Hello everyone I am new to the forum. First let me give you my stats I’m 5'6 185lbs BF16% arms 16 3/4 chest 44 in waist 33 1/2 legs 23 in. My current work out is below.

This is the cutting cycle I have been contemplating: 100mg Test E 1/wk, 300mg Tren E 1/wk or maybe 200mg Test E 1/wk, 400mg Tren E1/wk. This will be an 11-12 week cycle and my 2nd cycle
Any feed back will be appreciated.

Monday; upper chest, Bicp, Tri
upper chest 4x10 60lb dumbell
Tri's 4x10 sitting pullover 90lbs 3x10 cable pull downs
Bicp's 3x10 palm in pull ups 3x10 curls 60lbs

Tuesday; Back, Delts
Back 4x10 T bar row three 45 plates
Shrugs 315lbs 3x9
Delts 3x50 15lb dumbbells
Delts 3x10 overhead barbell 135lbs

Wednesday legs calfs
legs Hack squat 3x10 Squats 3x10 315lbs
Calf 6x15 315lbs

Thursday; chest, Bicep, Tri
chest 4x10 225lbs bar bell
Tri's 4x10 Dips W/45lbs 3x10 cable pull downs
Bicep’s 3x10 palm in pull ups 3x10 curls 60lbs

Friday; Back, Delts
Back 4x10 T bar row three 45 plates
Shrugs 315lbs 3x9
Delts 3x50 15lb dumbbells
Delts 3x10 overhead barbell 135lbs

Sat Sunday rest

I also do cardio for 45mins 3 times a week, any comments well be appreciated
Thank you