds from beginning of cycle. Had my 14th of 24 injections today with 4 1/2 weeks still left in the cycle.
Three good workouts so far this week. Making some progress on my legs even though I can't do a whole lot because of the knees. Did 5 sets of squats 6 reps each @ 315 without any pain on Tuesday. Not planning on going any heavier than that but I'm going to being adding reps the next few weeks. Finished off with 2 sets of stiff leg deadlifts 6 reps each @ 300 pounds, midway through each set I didn't think I had a chance at six reps but made it both times.
Good chest day yesterday 3 sets of 6 @ 275 on incline presses didn't feel that heavy, last week I struggled to get 5 reps with the same weight the last two sets. 2 sets of 6 @ 315 on flat bench, again midway through each set I didn't think I would get six but made it both times and they were all pretty solid reps. To me that has been the biggest thing I've noticed in the past couple of weeks, before when I started to struggle during a set I might be able to grind out another rep at the most, now it seems I can at least three more in after that point.
05-03-2005, 01:18 PM #35Junior Member
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Weight 191. Had some major shoulder pain for the first time in several weeks yesterday. Right shoulder felt pretty rough unracking the weight on both working sets of shoulder presses got 6 reps @ 210 both sets up one rep from last week, not bad and the shoulder didn't hurt that bad during the set, but had to cut the last couple reps out on dumbell shoulder presses @ 95 because of unatural pain, was able to do side and rear lat raises without any problems and shoulder feels ok today. I do the shoulder presses sitting backwards on a flat bench and I know it does put a lot pressure on the joints, will be taking it easy on flat bench tomorrow so I don't make it worse. Good news is next week I begin work at my summer location and will be working out at a commercial gym instead of my home gym. Benefits to both, but getting on a normal shoulder press set up with a seat back and the rack set at eye level will definetly help, also I will be switching to decline bench presses instead of flat to take some pressure off the joints. Plus I'm really looking forward to switching my back routine which has been the only disapponting area in the gym during the cycle. Will be doing t-bar and cable rows instead of bent rows.
I will miss the family when I'm gone but it should really help the last four weeks of my cycle, my diet will be spot on (I have to take cheat meals when I'm out with the family now, instead of when I want to) and I will be able to focus on finishing the cycle out strong as I'm still hoping to gain another 9 or so pounds before starting pct in the hopes that after all is said and done I will be up at least 15 pounds.
05-05-2005, 07:40 PM #36Junior Member
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Weight 191. Made it through Wednesday chest workout better than I expected with my shoulder. Three working sets of incline presses @ 285 went well without much pain at all. Flat bench is usually worse so I backed off to 300 instead of 325 I had planned for the first set, got 6 reps pretty easy and not much pain at all so I stepped in up to 325 and got 2 sets of 4 solid reps, finished off with two good sets of 8 on dips with 110 pounds added.
Backed off the weight a bit on barbell rows today, I hated to do it but I know my form was getting sloppy and I wasn't getting as much out of them as I should be so I dropped down to 225 and tried to maintain form throughout the set, didn't go great but much better than some of the previous weeks, ready to hit the T-bar for rows the final four weeks.
05-09-2005, 06:28 PM #37Junior Member
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Made it to my summer work location and went to the local gym today for shoulder workout. As I had hoped the change in equipment took care of the shoulder pain. Got two sets of 6 @ 225 on shoulder presses and 2 sets of 6 with 95's on seated dumbell presses without any pain at all. Weight still at 191 so I'm going to try to up the calories to over 5000 per day for the final four weeks, even though this had been a bulking cycle I'm much more vascular now than when I started so I think I've lost some bodyfat while adding the 11 pounds.
05-15-2005, 05:18 PM #38Junior Member
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Weight 192 up 12 pounds through first 9 weeks. Pretty good week in the new gym. Switched excercises on my back workout to t-bar rows and seated rows as well as weighted chins, felt alot better than I had doing bent barbell rows for the past two months. Chest Day went pretty well 2 sets of 6 @ 285 on incline presses. 1 set of 6 @ 325 on flat bench second set got 5 reps at the same weight, had shoulder pain al lift off but not during the sets, forgot to bring my dip belt so couldn't go as heavy holding dumbell between my legs. Decent arm day ended the week on Friday couple of good sets at 175 on barbell curls for some reason dumbell curls with 85's felt much heavier than last week so dropped down to 80's and got 2 solid sets of 6. 3 sets of close grips at 275 went pretty good but had a lot of pain in right shoulder lifting off, need to find someone to help me but I'm working out in the morning and most of the time it is women and old people on the bikes and tradmills. Don't think I'm going to hit the 20 pound gain mark but hopefully I can pick up at least 1 pound per week over the final three weeks of the cycle.
05-22-2005, 03:46 PM #39Junior Member
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Weight 193 up 13 pounds through 10 weeks. Good week in the gym. Shoulders went well Monday without much pain. 2 sets of 6 with 95's on dumbell shoulder presses, stepping it up to 100's and maybe 105's tomorrow. Leg pressed 620 for 2 sets of 6 which is the best I've done in many years, no knee pain but they make a lot of nasty sounds during leg presses and squats. Good chest day Wednesday, 2 sets of 5 @ 295 pounds on Incline press and 2 sets of 6 @ 325 pounds on flat bench with just a little shoulder pain on lift offs. Pretty happy with arm workout on Friday 2 sets of 6 @ 285 on close grips and 2 sets of 6 with the stack on triceps pushdowns and finished off with a couple of sets of dips with 90 pounds added. Did several sets of barbell curls at 155 and 1 set of 5 at 175 and finished off with three sets of dumbell curls which I dropped down to 65's this week because I haven't been happy with my form and the feel of the curls with 85's. I liked the results did 2 sets of 6 in pretty strict form and got a huge pump, came home and measured my arms just for kicks while they were pumped came in just under 19 inches. Two more weeks of injections, hope to finish strong over the next month.
06-05-2005, 10:48 AM #40Junior Member
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Been awhile since I updated this. A tough couple of weeks as a death in the family sent me home and threw the last two planned weeks of the cycle out of whack. On top of that I ended up with a bad head cold (probably from the stress and lack of rest) I only missed one workout but a couple others were subpar after I caught sick. My diet suffered greatly when I had to go home and my rest was also greatly affected. Numbers in the gym actually stayed pretty good, up a little from my last posts or at least even depending on the excercise, weighted 192 yesterday morning up 12 pounds from the start with that number definetly suffering because of everything that has gone on the last two weeks. At any rate, the cold is for the most part gone now and I have enough gear left for one more week so I'm stretching this cycle to 13 weeks instead of 12 and hope to finish strong on all fronts. I'm planning to get back on a regular schedule updating this log several times a week through the end of pct.
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